Two minutes after playing in the second quarter, Han Zhe was still feeding his teammates to score, but soon Vucevic and Walker told him that they were almost there, and they had performed everything that should be performed, so that Han Zhe could score more points for himself.

In addition to Leonard, teammates and Han Zhe are better, and they know that it is estimated that it will be difficult to impact the MVP of the rookie game, so naturally Han Zhe is not welcome, and Owen on the opposite side has scored a lot, but he can't cheapen the other party.

Han Zhe is not hypocritical, the next thing is his scoring show, these rookies will not be able to pose much of a threat to Han Zhe even if they defend with all their might, not to mention that today except for Davis who wants to prevent Han Zhe from dying, the others are not desperate.

However, Davis wants to prevent Han Zhe from killing him, he can't do it yet, at most he relies on fouls to prevent Han Zhe from scoring baskets, Han Zhe also has a bad temper, it seems that he is more energetic than Davis, and now he is obviously very good at shooting three points, but he wants to go to the basket to scare Davis.

At first, they thought that Han Zhe was just disgusting Davis, but when Davis fouled Han Zhe again halfway through the second quarter, Han Zhe suddenly grinned, and then made a flying kiss to Davis in the inexplicable eyes of all the players, and said "Goodbye".

However, then not only the players were stunned, Davis was dumbfounded, and the audience was in an uproar at first, and then burst into laughter, because the referee also came over speechlessly to signal Davis to leave the field with six fouls!

Neither Davis nor the players on the court noticed that Davis had fouled so many times.

Thinking about Han Zhe's goodbye just now, everyone glanced at Han Zhe with strange expressions, it was obvious that Han Zhe was not just disgusting Davis when he rushed to the basket before, this was digging a hole for him!

If the players in the usual game will pay attention to their foul counts, the coach will also remind them, but today the situation is different, no one would have thought that there were six fouls in the rookie game, and Davis himself didn't pay attention to it, which is funny, the rookie game was actually sent out of the game!

"Damn!bastard!FUCK!" Davis was completely blown up, and it looked like he wanted to jump over and fight with Han Zhe, but Han Zhe didn't look at him at all, but was quite annoying and high-fived them with Vucevic to celebrate Davis's departure!

Davis also shouted noisily and was persuaded by the referee and O'Neill to sit on the sidelines!

The network also blew up:

"I can only say 666!"

"I'm going! What's new, six fouls in the rookie game, haha..."

"Davis also did it himself, and he deserved so many fouls in the entertainment game!"

"That's right, no one forced him to foul, you see how the other players didn't foul, they deserved it!"

"Davis should thank Han Zhe, score four points, six fouls, it must be on the news, haha!"

After Davis left, the game was actually back on track, and now both sides played normally, no one would deliberately target anyone, they were all encouraging scoring performances, only occasionally taking a serious guard, and the happy audience quickly forgot about the depressed Davis.

With four minutes left in the third quarter, the two teams went up and down again to let the other group play.

In fact, now everyone understands that although the two groups on the field are starters, they are the ones who accompany them, and the real main force is the group that has just left the game.

However, O'Neal and Barkley still gave them some time to perform, and they were replaced halfway through the third quarter.

Now everyone knows that the next group should not be on again, and the main drama is only starting now.

After Han Zhe and the others came on the court again, they thought about it almost the same as the audience, and they all played a lot more seriously, just now it was considered the scoring performance part, and now they have entered the competitive part and started to win or lose.

Neither team defended much before, the success rate was naturally high, and the point difference was not large, and it was currently 78-76 O'Neal with a two-point lead.

Han Zhe, who played again, was really unkind this time, and after shaking off Irving, he kicked off with a three-point shot.

When O'Neal's team attacked, Owen also learned Han Zhe's defensive strength, and when he was just playing a trick and preparing to break through, Han Zhe reached out to steal and then scored a fast break counterattack dunk.

Now it's a tough fight, the two teams also cheered up, Irving was a lot more cautious when facing Han Zhe again, but he found that he couldn't get rid of Han Zhe with all his might, and finally scored Lillard's three-point shot!

Switching offense and defense, Han Zhe obviously still played very relaxed, played Owen hard, and used the magic three points that had been labeled with his personal label.

The atmosphere of the scene was instantly ignited, and many of the audience knew about Han Zhe's trick, but there were very few people who had seen it on the spot, but I didn't expect to be lucky enough to see it today!

Owen glanced at Han Zhe with a depressed face, needless to say, he knew that Han Zhe was not kind, they had a good chat before, but he didn't expect this guy to make him a background emperor in a blink of an eye!

"Count me wrong!, or should I let you go?" Han Zhe said with a grin.

Owen's eyes widened, "Don't look down on people, if you have the ability, you can prevent me from killing, and the next ball will let you see how powerful I am!"

After a while, Owen complained with a depressed face: "Even if this bastard has a strong offense, his defense is so strong, damn it!"

That's right, Owen beat Han Zhe and was robbed again.

Looking at Han Zhe's back and Owen was also a little helpless, although they had already fought once in the regular season, Han Zhe did not stand against him that time, so his understanding of Han Zhe's offensive and defensive abilities was far less intuitive than it is now.

He used to think that the difference in strength between the two was not big, but now he finally understood why it was Han Zhe who dared to argue with James instead of him!

The next game is about to become Han Zhe's personal show, Han Zhe's style of play is quite simple, that is, a three-point rain poured down, and the O'Neal team was unable to parry.

The audience also intuitively understood the power of the current league's No. 1 sharpshooter, and some veteran stars who watched the game also watched the game and smashed their mouths, and only by watching the game on the spot could they experience the horror of Han Zhe's projection ability.

Han Zhe's shooting is not only accurate, but also extremely fast, often throwing the ball when he catches it, and he doesn't even adjust the action, but he is also accurate, which is very incomprehensible.

In the fourth quarter, O'Neill made a tactical adjustment, that is, to trap Han Zhe!

After Han Zhe was trapped, it was really difficult to throw three points, but he immediately began to show his ball-handling skills and breakthrough ability to the audience again, Irving and Lillard did not work at all on his bag, and he was often violently dunked under the basket!

Han Zhe can be said to have been crazy to attract fans during this time, because Han Zhe, who is full of firepower, is a bit out of the crowd in this group of rookies, and the rookies they used to think were very powerful are a little bit inadequate compared to Han Zhe.

The game was not over yet, the Magic fans present were the first to shout MVP, and then the whole audience began to chant MVP, although everyone did not say their names, but anyone knew who they called!

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