Yao Ming also came over and pulled Han Zhe aside to persuade him, telling him not to be impulsive, today is an all-star game that the world is paying attention to, and he really has a fight on it, and he will be forced to settle accounts after the autumn.

After all, the alliance still needs an image, and it is not a matter of fighting in ordinary times, but if you fight today, you will hit the muzzle of the gun.

Liu Yifei, Yang Mi and others in the stands looked at Han Zhe's eyes and revealed surprise, first, they had dinner and chatted with Han Zhe yesterday and found that Han Zhe was both sunny and gentle, why was it so hot when he arrived at the court.

Second, although they don't know much about basketball, they also know James's reputation, but they didn't expect Han Zhe to dare to face him head-on, which is the most incredible thing for them, you must know that juniors in the entertainment industry will never dare to offend big names, otherwise you won't be able to get along in the circle!

This is the circle is different, there are differences in ideas, as long as NBA players can eat well in their own teams, they are basically not afraid of other things, as long as they do not offend the league, they are not afraid of being, of course, if you want to call the board, you have to have the strength to lay the foundation, if the gap between the two sides is too big, it will be sprayed into a dog!

However, in general, whether it is the domestic audience or Liu Yifei and other stars, they all think that Han Zhe's cap is very uplifting, very manly, don't let us play, don't even want to play, just shoot and scatter!

Smith said happily: "This All-Star is interesting, teammates steals and blocks actually happened together!"

Barkley said: "This is also normal, Han originally had a conflict with James, and the three of the Heat deliberately suppressed it, with Han Zhe's temper, he will definitely not suffer a dumb loss." "

"I think the most interesting thing is that Anthony seems to have formed a temporary alliance with Han, the two of them have always cooperated with each other, and even the final fight is together!" O'Neill also said with a smile.

"The penalty hasn't come out yet, Xiao Hua has also come, I don't know what to do!" Smith turned his gaze to the referee.

Barkley pouted and said: "What else can I do, one person and one T are done, is it possible that James and them can be punished?"

O'Neal also nodded, they are all old fritters in the NBA, familiar with the NBA's set, this kind of ball, even in ordinary games, can be punished or not, and now it is an All-Star, so it is more prudent, because every player is voted for by everyone, and the league can't mess around.

There is also the law that does not blame the public, there are four players who committed crimes, and if they are all punished, is it still called an All-Star in the East?

Xiao Hua called a few criminal players over to stand together, and scolded in a low voice with a dark face: "You bastards give me a stop point, and I don't see what day it is, forget it this time, if you dare to make trouble, get out of here, and you will look good after the game!"

"Did you hear what I said!" Seeing that several people didn't react, Xiao Hua was furious.

Seeing that the big guy was really anxious, Han Zhe and the others nodded with white eyes anyway.

Turning around and walking a few steps, Han Zhe spoke, "Does the nosebleed taste salty or sweet?"

"Poof!" Anthony burst out laughing on the spot, of course he knew that Han Zhe was talking about James, and James still had a note in his nose now.

"Fuck.you!" James immediately pushed Han Zhe again.

Where is Han Zhe who is willing to suffer, he immediately pushed up, "Fuck.you.to!"

As soon as Wade wanted to go over and help, Anthony knocked him out of the way as soon as he took a step!

Xiao Hua in the back just wanted to get angry, but after Han Zhe pushed James away, he stretched out his hand and hung on Anthony's shoulder and hummed a song and left.

Before leaving, he said, "If it weren't for the wrong occasion today, I would have killed you!"

James was so angry, he had never seen such an arrogant and under-sworn rookie.

"This bastard is so infuriating, I'm going to beat this idiot to death!"

As soon as Wade finished speaking, he was forced to stop, because Xiao Hua had already walked to the side and was staring at him with his glasses, as if asking who he was going to beat?

James also flashed Wade angrily, anyway, the beam is big today.

Seeing a few people leaving, Xiao Hua also had a headache, what is this special thing called!

In the anticipation of the audience, the penalty came down quickly, that is, James, Han Zhe, Anthony and Wade were one T, and as for Spoelstra, he must have deserved the injury by mistake.

And the eastern lineup was also adjusted under Xiao Hua's dryness, and Han Zhe and Anthony both sat on the bench, which separated several people.

As for why Han Zhe and Anthony went first, this is normal, the Heat triumvirate is much more famous than Han Zhe, so naturally he should rest first.

For this change of lineup, of course, those who support the Heat cheered, but those who supported Han Zhe and Anthony began to boo, why put the two people with high votes on the bench!

Especially the domestic audience, when they saw Han Zhe gone, they naturally scolded him.

Han Zhe was not surprised by this, and he felt in a good mood after scolding James, and he had a good chat with Anthony, a "comrade-in-arms".

Han Zhe thinks Anthony is interesting enough, and Anthony thinks Han Zhe is bold enough, and they both appreciate each other more, which can be regarded as a similar smell.

"How long do you think this stupid coach will hold us down?" Han Zhe began.

"Now that he's said it, it doesn't count, we can't have too little playing time!" Anthony obviously meant that Xiao Hua had already arranged it, and the head coach was just a name.

Owen next to him also stretched out his head and gave Han Zhe a thumbs up, anyway, he didn't dare to mess with James!

This competition also let everyone understand Han Zhe further, this kid can't stand any grievances, and he is not afraid of heaven and earth, and he dares to do things in this kind of competition!

If Han Zhe knew what everyone thought, he would definitely be very aggrieved, this is also called doing things?

It's really a mess, James isn't going to hang two nosebleeds!


PS: Push a friend's book "Advent Anime Two-dimensional".

Thanks to the boss of [szmwm3x] for tipping 200 points.

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