Of course, Lu Thore kept an eye on all the movements about Han Zhe, and after discovering that Li Ning was being falsely advertised everywhere, he immediately called to ask what the hell this was.

Although he was at the scene of the advertisement at the time, he knew that both the content of the advertisement and the publicity were true, but at present, it was so lively, he was afraid that it would affect Han Zhe's reputation.

After communicating with Li Ning for a while, Lu Thor scolded and hung up the phone, turned to Han Zhe and said, "They are all profiteers, they can be explained clearly, but they have to drag it out to see the excitement!"

Han Zhe said with disdain: "Don't care about talking about others, when you negotiate with others, you are also a profiteer, and there are really fewer and fewer pure people like me!"

"Han, you're getting more and more assholes, I'm not negotiating for you to get more benefits!" Luthor felt like he was being slandered.

Han Zhe pursed his lips, "Since you think about me so much, how about taking less commission or free services?"

Luther: "..."

After Han Zhe went home, Shen Xuefei also came to Han Zhe with a notebook, pointed to the sonic advertisement that was playing, and said: "Li Ning is too irresponsible, isn't this putting you on the fire and roasting, you can sue them!"

"Sue them for what?" Han Zhe asked with a puzzled expression.

Shen Xuefei's eyes widened and she said angrily: "Of course, if you sue them for false propaganda and affect your reputation, not only can you terminate the contract, but also make them lose money, you will definitely win this lawsuit!"

After Han Zhe was stunned for a moment, he smiled "poof", understood that Shen Xuefei had also misunderstood, and said with a smile: "I really can't win this lawsuit!"

Shen Xuefei was unconvinced and said: "Han Zhe, why are you so cowardly, people are using your name to hype up, you don't dare to sue him, if you don't know a good lawyer, I will introduce you, this kind of lawsuit will definitely win!"

"I really can't win, I dare to sue the plaintiff to become the defendant, and there is no false publicity!" Han Zhe replied funny, but he was still a little grateful, knowing that Shen Xuefei cared about him and was afraid that he would suffer.

"How can you not win... Belch... What are you talking about?, there is no false propaganda?" After Shen Xuefei reacted, her mouth opened into a cute "O" shape.

Han Zhe didn't tease her anymore, nodded and said: "This advertisement has not been edited in the first place, do you think Li Ning is stupid, this kind of big enterprise also cares about its reputation, how dare you talk nonsense and die for the sake of publicity!"

Han Zhe completely ignored Shen Xuefei's shocked little eyes, and said to himself: "At first, they originally planned to let me use a spring bed, and then edit it in post-production, but who am I? I am a flying Han Chaoren, isn't it insulting to me that this simple action also depends on post-production!"

Han Zhe bragged to himself and bragged about it, and he had fallen into the appearance of a dog, but now it is easy to say.

"Really... Really, what a dunk without aids!" stuttered a little.

"I don't have sugar to eat if I lied to you!" Han Zhe said.

"Then can I blow up the inside story?" asked Shen Xuefei excitedly.

"No one is stopping you!"

"Yay! Thank you!"

After Shen Xuefei finished speaking, she excitedly sighed on Han Zhe's face, and after coming back to her senses, both of them were stunned, and the atmosphere was very embarrassing for a while!

"That's... I'm going to write!" Shen Xuefei picked up her notebook and hurriedly ran to her room.

"Li Ning, I don't know if I tell you or not, if I kiss me again, I will definitely sue you!" Han Zhe touched his face and muttered to himself, a typical slut who is cheap and obedient.

Then Han Zhe laughed suddenly, "This stupid girl, you have to be believed if you want to report!"

Han Zhe was right, Shen Xuefei finished writing the manuscript and sent it directly to the official website of Hupu, the general content is that she herself has verified with Han Zhe through special channels, this advertising action Han Zhe did not use auxiliary tools and special effects, that is to say, Li Ning's propaganda is real!

Not long after the post was sent, Shen Xuefei was angry, because she was also sprayed as a dog.

"Shen Xuefei, how much money did Li Ning give you?"

"I didn't expect you to be like this, Shen Xuefei!"

"Shen Xuefei, you have fallen, I miss the simple you before!"

"My goddess has also started to engage in fake news, my heart hurts!"

"Editor, your mother told you to go back to dinner!"

Not only did netizens spray, but the editor-in-chief over there called her directly to scold her, Shen Xuefei is now almost considered Han Zhe's royal reporter, and her internal status is getting higher and higher, and her authority to post on the website is also very large, so she basically doesn't have to go through the review, because she can often get instant messages from Han Zhe, and she is afraid that the review will take too long and delay the posting time.

As a result, now that Shen Xuefei is openly posting "fake news", of course the editor-in-chief is angry, giving you permission is not for you to post indiscriminately, and the reputation of the website is still missing!

Shen Xuefei was so angry that she didn't ask Han Zhe next door to come over to answer the phone, but fortunately she held back, otherwise this news would be hotter than this advertisement!

In the end, Shen Xuefei explained for a long time, and then hung up the phone in disbelief, although she didn't delete her post, nor did she push it, so that it floated and sank freely in the sea!

Shen Xuefei then asked Han Zhe again to confirm the authenticity, if Han Zhe teased her, she would be really miserable, a fake news will seriously affect her credibility and image, after all, she is now a very well-known reporter, not a paparazzi.

After Shen Xuefei left, Han Zhe secretly scolded a goblin, because Shen Xuefei came over in a hurry, and knocked on the door in thin pajamas, the key is that there seems to be nothing in the clothes, so that Han Zhe's dead house has suffered tons of critical damage!

Although Han Zhe was a little distracted, he still forced himself to go to bed early, because tomorrow the All-Star Contest officially began, and he had to keep up his spirit and perform well.

After all, the All-Star is the NBA's most dazzling display stage, and the world doesn't know how many viewers are staring in front of the TV these days, just to see the big guys show their style.

Anyway, are you a big guy now?

Han Zhe thought about this somewhat complicated question and gradually fell asleep!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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