The big screen at the scene naturally played the replay over and over again, and every replay could cause the audience to exclaim and scream.

Li Ning's previous official website said that few people believed that Han Zhe could do this set of actions, and there were many people who ridiculed them for their shameless hype.

Now that Han Zhe has come out, he has not only justified his name, but he also doesn't know how many eyeballs he has dropped!

Moreover, Han Zhe has now added another set of actions to the set of advertising actions that are considered impossible, and he almost shouts "convincing or not"!

"Oh! Han! This ball is unbelievable, jumping and dunking behind the free throw line is already perverted, you actually add three sets of actions on top of this, how did you do it!"

Barkley came over with an excited face and squeezed away the reporter from this station who was going to interview Han Zhe, and conducted the interview himself.

Han Zhe grinned, "Li Ning sneakers, anything is possible!"

Barkley and the audience who pricked up their ears were all stumbling and almost fell down collectively, Han Zhe also laughed after speaking, this time it was purely a joke, he was also very excited about the one-time success just now, and when he was in a good mood, he would help Li Ning promote it again for free.

The Li Ning team on the sidelines was also smiling, first of all, they were happy that Han Zhe was interesting enough to help them promote it again.

The second is that Han Zhe is happy that he succeeded, they Li Ning is an instant hit, this additional one million is absolutely earned by blood, Han Zhe is comfortable with this money, and they are also comfortable with it.

Luthor next to him was beating his chest and scolding Han Zhe for being a loser, now I don't know how many people in the world are staring at him, his language advertising is definitely very valuable, it's really cheap Li Ning, Luthor is considering whether to ask Li Ning again for compensation!

"I, I, I, and me!"

Han Zhe followed the voice and turned his head to look, almost fainting with laughter, Han Zhe is now surrounded by a group of players and reporters, Kolo can't squeeze in at all, and she is too short, she is talking and jumping outside, looking like a little rabbit.

Han Zhe immediately said: "Haibian King 2 is about to be released, don't forget to support this movie and the little beauty Kolo!"

Kolo jumped up again and smiled happily and compared a scissorhand hand with a smile, Han Zhe is really interesting!

The scene was sprayed again, I have seen product placement ads, but most of them do not show traces, I have never seen Han Zhe so unsophisticated, this advertising placement is called above board!

Luthor beat his chest again, this time the crew of the King of Haibian is cheap!

"Han, you're addicted to advertising, I'll score some of the advertising costs after you're done!" Barkley laughed and joked.

Then the interview got to the point, Barkley said: "We all know that the action you just made was an advertising action, and it was also strengthened, are you going to use this ball to respond to the question or Li Ning's request?"

"It's all there, I know everyone thinks it's false propaganda, and I also think that my silence is deliberately letting Li Ning hype up to increase popularity, just now someone said that this set of actions is impossible for humans to do, um... I just want to say that what you can't do doesn't mean I can't do it. "

Han Zhe also glanced at White on the sidelines when he spoke, and the meaning was self-evident, because during the pre-game interview, White bluntly said that Han Zhe was hype, and that group of actions humans couldn't do at all, but he didn't expect to be slapped in the face on the spot!

When White saw everyone looking at him, he could only turn his head in embarrassment and didn't hear it, he also had a feeling of being a dog, and he couldn't imagine that someone could really complete this set of actions on the spot, and it also increased the difficulty.

Barkley also looked at the embarrassed White amusedly, and continued: "Actually, the difficulty of copying the set of actions in the advertisement is already a bit exaggerated, why add another set of actions, aren't you afraid of failing in the performance?"

After hearing this, Han Zhe picked his head a little shyly and said: "I didn't want to increase the difficulty, but after doing the first two sets of actions, I found that the rotation was too much, so I temporarily added a set of actions to complete the dunk!"

"What?" Barkley crashed instantly, this kind of anti-heaven difficulty can also be temporarily added to the combination, and this kind of operation?

The fans at the scene were also silent for an instant, but before they could discuss, the live director began to play back on the big screen again.

Han Zhe didn't say that they didn't feel anything before, but now that Han Zhe pointed it out, he did find a problem.

It was said that it was a 360-degree turn, but it actually turned at least 390 degrees, and it was impossible to dunk directly at that time, because the forced dunk posture was awkward, not to mention, the right hand was too far away from the basket and could not be dunked at all, so Han Zhe threw the ball in the air and changed hands to dunk it!

After discovering this, the scene boiled again, which is easy to say, but it is really too difficult to do.

Not to mention the jump height, not to mention the gliding distance, not to mention the reaction time, not to mention the previous combination action, but the last time to throw the ball in the air and change hands to dunk, the difficulty is very great!

This action alone makes these dunks stump a piece of people, the timing of throwing the ball, the strength, the position, etc., there are too many factors, you must know that people in the air and the ground to throw the ball to play is not a concept at all.

Is this really just a temporary addition of Han Zhe who made a mistake in the air?

What a!

After Buckley looked at Han Zhe in a daze for a while, he found that he was speechless, and finally gave him a thumbs up, the meaning is self-evident, you are awesome!

At this time, there was a boo in the audience, Han Zhe turned his head to look, it turned out to be the league boss Stern on the field, and it was already the norm for Stern to come out with a sound effect (boo)!

Barkley knew that Stern had something to say, and he was about to blow the microphone to him with Han Zhe.

Stern didn't answer the microphone, and first whispered to Han Zhe, "Buckle beautifully!

"Is there any reward for winning?" said Han Zhetian shamelessly.

Stern also laughed, he felt that Han Zhe was very special, although other players did not say that they were afraid of him, but they were always cautious in front of him, how could a hippie smile like Han Zhe was not right!

"The reward is 25,000 US dollars and a trophy!"

As soon as Stern finished speaking, he saw Han Zhe pouting, obviously looking down on his so-called reward, and this was already good.

Stern suddenly whispered: "Another reward is that I accepted your complaint!"

"What complaints... Belch...... Do you mean that I will also be the godson of the league in the future?" Han Zhe suddenly reacted, he had said that he had been cheated by the referee before, and Stern obviously said that his treatment would change in the future!

"Poof... Ahem..."Stern didn't choke to death with saliva, of course he knew his godson's jokes, Nima, did he talk about this in front of the boss!"

Stern glared at Han Zhe and took the microphone from Barkley next to him, ignoring Han Zhe's second goods.

After Stern picked up the microphone, he smiled and said: "It seems that everyone is still as enthusiastic as ever, and I thank you for your continued support on behalf of the Alliance!"


The audience was booed again.

While Stern was chattering, Barkley went around to Han Zhe and whispered, "Congratulations, Han!"

Han Zhe smiled tacitly, he knew that Barkley must have heard the conversation between the two with his ears pricked up next to him just now, Barkley is congratulating Han Zhe on becoming one of the special members of the alliance, and now Han Zhe also has an aura protector.

Even if the referee will not give Han Zhe any benefits in the future, he will definitely not cheat Han Zhe, which means that Han Zhe will at least be treated absolutely fairly when he competes.

Barkley also sighed in his heart, he watched Han Zhe get up step by step, and he also knew that with Han Zhe's strength, this day would come sooner or later, but he didn't expect this day to come so quickly.

Han Zhe's rookie season has not yet ended, and he has actually entered the privileged class, which is rare in the entire league.

However, thinking of Han Zhe's performance and potential, as well as his rapidly rising popularity, this is not outrageous, not to mention the huge Asian market behind Han Zhe, this all-star is simply Han Zhe's personal show so far, I don't know how much his popularity has soared!

Of course, people like Stern will not do things according to their own preferences, and he can give a promise, which can only show that all the conditions of Han Zhe have met the standard, and he has the value of enjoying privileges!


PS: Thank you to [Feng Bo] boss for tipping 1000 points.

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