After Han Zhe came on the court, almost all the audience stood up, and before he could dunk it, someone was shaking with a ten, which was to encourage him to make another awesome dunk, don't play soy sauce!

Han Zhe has the foundation of his previous performance, of course everyone is looking forward to his performance in this ball, dunking Howard, Carty, Griffin, Rose, Kobe and others are also sitting on the sidelines waiting for Han Zhe's performance, whether they like Han Zhe or not, they are at least convinced by Han Zhe's dunk.

Su Qun said: "At present, Green and White have only scored a guaranteed score, as long as Han Zhe chooses a more stable action to complete, he will definitely be able to represent the East in the finals, and then let's see if Han Zhe will choose to be conservative or show off a flying immortal like the first ball!"

The audience was also discussing:

"I think it's okay to stabilize this ball, anyway, White and Green have already committed suicide, and Han Zhe can advance even if he plays a big windmill casually!"

"Although it is obviously the best choice to stabilize and advance, I still look forward to Han Zhe being able to make another wonderful dunk!"

"It's the same in a tangle, I want Han Zhe to enter the finals steadily, and I want to watch a bullish performance, but the bullish performance is risky, if Han Zhe has a strong head, he will commit suicide like Green!"

"Failure in the performance is a trivial matter, I'm afraid that Han Zhe will be injured, if the ball falls before, it will be miserable!"

"I think it's impossible to make soy sauce with Han Zhe's urine nature, if you don't believe it, we'll see!"

The camera is given to the Chinese stars, and it is obvious that they are also very nervous, and they are all watching the game attentively, although there may not be a few people here who can basketball except for Wrinkled Jay, but they will watch the dunk drift if it is not beautiful or stupid!

The Barkleys, of course, were also bragging.

Smith said: "Han's previous ball is the most wonderful dunk I've ever seen, I hope he doesn't make a hasty decision with this ball!"

O'Neal followed: "Han Zhe should be very exciting even if he performs a random one, the ball just now has already reflected his super bounce and stagnation, he not only completed this super dunk at one time, but also seems to be not reluctant at all." "

Barkley said: "With what I know about Han Zhe, this guy is not a person who seeks stability, and it is estimated that this ball will not be finished casually!"

After the staff installed the net, Han Zhe took the ball and walked to the zero angle of the bottom line in the limelight.

The audience was a little disappointed when they saw this, because this distance was obviously not the ultra-long-distance gliding and flying buckle before the performance!

However, everyone's expectations are still very high, and even the five judges stood up and stared at Han Zhe, curious about how he would show off this ball!

Han Zhe slapped the ball on the spot a few times, and after finding a feeling, he began to sprint to the basket.

After arriving at the basket, Han Zhe flew up and jumped, and the height alone frightened a group of people, and other people's heads felt awesome when the basket was flat, and Han Zhe had almost surpassed the basket by a head.

Han Zhe didn't simply show off his height, when he took off, his body spun twice in the air like a spinning top, and he also completed the crotch change of hands when he rotated into the air.

When Han Zhe flew in front of the basket, the height was just decreasing, Han Zhe slid off the basket with a slight bow, and then blew up the basket with one hand behind his back!


After Han Zhe landed, the whole audience exploded instantly, screams came and went, and countless players on the sidelines were also excited!

Yao Ming also held his head with his hands and showed a dumbfounded look, and some of the other judges burst into foul mouths.

Green also applauded and shook his head with a wry smile on the sidelines, this kind of difficult dunk killed him can't do.

White was stunned, and he lost his mind to compete in an instant, he was not at the same level as others at all, whether it was his jumping ability and skills, the gap was too big, and his strongest buckle general was a joke in front of Han Zhe!

Su Qun yelled: "Beautiful! Han Zhe didn't disappoint us, it was another incredible dunk, Han Zhe turned 720 degrees in the air and also completed the crotch hand, and also glided over the basket with one hand to look back at the moon and dunk."

This ball is so gorgeous, I'm sorry, I think my language is a bit barren in front of this ball, because I can't describe the beauty of this ball and the shock in my heart in any way!"

Zhang Weiping was stunned for a while before he held back a sentence, "This is a great goal!"

Netizens also exploded:

"Sympathize with Su Qun, because I can't describe the shock of this ball!"

"What's not to describe, it's so picturesque!"

"This ball can't be described as picturesque or perfect!"

"Indeed! If Han Zhe's first ball is simply to show bounce, this ball is a perfect collection of bounce, stagnation, technique and ball sense, too hanging!"

TNT is also roaring wildly, "What do I say! I say what I say! I know that this guy Han will have an amazing performance!"

"Game.over!" O'Neal threw away his headphones and stood up with his hands crossed and waved, shouting "Gameover" in his mouth, signaling that the game was over!

Although everyone knows that O'Neal is joking, many people do agree with what he said, and it is not an exaggeration to announce that the game is over and give him the trophy based on Han Zhe's two dunks just now!

Every time the big screen plays back, the audience will let out a scream, and the white expanse is a jungle of paper composed of "10 points".

Han Zhe's ball is indeed a bunker, first of all, the 720-degree rapid rotation is already gorgeous, and the 720-degree rotation dunk can be said to be more than 10 points, and he also added a crotch change hand gliding back dunk, which is another super-score combination action against the sky!

For some dunks, it is very good to be able to perfectly make a 360-degree aerial rotation dunk, as long as the posture is stretched enough, it is possible to score 10 points.

Moreover, even if this ball does not rotate, just the crotch change hand and gliding back buckle are absolutely full marks, before Bledsoe just wanted to do the crotch change hand back buckle failed, but now Han Zhe has directly added a awesome combination to his action!

In 86, Weber was the champion of the 360-degree turn, and in 2000, Kate was also the champion of the 360-degree turn, so if you break down Han Zhe's action, you can win several championships, and it is no wonder that the audience is shocked.

Han Zhe himself was also very satisfied, beat his chest hard, and then excitedly hugged his teammates and Kolo one by one.

Although he is sure to complete this action, he is not sure to complete it at one time, and now he has succeeded in one time, and he is still very excited!

There was no suspense, all the judges gave ten points, and the judges all stepped forward to hug Han Zhe, and then said that they were looking forward to his performance in the last round!


PS: Thank you to the boss of [I love Xiaoyunyun] for tipping 100 points.

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