After Han Zhe finished the deduction, the western players are more bitter than bitter melons, this is more than a begging, if Han Zhe's first deduction is still thought to be a fluke, the second deduction will make people shut up!

Two consecutive difficult dunks can't be summed up by luck and luck, which is a reflection of strength.

The first player in the West was Faried, who scored only 39 points in the first round.

Faried took the ball to the free throw line, then threw the ball and hit the board, and the man also rushed over and jumped, and after receiving the ball in the air, he changed hands under his crotch to dunk the basketball and scored!

The scene suddenly remembered some applause, Han Zhe and others also applauded, this ball is very difficult for a big man like Farid, and it is still good to change hands and dunk under the crotch of catching the ball in the air.

If it weren't for Han Zhe's previous performance, this ball might have been able to score fifty points, but compared with Han Zhe's buckle just now, it was too much worse, and Han Zhe's crotch change hand and reverse buckle, one of Han Zhe's combination actions, was stronger than his.

If the judges give 50 points, even if Han Zhe doesn't speak, the audience will have to spray them to death, although the audience also applauded, but most of them gave seven points and eight points, which can see the audience's attitude!

In the end, Yao Ming gave 9, and the others also scored 8 or 9 points, and the last three 8 points and two 9 points, Farid scored 42 points.

Because Farid scored too low on the first dunk, only 39 points, he didn't qualify well.

The second to play was Bledsoe, who also scored only 39 points on the first dunk.

Bledsoe stood outside the three-point line, threw the ball high on the floor, let it go straight to the basket, and after jumping, he just caught the ball that bounced off the ground, and in the air he half-turned to make a reverse windmill, and dunked the ball with his back.

This goal is also more exciting, but it is still the same sentence, if you put it in peacetime, it may be a perfect score, but today it looks too ordinary, and the final score is also 42 points, and the score in both rounds is the same as Farid.

If the final Evans score is lower than them, they will have to play an extra round, however, everyone knows that there is a high probability that these two will be eliminated, because Evans has a higher score than them in the first deduction, and if this round plays steadily, they should be able to reach the final and meet Han Zhe!

Evans is not easy, he has to ensure that he has more than 40 points to enter the finals in the end, if it was before, it is not difficult to score 40 points, but according to the scores of the two just now, it is not difficult to see that the judges' requirements have increased a lot, if he deducts it casually, it is possible to score more than 30 points.

Evans finally decided to detain a low-pressure box out, firstly to win, and secondly, he couldn't afford to lose this person.

Today, Han Zhe has obviously raised the overall grade, he is a little unable to take it if he deducts it too simply, don't you see that the two people in the east would rather commit suicide than have to be embarrassed by simple actions.

When Evans came onto the court with two balls, everyone knew what he was going to do, which was to perform a left-right dunk.

This action does not seem difficult on the surface, but it is actually quite difficult, because this is not a dunk in one that can be grabbed by the basket and slowly deducted, but completed continuously in the air, which is a great test of stasis and coordination!

Of course, he can also choose to dunk a ball and grab the basket slowly, however, it is estimated that Evans will not be so forced, if he really deducts like this, not only will the score be low, but it is estimated that he will be laughed to death!

"Han, do you think he can succeed?" Chloe asked curiously, huddled next to Han Zhe.

Han Zhe smiled: "No one can say for sure before the deduction, but although Evans didn't jump too high, he was good in the air, and he had a good chance of success!"

"Can you do the same then?" said Chloe, continuing to be a curious baby.

The players next to him all laughed and said nothing, only a layman like Kolo would ask like this, after they watched Han Zhe's two goals before, they all knew the horror of Han Zhe's bouncing and stagnation, and it was not like playing with this action.

Han Zhe smiled: "I won't do this kind of dunk if I kill it, you look at Evans!"

"Poof! haha... Han: You're disgusting... Hahaha..."Kolo said while Han Zhe was disgusted and couldn't help laughing.

The Magic teammates also laughed when they heard this, because Evans now holds the two fancy basketballs in front of his chest, and that look, it's just that...

The scene was obviously the same as them, and they couldn't help but laugh, but Evans was obviously more focused and didn't be disturbed by the sidelines!

Evans started from outside the three-point line, came to the basket and flew up, and it seemed that Evans was also fighting, and he also made a 360-degree turn in the air to increase the difficulty.

However, the right hand dunked into the left hand and smashed the basket directly, and the ball bounced away, and the first dunk failed.

The second time, Evans completed this action very smoothly, and the dunk was successful!

The ball was very beautiful, the scene was also full of applause, and the final score was also good, scoring 43 points, Evans advanced to the final, and the next thing is to compete with Han Zhe for the championship!

Evans took a short break, and the host came to the center of the court to call the two finalists onto the court.

After the three of them shook hands with each other and said hello, the host began to ask questions next to each other, and he first turned his head to Evans and said: "Today's game is very exciting, but now the audience's vision is very high, do you still have the trick of lowering the box?"

Evans said into the microphone, "I suddenly remembered that I still have soup in my house, can I take a leave of absence?"


The scene suddenly erupted in good-natured boos and laughter!

Fans are also a variety of answers:

"Evans, don't worry, I'll help you drink your soup!"

"Evans, don't be intimidated, we've got your back!"

"I just want to run now!

"Haha... If I were Evans, I wanted to run, it was too stressful!"

Although Evans was joking, he estimated that he was really cowardly, the level embodied by Han Zhe's two buttons made him completely out of reach, and now he is not compared to Han Zhe as a primary school student, this Nima is too pitiful!

Evans now regrets a little bit that his head was hot just now, the second round of suicide is not over, and now it is equivalent to setting himself on fire, they all know that as long as Han Zhe does not play abnormally, there is almost no suspense about this championship.

The host also engaged, "It's definitely impossible to ask for leave, I'll help you drink the soup, and if your wife and children forget their home, I can also help you take care of them, so let's consider your next performance!"

There was another burst of laughter.

Then the host said to Han Zhe: "Your two balls just now are perfect, can you reveal what moves you designed in the last round?"

The audience also pricked up their ears!

Han Zhe didn't answer, he suddenly bent down and wiped his sneakers with his jersey, and after getting up, he said in Chinese, "Li Ning, everything is possible!"

Seeing that the host and the audience were confused, Han Zhe said it again in English!

Su Qun, who was drinking mineral water, sprayed "poof", and then coughed violently, Zhang Weiping also blushed and almost suffered internal injuries!


"666! If you don't support the wall, just serve Han Zhe!"

"Nima! I finally know what forced product placement is!"

Li Ning has given you 100 million in advertising money!"

"It's such a blunt ad placement, it almost makes me laugh!"

"I really never expected that there would be such an operation!"

The Chinese audience, reporters, and celebrities such as Liu Yifei also laughed back and forth, and tears almost came out, Han Zhe's wave of advertisements came unexpectedly!

And Li Ning's high-level officials who came to watch the game were also grinning, they were a little distressed before, but now they feel that it is too worthwhile, and now I don't know how many countries and how many people in the world are staring at Han Zhe, and his advertising effect is absolutely good.

In fact, this is also what they decided just now, why are they a little distressed, because Han Zhe's words are really a thousand words, they spent 300,000 US dollars to buy Han Zhe's advertisement, which is really exaggerated, you must know that this is just a one-time thing, and 300,000 yuan will be gone after a sentence.

The key is that Han Zhe's performance is so good, and he is still standing on the stage of the much-anticipated finals, so they can't help but buy a wave of language advertisements!

They originally offered 50,000 yuan, but Luthor directly told them to go...

Later, after bargaining, it was said that it was 300,000 acceptable to both parties!


PS: Thanks to the boss of [Little Feilu] for tipping 588 points.

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