Han Zhe listened to the boos and laughter of the audience, and he couldn't help grinning and following the music, although he also knew that this wave of advertisements was a bit two, but a sentence was 300,000 US dollars, this money was equal to giving it away for nothing, and he had no reason not to.

Han Zhe was actually in a very good mood in the past two days, because it was too easy for him to make money in the past two days, after winning the championships, the league's money was a small amount, and the boss Devos would give a lot, but the real big head was Li Ning here.

As long as Han Zhe wins this slam dunk contest again, the bonus he gets from Li Ning will not be less than the endorsement fee, and he will make a lot of money this time!

The host laughed and said, "Han, it's time to tell me about your ideas for the last round after the advertisement, right?"

Han Zhe said: "I really haven't thought about this, I have to go down and think about it!"

Although the host looked incredulous, he still let him go and let the two players get ready.

Han Zhe is not fooling, he really didn't think about it well, it's not that he doesn't have ideas, but there are too many ideas in his mind, and he is confident that he can kill Evans with any one of them.

When he returned to the team, his Magic teammates were laughing and were obviously still discussing his undisciplined advertisement!

Everyone was also asking him what his creativity was with the last ball, and after he said two casually, his teammates all exclaimed, and Evans' eyes in the distance were full of sympathy.

Ibaka was also happy on the side, and his mouth was full of muttering: "It's good that I didn't participate today..."

It's no wonder that Ibaka is stealing fun, all the players in this slam dunk contest were forced by Han Zhe very hard, and they were so embarrassed that Evans was even preparing to participate in the finals with a bitter expression, which can be imagined!

At this time, Luther suddenly squeezed over, pulled Han Zhe aside, and muttered.

After hearing this, Han Zhe looked surprised and said, "Are Li Ning's guys addicted to playing, or are they panicking with too much money?"

Luthor shrugged, "I knew these guys had ghost ideas when they didn't explain before, but I didn't expect them to play so hard!"

What Luthor said is that Li Ning asked him to use that advertising action for the last dunk, of course, there is a reward, if he succeeds, Li Ning will give him double the bonus of the dunk contest, and even if he fails, he will also give him 30% of the bonus.

This amount is not small, their contract is specified in detail, if Han Zhe wins the dunk contest, there will be a million prizes, which is almost double the 600,000 in the three-point contest.

Li Ning's bonus system is of course based on the attention of the competition, for example, the prize money of the skill challenge competition is relatively low, only worth the money of his advertisement, which is 300,000 yuan.

The reason why Li Ning would let him use the advertisement action is not stupid, but now the advertisement is full of hype, full of doubts, and most people don't think that this action is really made by Han Zhe.

If, today, Han Zhe really completed this action under the gaze of countless people, then what a shocking effect this is.

Even if Han Zhe fails, Li Ning also believes that Han Zhe will definitely be able to get closer, as long as he is close, it proves that Han Zhe has a chance to succeed, although the effect is definitely not as good as success, but it must have a certain sensational effect.

Seeing that Han Zhe seemed to be thinking about it, Lu Thore said: "Don't be reluctant, although you have succeeded in that action, it is indeed very difficult, if you are not sure, I suggest giving up, anyway, as long as you play normally, you can win the championship, and the prize of 1 million is already very high!"

Han Zhe suddenly turned his head and said, "Give up? Why should I give up when people send money! I was thinking just now that I suddenly have so much more money, how can I spend it all!"

Luther: "..."

The two of them were staring at each other with big eyes, and they were startled at every glance, it turned out that a small head was eavesdropping next to them with its ears pricked up, and now they were staring at them in surprise, and they looked like they had discovered some great secret!

"Kolo, why are you so skinny!" Han Zhe angrily nodded her little head.

Kolo didn't have the consciousness of being a thief at all, but pulled Han Zhe's clothes and asked if what they just said was true, and when Han Zhe confirmed that the dunk was fake, Kolo was dumbfounded!

At this time, He Juan also squeezed to the sidelines, and after calling Han Zhe and the two over, she spoke: "Han Zhe, I hope you can seriously consider our proposal, but this sentence is said on behalf of our Li Ning official, and I actually hope that you will give up!"

Han Zhe said unexpectedly: "Do you think my action is not worth a million?"

He Juan smiled and waved her hand: "I think your career is far more than one million, although you have successfully made it once, but this move is very dangerous, as a fan and a person from the Celestial Empire, I don't want you to take risks!"

Han Zhe was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then was a little moved, it turned out that He Juan was afraid that he would be injured in an accident, after all, Han Zhe did not fall less when filming the advertisement, but it frightened everyone at that time.

"Since I mentioned this, I will do it even if I don't have your extra bonus, after all, I don't like other people's noisy questioning all day long, I will tell them that I can do what they can't do, I can do what they can't think of, I have to make a name for myself!"

Without waiting for He Juan to continue, Han Zhe said, "Tell your boss to prepare the money, and then watch the show!"

After Han Zhe finished speaking, he waved goodbye to the two, and returned to the court to watch Evans' first dunk.

There are also major changes in the finals of this year's slam dunk contest, that is, the judges have become live spectators, allowing the audience to score on the spot, and the two finalists can each perform two rounds of dunks.

Han Zhe scored more than Evans before, so of course Evans was the first to play.

"Can't this guy dunk one properly?" Seeing that Evans began to set up the scene again, Han Zhe couldn't help but complain, this guy has to use props every time he dunks.

Evans apparently came up with an easel or something, about one person high, and a black cloth draped over it, and when Evans put it away, the host asked him what was inside.

Evans said he was painting of his own, which he was preparing to unveil for the first time today.

After the host went down, everyone was a little expectant, looking at this stance, Evans should have planned to unveil the oil painting from the air when he flew and then buckle it.

"Hey, this guy is really fighting, this move is really not easy!" the Magic players discussed.

Han Zhe also nodded in approval, if Evans succeeded, it would definitely be a very wonderful dunk, although it was not comparable to his previous two dunks, but it was much better than the other dunks, both creative and difficult.


PS: Thank you to [Feng Bo] boss for tipping 1000 points.

Thanks to the boss of [Purple] for tipping 588 points.

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