After a relaxing day at home, the seemingly never-ending game began, this ball is relatively large for people who like Han Zhe, and the magic away challenge the Bobcats!

After Han Zhe entered, he looked at the audience that had shrunk again, and he was also more emotional, the lynx had become a kitten again!

Now the Bobcat is not having a good time, although the inner line has been strengthened, but the run-in is not enough, and the role of these two people is definitely not as big as Han Zhe, now it is a bit of a return to the prototype, after Han Zhe left, they achieved a 1-7 pit record.

When the two teams warmed up, the players on both sides got together to communicate, Han Zhe didn't need it, he knew that he had a good relationship with the Bobcat players before, and now he is in constant contact.

Davis is also new to the Magic, so the Magic has someone who knows him very well.

"Walker, Ge Tie, what the hell have you been fighting all this time, it's too vegetable!" As soon as Han Zhe opened his mouth, Davis, who was unfamiliar with Han Zhe, frowned, and the Magic players were also a little embarrassed, feeling that this was a bit too much, this was mockery and contempt!

The first reaction of the Magic teammates was that the rumors were wrong, and Han Zhe and the Bobcats players didn't get along as well as everyone thought they were?

However, the next thing they knew was wrong, Mulens, Gordon, Henderson and Walker all laughed and came over to catch Han Zhe and punch him a few times, and sprayed him in the mouth like this.

Vaughn and they were startled at the beginning on the sidelines, thinking that Han Zhe had caused trouble again and was beaten, seeing that the team members did not react, Han Zhe also smiled and knew that they had misunderstood, this group of people were joking~.

After a while, Henderson smiled bitterly: "It's not your kid's pot yet, I used to throw the ball at you and it's over, but now I don't know how to play ball!"

Han Zhe had a black line after hearing this, this is a terrible level.

In fact, Han Zhe can also roughly think of the reason, now that the two main forces have been added, the cooperation must not be smooth, the most important thing is of course his departure, Han Zhe was the core of the Bobcat organization before, and as soon as he leaves, everyone will definitely not be used to it.

Walker is definitely very qualified or even excellent in playing the No. 1 position, but he is afraid of comparison, he is far worse than Han Zhe, whether it is the ability to break through and tear the defensive line, or the vision and passing accuracy, it cannot be compared.

"We'll go to the party after the game in a while, it's still the Chinese restaurant!" Gordon invited.

Han Zhe said with a smile: "I have to agree with the coach, but I don't think it's a big problem, so don't you want to bribe me with a meal, I will hit you with all your firepower in a while!"

As soon as Han Zhe's voice fell, he gained a middle finger!

Then the two sides officially began to warm up in their respective halves.

Su Qun said: "The two teams are quite harmonious, it seems that the relationship between Han Zhe and the old players is still very good, and he laughed as soon as he came." "

Zhang Weiping said: "The Magic are out of state now, but the Bobcat is not having a good time now, it feels like it is a bit of a collapse, and the record has begun to plummet again, and the arrival of the two interior players has not played much of a role at present, which is very inconsistent with expectations." "

Vaughn has nothing special to explain in this game, the Bobcat is now the belly of the fish, as long as the Magic can play a normal tactical level, it should not be difficult to take down the Bobcat.

It's just that after the opening, everyone found out that there is, that is, Han Zhe began to play the full-time No. 1 position, basically organizing attacks, and the frequency of shots is very small.

Domestic netizens laughed when they saw it:

"I'm quite affectionate and righteous!"

This is Han Zhe's style, and the release of water is just and bright. "

"If you lose the game, it is estimated that Han Zhe will be beaten by his teammates and coaches"

"Can't lose, Han Zhe didn't release water in organizing the offense, he just didn't shoot much, the magic shooting rate couldn't go up, the lynx definitely still had to hang, but it wouldn't be too ugly. "

"Upstairs is correct, don't look at Han Zhe without waves, he was born in the No. 1 position, and he is as strong as organizing attacks. "

Everyone is indeed right, Han Zhe is now playing the traditional No. 1 position, what is the traditional No. 1 position, that is, he is basically only responsible for the ball control organization, rarely makes shots, and is all serving the team.

And the current No. 1 position, in fact, is developing towards a dual-energy guard, that is, if there is nothing to do, it will be a double-energy guard, and if it is not played well, it will be a double-can't, and it can only waste offensive opportunities.

After Han Zhe's full-time assistance, the Magic teammates felt the horror of Han Zhe's organizational ability for the first time, and all kinds of pulls and exquisite passes made them play very well.

Especially Avralo and Vucevic have a lot of chances.

After the first quarter, seeing that the Magic were leading by 8 points, Su Qun sighed: "Han Zhe playing a full-time point guard reminds me of a person, and I think many viewers in front of the TV have also thought of it, that's right, it's Nash, he, like Nash, can dominate the game even if he doesn't stand up and score." "

0·· Asking for flowers...

Zhang Weiping also smiled and said that Han Zhe played very chic even if he played soy sauce, but the main reason was that the lynx was too weak, there was no sense of hierarchy when defending, and there was no cooperation when attacking, so how to play.

In fact, many people are very strange, the Bobcats are not very bad now, but they just can't play a good game, they are fish belly when they meet strong teams, and they are still fish belly when they meet fish belly.

The game continued, and after the third quarter, the difference between the two teams was not large, the score was 82-76, and the Magic led by 6 points.

This is also normal, because throughout the third quarter, most of the main players of the Magic basically rested on the bench, and today's game can be said to be the easiest game they played.

...... 0

After the opening of the last quarter, all the main forces of the Magic came on the court, and Gordon came over and said dissatisfied: "Don't play soy sauce like a girl, show your strength to play well, we are not as weak as you think!"

"Are you sure?" said Han Zhe with a smirk.

"Come on!" Walker replied.

"OK!OK!I'm happy to meet this kind of request!" Han Zhe finished speaking and ran away to catch the ball.

Soon everyone saw the change in Magic, or the change in Han Zhe, and as soon as Han Zhe started, he threw off Walker and threw in a three-pointer.

Bobcat counterattacked Davis and hit a mid-range shot, Han Zhe controlled the ball to the front court and made a two-one-one with Avlalo, rushed to the basket and forced a layup, hitting Mullens a 2+1.

Next, it can be said that Han Zhe completely took over the game, three points, breakthroughs, mid-range shots, dunks, and various scoring methods were performed one by one, and the Bobcat was beaten into a sieve!

At the end of the game, the score was fixed at 112-90, and all the Bobcats players hated Han Zhe with itchy expressions, and after the end, Gordon hammered him twice with great momentum as revenge!

Of course, the most complicated mood is the Bobcat fans on the scene, but when Han Zhe scored a wonderful goal before, they still gave sparse applause, after all, Han Zhe has also made great contributions to them.


PS: Thanks to the boss of [T-T Yu] for tipping 588 points.

Thanks to the boss of [abcd520] for tipping 588 points.

Thanks to the boss of [Gone with the Wind] for rewarding 100 points. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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