Players like Han Zhe and Anthony can't be put on the bench all the time, although Spoelstra was stuffy when he was blocked by Han Zhe, which was particularly unhappy, but Han Zhe and Anthony were replaced in the middle of the second quarter.

This is three up and three down, Han Zhe, Irving and Anthony have replaced all three of the Heat, and the league is obviously afraid that several people will rub off again on the same court, otherwise it will look good if it really fights!

It wasn't until the end of the third quarter that Han Zhe was replaced again, and he knew that there should be no chance to play again this time.

Sure enough, Han Zhe didn't play again until the end of the fourth quarter, during which many viewers who liked Han Zhe kept boosing, you must know that there were no less than 3,000 Chinese people at the scene, and there were thousands of Orlando fans, and Han Zhe's supporter group was still very large.

Stern and Xiao Hua could only smile bitterly, no matter how the audience booed, they didn't dare to put those guys together, and Han Zhe's appearance time was actually guaranteed to a certain extent, and he played for more than twenty minutes in total.

At the end of the game, the West defeated the East 143-138.

Han Zhe didn't feel a sense of loss at all, but looked quite hilarious, because James didn't please them either, I don't know if it was affected by the previous conflict, and the Heat triumvirate was a little wilted.

Wade had 18 points and 6 assists, James had 19 points and 5 assists, Bosh had 15 points and 4 rebounds, but Han Zhe scored 25 points and 11 assists.

Even if the MVP doesn't have its own share, the Heat Big Three can't get it, this is the same end, Han Zhe is this kind of dick silk mentality, if you provoke me, you have to die!

In fact, judging from the data alone, Han Zhe has a chance to compete for MVP, but his qualifications are too shallow, and he lost in the east, so in the end, the MVP was naturally reaped by the west.

Han Zhe first thought that the MVP would be won by Durant, who scored 30 points and 6 rebounds, but the best of the game was finally selected to Western Captain Paul.

Durant doesn't have much of an opinion on this, because although he has a high score, Paul's stats look to contribute more, and Paul has a big double-double of 20 points and 15 assists.

In fact, the most unexpected thing in this game was Kobe Bryant, who only scored 9 points and 8 assists, and he didn't play a double-double after playing for a long time.

However, some people think that this score is normal, because Kobe Bryant is a person who is used to being the boss, and he is all used to opening his mouth to stretch his hand, and now no one in the All-Star is used to him feeding him the ball, plus he is obviously not in good shape, and the scoring pit is reasonable.

"Hey, the game that could have been won, was dragged down!" Han Zhe raised his eyebrows and said loudly.

The expressions of the players next to him were very strange, of course they knew that Han Zhe was talking about the Heat trio, but this was not Han Zhe's dumping, because Han Zhe and Anthony led the East by 6 points in the third quarter.

The East collapsed in the last two minutes, and the score was always three or two points apart, but at the last critical moment, James was blocked by Kobe, and then Paul scored five points in a row, and the difference was widened!

"What are you bastards talking about!" Wade was the first to come out again.

"I said that you three are too vegetable, let's lose the game in the east again!" Han Zhe said and gave them a middle finger.

"Who is a faggot, I have to teach you a fool today!"

The eastern players were really convinced, but they didn't expect Han Zhe to start scolding these three bigwigs again, and the key was to be reasonable, which made the three of them a little annoyed and angry.

"Do you want to fight? Come on, come on, the three of you go together, Lao Tzu also let you have one arm, if you can't die, I will lose!" Han Zhe also jumped up.

Anthony laughed and pulled Han Zhe, who really put away one hand and was about to fight, and the others also ran to separate the three of them.

"You see... The east is going to fight again!" Griffin grinned as he pointed to the eastern camp not far away.

"This Han is really..."Seeing that Han Zhe was about to jump over in one vs three, Duncan, an honest man, laughed.

"I heard that Han is fighting very well, do you think he can win!" Durant looked at the thief.

"It's hard to say one-on-one, Han Ke knocked out O'Quinn with one punch, James may not really be able to beat him, but a pair of three Han will definitely suffer!" Paul also began to do on-the-spot analysis.

Of course I can't fight now, Stern was still on the court after giving Paul the award, and he rushed over angrily to squeeze away the noisy players, "Enough! It's you guys again, what do you think of this place? Get out of here!"

"YES! I'd like to go home and sleep so I don't see you guys disgusting, goodbye!" After Han Zhe finished speaking, he picked up his coat and walked towards the lounge.

The three of them also turned around and left with a depressed face!

This Nima was miserable by Han Zhe and was directly expelled from the league boss, which is really a strange story through the ages!

"Stop!" As soon as the three of them turned around, they were stopped by Stern, who happily thought that Stern had let them go, only to hear Stern warn them to use the western locker room and not to be with Han Zhe, and then arranged two on-site security guards to escort (monitor)!

The other players couldn't help but laugh, it was a real eye-opener today!

Next, Han Zhe and James were "escorted away" in front of everyone's eyes.

The audience didn't react at first, thinking that these guys were going to change their clothes, but how did they know that they would disappear when they left, they were all confused, people?

After a while, the three James obviously left, and the all-star players who had returned to their respective teams immediately burst into laughter when they looked at the big screen.

They know the inside story, and they know that Han Zhe and the others have been expelled from the scene, but now the big screen at the scene has hit Han Zhe again, this guy doesn't know when he has changed into formal clothes and touched it back, and is huddled next to a bunch of Celestial Dynasty stars chatting!

What about going home and sleeping?

The alliance boss obviously saw it, and Xiao Hua couldn't help but smile and said, "Do you want the security to take him out?"

Stern couldn't help laughing, "Forget it, if you want to be an audience, let him be an audience, this kid is really a headache!"

Han Zhe was blowing, "Stern, this old man is too naïve, do you think I will really flash like those three stupid birds, so shameless, even if I sleep, I will sleep here, and I have the ability to carry me out!"

Jay Lun couldn't help but laugh, Han Zhe had already told them what had just happened.

Liu Yifei and Yang Mi couldn't help but cover their mouths and steal fun when they saw Han Zhe's child competitive, they felt that sometimes this Han Zhe was really cute!

It wasn't until all the performances were over that Han Zhe left with the flow of people!


PS: Thanks to the boss of [txl10] for tipping 100 points.

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