When O'Neal's team attacked, Han Zhe faced Owen, and he just followed and intercepted it appropriately and let him pass, and he didn't defend with all his strength, after all, today is mainly entertainment, it's best to let everyone have a chance to show off, if you suppress people too hard, it will be too much!

Owen cut directly to the basket, and Vucevic didn't shoot with all his strength, let alone foul, so that Owen also dunked one!

Naturally, the audience also gave warm applause, this kind of basketball looks enjoyable!

Next, Han Zhe pulled people away from the outside, divided the ball and Walker asked him to shoot three points, and Walker did not hesitate to shoot, but the iron did not go in, and Walker made a funny appearance of jumping straight with his feet in anger, which caused the audience to laugh.

After the opponent got the rebound, he launched an attack, and then the big man Davis also showed off or spoofed, ran to the outside and shot a three-point shot in a very awkward posture, but he didn't expect to be caught by him, which caused laughter all over the court.

The Barkley team attacked, Han Zhe gave the ball to Michael after cutting inside this time, and let him show one, after Michael rushed to the basket, Parsons was also very face-saving, and let Michael rush over in a few clicks.

When Michael raised the ball with one hand and just jumped to dunk, the whole audience was silent, and then a burst of exclamations broke out, and Han Zhe couldn't help frowning, because Davis actually chased Michael from behind.

Although Han Zhe was not very happy, he didn't care too much, because this kind of game occasionally defended a few seriously.

However, when they attacked again, and Vucevic was also pulled down by Davis for a foul and almost fell, Han Zhe scolded Davis loudly on the spot, "FUCK. YOU!"

Seeing Han Zhe angrily and ready to walk over, Owen next to him hurriedly hugged Han Zhe away, but Owen and their teammates also glanced at Davis dissatisfied.

This goal is indeed a bit excessive, and in fact, there are unspoken rules in this kind of game, although the front can also be seriously defended, but the first goal is released by default.

Neither Michael nor Vucevic have yet to score, so it is enough to defend the ball, let alone stop it with a direct foul.

At this time, the referee blew the whistle and ran over, and there was a boo at the scene, because not only Han Zhe looked like he was going to fight, but Vucevic was also angry, and walked over and hit Davis the chest, and both of them pushed and shouted.

Michael was also not happy with Davis, and also jumped over, but was stopped by Parsons!

The major commentators suddenly became excited, I didn't expect an exhibition match to smell of gunpowder so strong, this is the rhythm of doing things!

However, this time, no one said that Han Zhe was wrong, at most they were a little impulsive, because Davis's two goals were really unkind and a bit of a rule-breaker.

In the end, some well-informed commentators began to break the news and analyze, and they thought that the first point of Davis's fault was because he was detained by Han Zhe at the beginning, but that time he was on TV and reported, and Davis lost face.

Second, that is, I heard that they played bullfighting in groups this afternoon, and Davis's team was also abused by Han Zhe and their current combination, and I guess I was unhappy and wanted to find a field!

Third, Davis is the new champion of this year, but he is not only pressed by Han Zhe, but also by a rookie like Lillard, who is also lower than him, and he is naturally unhappy.

After O'Neal and Barkley glanced at each other, they also stepped forward speechlessly to separate the chaotic players, although they thought that fighting was a trivial matter, but today was not a good day to fight!

All-stars fight, is this because their lives are too moist!

You know, now the NBA boss and Mr. Houston are sitting in the stands!

The scene also gave the two bigwigs a close-up, but the two of them talked and laughed and didn't seem to care about it, Stern also smiled and waved at the camera, and immediately received boos from the audience...

The referee gave the players a headache and signaled for the game to continue.

The next game was interesting, when Davis took the ball and squeezed Michael away and was about to make a layup, Han Zhe, who was supplemented, came to a bloody cap.

"If you don't know how to be a man, I'll teach you to be a man, phew!" Han Zhe walked away with a disdainful face after spitting on the ground, and also high-fived his teammates to celebrate the success of the block, Davis was so angry that his teeth itched.

Davis is really not convinced, and today he just wants to slap Han Zhe and their team in the face to prove his strength!

Su Qun: "Leonard shook off Parsons and dunked successfully, beautiful! O'Neal's team launched a fast attack, Irving broke through with the ball, and the ball was distributed to Davis under the basket, Davis jumped up and prepared to dunk, wow! Vucevic and Michael hit back and forth, pressing him hard!"

"O'Neal attacked, Davis pushed away Vucevic turned and dunked... Belch... Han Zhe made up for the defense in time and gave Davis a big hat from behind!"

Netizens are also too happy:

"Brother Thick Eyebrows, this is his own death!

"Dare to offend the careful-eyed Han Zhe, in silence!"

"He obviously also Vucevic and Michael, and now the Barkley team is guarding no one, and they are all staring at Davis cleaning up!"

The audience at the scene couldn't help but laugh, the other offense and defense of the two teams were normal, but now as soon as the ball is in Davis's hands, it will change its taste, Davis must be taken care of, Han Zhe doesn't care about Owen, he doesn't look like he does anything, and he wanders around the inside line if he has nothing to do!

However, the audience is used to watching the water release battle, and now it is quite interesting to suddenly watch this kind of alternative competition, and from time to time they make a fuss!

After the first quarter, everyone scored well, and Davis only had a hard four points, which he got with a three-pointer and 1-of-2 free throws, and he was stared at in the sports battle that followed, and he didn't score a point!

If it was a normal game, Han Zhe and they couldn't crush him to death so much, but this kind of entertainment game, Han Zhe and they don't care, everyone else can enter if they want to, they don't bother to care, they just stare at Davis, he doesn't force anyone hard.

Davis also did it himself, he stabbed the hornet's nest as soon as he came, he didn't die, who died!

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