The next day, February 15, local time.

Han Zhe teamed up with Vucevic to go to the Toyota Center early in the morning, and the rookie competition was supposed to start in the evening, but they had to go to training in advance.

After all, this is a mess of players forming a team randomly, although this game is entertainment, it can't be too pitted, at least the players have to be familiar with each other.

Han Zhe and Vucevic arrived around 10 a.m. accompanied by their respective agents, and although training didn't start until around 10:30, most of the players who participated in the Rookie Challenge arrived.

"Han, you're finally here, I thought you overslept!" Walker grinned and gave Han Zhe a hug.

Michael also came over to say hello to Han Zhe warmly, and the two old Bobcats teammates were also participants.

Han Zhe chatted with them and then introduced Vucevic to them, although most of these rookies on the field had met, but few had any friendships.

The second-year students still have some acquaintances, and the first-graders are basically stunned, after all, they are still rookies when they first enter the NBA, and there are not many people like Han Zhe who have changed teams as soon as they come, so naturally there are few acquaintances who know each other.

"We'll be on a team in a moment!" said Walker, cheerfully.

Last year, the All-Star system was restructured, and it used to be a first-year and second-year play, and now it is a first-year and second-year mixed formation, so the second-year Walker and them may really play together.

"Han, look who's coming!" Michael motioned for Han Zhe to look behind him.

Han Zhe turned his head and looked happy, it turned out to be Bill, who had been abused as a dog with him before.

Than glanced at them and walked away with his head down!

Soon the scene was divided into several places, with friends sitting in twos and threes, and those without friends sitting stupidly on the side.

Later, Irving, a sophomore of the Cavaliers, and Lillard, a Trail Blazer, seemed to be more interested in Han Zhe and came over to chat a few words.

At half past ten, two bald heads appeared to the whistles and applause of the players!

"I guess we don't need to introduce ourselves, if you don't know the two of us, it just means that you are fake NBA players!"

As soon as the shorter bald head finished speaking, the other smashed the field, "I must know each other, saying that big sharks know, let me introduce you, the one next to him is called Buckley, it seems that he used to play basketball, whatever..."

As soon as O'Neal and Barkley appeared, they made everyone laugh.

These two are their team leaders or coaches today, and the rookies will be divided into two groups, with O'Neal and Barkley leading one group to fight.

"Oh, Han, we finally met today, if you don't know me, I will be very sad!" Barkley turned his head to see Han Zhe, and hugged him very warmly.

O'Neal rolled his eyes and showed contempt for Barkley who looked like a star chaser, and the other players were not surprised, because they listened to Barkley boast about Han Zhe on the live broadcast!

"You are the most fair and discerning person in the commentary, how could I not know you!" Han Zhe also smiled and patted Barkley on the back.

O'Neill complained: "Why don't you two play in a team!"

These were all jokes, and soon both sides officially selected them, and O'Neal and Barkley originally wanted the players to choose them, but after discussing it, they gave up.

Although this is an exhibition match, it has to be enjoyable, the gap between strength and weakness cannot be too big, if the stronger players are in a team, then it is still a hair!

The two of them then started a detachment of you and me, of course Han Zhe was the first to be chosen by Barkley, O'Neill knew that the protest was ineffective, because Barkley admired Han Zhe and was well known, he didn't want to fight with Barkley here!

O'Neal is not the one who suffers, and immediately selected Owen, who has performed well in the past two seasons.

Next, Barkley picked Vucevic, O'Neal picked Davis, Barkley picked Walker, and O'Neal Lillard.

The final assignment is: O'Neal: Irving, Lillard, Davis, Thompson, West, Parsons, Zeller, Littles, Nicholson, Beal.

The Barkley team is: Han Zhe, Farid, Walker, Vucevic, Michael, Knight, Thomas, Leonard, Rubio, Shevid.

After this grouping came out, Barkley looked proud, he was also good enough, and he caught a bunch of Han Zhe's new and old teammates, which made Han Zhe cry and laugh.

However, Han Zhe is still happy to be able to fight side by side with his old friends again.

Then the two teams trained separately, and it was actually just for the players to get to know each other and then get acquainted with their temporary positions on the field.

After everyone's positions were assigned, Barkley only let them briefly practice the triangle offensive tactics that each team would have, mainly to familiarize themselves with the feeling of passing, as for what they want to talk about, it's.

However, Barkley's selection of Han Zhe's new and old teammates is not purely fun, Han Zhe and these people still have a very tacit understanding, and it is much better to form a team with them than to team them up randomly.

The second is that nothing is important with the cooperation, this kind of game encourages singles, and the players generally don't take their defense too seriously, mainly for entertainment and scoring performances.

After about an hour and a half of training, Barkley and O'Neal shamelessly announced the end of training, saying that the players had been trained by them.

Before going to dinner, they also have a task, that is, they have to be interviewed by TNT in turn, which is an inherent convention, which is also one of TNT's prerogatives.

Of course, today journalists do not and are not allowed to ask nonsense questions.

The basic question routine is, how are you feeling, are you nervous, what do you have to say to the fans and opponents, what are your expectations for your performance on the field, etc.

After Han Zhe finished coping, he went to have a lively meal with a group of people, and as for the afternoon, it was their free time.

You can play in the stadium or go out for a walk, but for everyone's safety, the league still hopes that everyone will not go out here, if something happens, it will not be good.

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