After returning to the residence, as soon as she turned on the light in the living room, Shen Xuefei wore a bear pajamas and opened the door sleepily.

"Why don't you sleep well, don't you want to have a Christmas interview? Han Zhe took off his coat and threw it on the sofa and raised his eyebrows.

"Good intentions are not rewarded!" Shen Xuefei touched the door and entered the house after speaking.

Han Zhezheng was a little inexplicable, Shen Xuefei opened the door again, and said angrily: "There is stewed chicken soup in the kitchen thermos bucket, please pour it out!"


Shen Xuefei closed the door again after speaking.

After Han Zhe was stunned for a moment, he reacted that he had misunderstood Shen Xuefei, and they had stewed chicken soup and waited for him to come back and tell him.

Of course, Han Zhe knew that her so-called dumping was insincere, and walked over to knock on the door to thank him, but after thinking about it, he turned around and went to the kitchen.

The thermos bucket was still hot after opening it in the living room, and the taste was slightly light, but overall it was not bad, not to mention that people are still a novice, and it is good to be able to do this.

As soon as Han Zhe took two sips, he heard a slight sound of the door opening not far behind him, but the corners of his mouth were raised, and he continued to drink in front of him knowing nothing.

Shen Xuefei opened a small crack at the door, secretly glanced at it and closed the door lightly, and after getting into bed, he was obviously relieved, and said to himself: "If this 013 fool really dares to fall down, I will definitely kill him, this soup has taken me a lot of effort!"

After Han Zhe drank the soup, he went to wash up and then went back to the room, opened his mobile phone and saw that there were a lot of missed calls and text messages, probably because he didn't hear the commotion in the bar before.

I took a look at the text messages first, most of them were Christmas wishes from friends, and there were several of them from Lori:

"Big idiot, why don't you answer my phone!"

"I see, you're going to fool around, I've heard that most players love to go to nightclubs!"

"Hmph, I won't call you back!"

"Hey, you're really not coming back, I'm not happy, and I wish you a happy Christmas!"

Han Zhe could imagine what little Lori looked like when she was angry and texting, and she wanted to call back, but when she saw that the time was quite late, she was afraid of disturbing her rest, so she sent a text message to wish her a Merry Christmas.

Han Zhe then just sent a group Christmas greeting, the phone rang, and as soon as it was connected, the other party asked in an unkind tone, "Where are you (adbh)?"

Han Zhe rolled his eyes, "You're not my mother, whatever."

Chloe was obviously choked, but he said, "As a friend, I care about you, I'm afraid you'll make mistakes!"

"Friend, you wish me a happy Christmas, friend!"

"Hmph, who told you not to answer my phone!"

The two chatted in this mode anyway, and it seemed that they were not all - they were not happy in their hearts, and they chatted for almost half an hour before hanging up the phone.

Han Zhe was infected by the festive atmosphere here, and he was also homesick, after all, he had never left his parents for so long when he was so old.

In the past, I sometimes felt that my parents were nagging at home, but now I miss that warm feeling when I recall it.

Thinking that it was already morning in China, Han Zhe made a call home, and his mother received the call for a while, and then began to talk about basketball, and Han Zhe was stunned for a while, because his mother said it secretly, as if she knew the NBA, and the characteristics of many stars were also analyzed.

Han Zhe felt that he had met a fake mother, he remembered that his parents were basketball laymen, and they only knew that scoring goals was scoring at most, and they didn't even understand the basic rules.

How did Han Zhe know that after he joined the NBA, his mother had become a serious friend, Han Zhe would not miss every game, and now he occasionally watches other teams' live webcasts, and loves to say a few words to others when he has nothing to do.

At first, Li Xuelan was half angry every day, because she couldn't spray others, this is not more swear than anyone else, everyone who understands the ball is sprayed by the technical characteristics of the player, she doesn't know anything and can't talk at all, she can only sulk.

For example, some people say that Han Zheru is who, and people say that she has no way to hold back her internal injuries, so Li Xuelan is disgusted and makes up for her basketball knowledge.

You say that my son is short, I can say that the other party has a weak jump, you say that my son is small, I can say that my son moves flexibly, you say that others play well in European steps, and I say that my son's butterfly steps are not bad.

Even if you spray my son for fighting, I can say that the other party has a malicious foul, or give an example of a bunch of stars who love to fight, and it can be said that this is the NBA!

In a word, pity the hearts of parents all over the world, even on the Internet, as parents, they don't want others to say bad things about their sons.

Han Zhe chatted with his mother for a long time and was reluctant to hang up the phone, but this time Li Xuelan took the initiative to hang up, because she knew that it was already late on Han Zhe's side, so let him rest early to ensure the quality of sleep.

The next day off, Han Zhe slept lazily, and then pulled Shen Xuefei to teach him to drive for a day.

The two of them are quite compatible, Shen Xuefei's main task is to pay attention to the dynamics of magic, Han Zhe is the focus, she is also idle on the magic holiday, and she can also get some small news from Han Zhe.

Although I didn't know that she lived with Han Zhe, I saw that she could often get some exclusive news about Han Zhe, which was also a recognition of her ability.

Han Zhe can be said to have no big problem driving now, but he is not familiar with reversing, the direction is not easy to grasp accurately, and he still needs to practice diligently, after all, this matter cannot be played, this is responsible for the lives of others, and it is also responsible for his own lives.

However, Han Zhe already remembered the written test almost, and planned to take the written test first.

In the afternoon, Luthor made a phone call, mainly to discuss and report the progress of Li Ning's side, and Han Zhe nodded in many aspects before he could enter the next step of negotiations.

However, according to Luther, it should be a matter of a day or two.


PS: Thank you to the boss of [Indulgent Youth] for giving 100 points. _

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