Han Zhe then went to the sideline to pick up the ball, took a few deep breaths before starting to run, he had already thought about it, this action should only be done once, and if it failed, he would give up immediately.

It's not that he's afraid of being embarrassed, but he has adjusted to the best now, and if he fails this time, even if he fails for the second or third time, he will probably fail, so there's no need to compete.

Han Zhe is now the focus of the entire stadium, the audience, reporters, judges, guests, all of them stared at him without blinking, wanting to see what kind of deduction Han Zhe would have in such a serious state.

Of course, there are some people who have nervousness or worry in their eyes, such as Vaughn, he knows that Han Zhe's action is definitely not simple, with Han Zhe's sprint distance and speed, if he makes a mistake, he will be injured.

For example, the Li Ning team, they know that Han Zhe has agreed to deduct that set of actions, if it succeeds, it will definitely be a shocking deduction!

Another example is Kolo, this ghost elf overheard the secret, and she also knew how Han Zhe would dunk, and now she didn't dare to make a big breath with her fists on her lips, although she also thought that Han Zhe's ball should not succeed, but she still hoped for a miracle.

The domestic audience is also waiting with bated breath, although they don't know Han Zhe's creativity, but now it is a championship battle, so they can't help but pay attention to it!

When rushing to the halfcourt, Han Zhe picked up speed again, and kicked his legs in front of the free throw line in a few big strides, and the lenses of countless photographers on the sidelines also moved up with Han Zhe's movements.

At this time, if you give a parallel contrast line, you can find that Han Zhe is almost a head higher than the basket, and Han Zhe has obviously not reached the top now, and he still continues to rise in the glide.

The audience who only thought that Han Zhe would show off ordinary free throw line flying dunks soon realized that they were wrong, and Han Zhe began to spin in the air after gliding a little distance.

When they saw Han Zhe complete the air rotation for a week, everyone had already opened their mouths wide, but this was not the end, as soon as they completed the rotation, Han Zhe began to change hands under his crotch.

After the successful change of hands, Han Zhe's height began to fall, and the rotation was a little too late, and now he was facing the basket sideways, and Han Zhe knew that something was obviously wrong here!

Although Han Zhe is now falling, the height of the previous vacancy is sufficient, and if everything is normal, he will be able to complete the last deduction.

However, after over-turning, he is now facing the basket on the left side, and the ball has been switched to his right hand, and with the current trend, he can't dunk at all when he twists his body!

Han Zhe, who was in a state of concentration, reacted very quickly, almost without any consideration, and threw the ball to the left front with his right hand, although the height was already a little reluctant at this time, Han Zhe still straightened his left hand, hooked the basketball with his fingers, and smashed it into the basket.

Han Zhe almost fell after landing on the ground, staggered several steps before standing firmly, and when he was wondering why there was no applause here, when he looked up, everyone almost all had a stunned and sluggish expression, as if time had frozen at this moment!

"Oh!Mygod!An.unbelievable!" Buckley, who was the first to react, directly pulled off the headset and picked up the microphone and yelled.

At this time, the rest of the arena also recovered from the shock!

The entire arena was filled with crazy screams and one word, ---unbelievable."

This time, O'Neill rushed directly to the court and hugged Han Zhe, and then turned around again to cross his hands to signal that the game was over.

Even the host of the scene threw away the microphone and rushed up after saying "Game.over", and hugged Han Zhe excitedly.

If O'Neill and they privately announced the end of the game before they were still joking, which was entertainment, this time it was serious, and the host obviously thought the same way, otherwise he wouldn't throw the microphone to say that the work was over.

Although the final round stipulates that players can perform two balls, after Han Zhe's dunk is completed, no one will let them continue.

Not only did the frantic crowd start shouting "champion", but even contestant Evans waved his hand frantically in shock to signal that the game was over, and there was no need to continue.

For Evans, Han Zhe was killing chickens with a knife before, and after this shocking deduction, it was like a cannon hitting mosquitoes!

Magic teammates, Luthor and Chloe also rushed onto the field and hugged Han Zhe!

The domestic audience is also crazy:

"Oh my God! Lao Tzu is so scared that his legs are weak!"

"Li Ning didn't lie! This ball Nima Han Zhe can really dunk!"

"Although I was slapped in the face, I feel so good!"

"There is no suspense that the first buckle in history was born!"

", now I finally know what it means to have a swollen bloodline, my heart is about to pop out, hit 120..."

"I'm mighty and domineering, look at it, the frightened expression of the audience, Han Zhe let them know what a dunk is, Evans or something is a primary school student compared to Han Zhe!"

"Han Zhe just wants to ask you, the thorn is not exciting!"

"That's right, I swore just now that guy who was going to eat Xiang live, you come out, I haven't seen anyone eat Xiang since I'm so old, come and see me!"

"Wait for the live broadcast +1. "

"Wait for the live broadcast +999..."

Su Qun and Zhang Weiping also yelled several times in a gaffe, and it wasn't until they started to play back in slow motion that they calmed down and began to explain.

Han Zhe jumped after the free throw line, first made a 360 turn, then received a crotch to change hands, and then there was an air throw to change hands, which is equivalent to adding an aerial relay with self-throwing and self-buckling, and finally dunking it with his left hand!

Han Zhe used super bounce and air stagnation to make this ball look a little inhuman, this is a great dunk, and it is not an exaggeration to call this ball the most in NBA history!"

No one could see that this ball was the product of a mistake, and it was estimated that no one would have thought that Han Zhe would be able to react in the air, and they all thought that he was a well-designed combination move!

Han Zhe's dunk action was too fast just now, and many viewers in front of the TV actually watched it, and those with poor eyesight thought it was exactly the same as the ball in Li Ning's advertisement.

Now that they look at the slow release, many people are so frightened that they call their mother, and Han Zhe actually makes it more difficult for them to make it more difficult on the action that they thought was impossible.

It's definitely the classic of the classics!


PS: Thank you to the boss of [Purple Ice] for rewarding 1000 points again.

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