After the Magic won the Mavericks, their record has reached 27-25, and the regular season is already halfway through, and the remaining 32 games are officially competing for a playoff spot.

The Magic are in good shape at the moment, and based on the experience of previous years in the East, they should be able to earn a playoff spot with only 40 or so wins, so their remaining 32 games are aiming for at least 13 wins.

For this goal, the Magic are very confident from top to bottom, after all, the Magic is now very strong, Han Zhe and his teammates have gradually played a tacit understanding, the Magic lineup system has been formed, and it is a team that can pursue results.

The happiest are of course the Magic fans, when Howard left, they felt that the sky was falling, but they didn't expect Han Zhe to fall from the sky, leading the Magic who had a very poor start to overcome obstacles, and the first year of reorganization may be back to the playoffs.

Now whether it is Magic fans or Celestial Empire fans, one of the most concerned questions is the last ring, when will their No. 1 position be perfected.

Not to mention that putting Han Zhe in the No. 1 position is not a waste of resources, they must at least have a reliable substitute to leave enough rest time for Han Zhe!

Han Zhe doesn't care too much about these issues, he knows that the team's top management will solve them sooner or later, and he only has two issues on his side now, one is the contract extension, and Luthor has already begun to discuss the details with him and is ready to accept negotiations.

The second question, that is, Han Zhe can be said to be a big hit after being an all-star, the all-star won the triple crown, and the dunk is still the focus of everyone's conversation, and the sports illustrated magazine put him on the cover is even more inflammatory, and now his name is a household name for fans.

When he becomes famous, his commercial value will naturally increase, and now all kinds of endorsement requests are flying to Luther's desk like snowflakes, but fortunately he has a professional team now, otherwise all kinds of phone calls will annoy him.

It stands to reason that this is a good thing, no one thinks that there is a lot of money, but the headache for Luthor and Han Zhe is that Han Zhe is in an awkward position now.

You say that Han Zhe is a rookie, people are now popular all over the sky, and his popularity is not inferior to that of old stars.

How many die-hard NBA fans do you have? What important honors have you won? What team have you contributed to? Can you guarantee that your form will be stable in the future?

This series of questions is the point, Han Zhe's worth is not easy to judge!

Of course, Luther's idea is that he can get it at the level of Durant and James, and Han Zhe can just take Durant James, why can't he get a top endorsement fee.

But the merchant will not think about the problem with you, how many years have others played, how many years have you played?

Others have been stable, are you stable?

How many honors do others have, how many honors do you have?

Other people's die-hard fans are tens of millions, how many die-hard fans do you have in addition to China?

In fact, the simplest example, not counting the Celestial Empire, two games were held at the same time, and fans all over the world went to watch more games for Han Zhe or James and Kobe?

That's the essential difference!

However, I am not happy to give Luthor and Han Zhe less, especially with the example of Li Ning, now Luthor feels that he has lost a lot of money, Han Zhe's value will definitely increase greatly after the All-Star, and Li Ning will definitely not be able to sign Han Zhe now with that little money.

Han Zhe's upward momentum is so fierce, Luthor doesn't want to make the same mistake, but there is no reason to put a bunch of big endorsements not to accept, such as Coca-Cola, Mercedes-Benz, and some watch endorsements The price is still good.

Now the two are discussing on the phone, and after discussing for a while, Han Zhe clapped his hands and said: "I don't have time to pick up too much, but you can also take a few with high quality and good price, you are an expert in terms of price, I won't say more, but if you sign too long, you will suffer, just sign a one-year short contract, sign if you are willing to sign, and if you don't sign it." "

Anyway, Han Zhe has no place to use money in a hurry now, of course he will not sign a long-term contract to sell himself, not to mention that he is confident that his value will continue to rise, and he will definitely not sign for too long now.

The most satisfying thing about Luther is that he knows how to keep his duty very well, and he won't be able to walk when he sees money, if Luther instigates him to pick up any advertisement, even if Han Zhe is grateful to him for bringing him into the NBA, he will definitely consider changing agents.

In fact, this is also where Luthor is smart, does Luthor love money?

But he knows that he has a sense of proportion, as long as the relationship with Han Zhe is maintained, he will not worry about making money, and if he wants to dig a golden doll with a hoe, he may be beaten with chickens and eggs, so Luthor respects Han Zhe's opinion very much.

Then Han Zhe entered the busy event, the next day back-to-back Bobcat, the magic won to complete the double kill, after the game Han Zhe, the host, invited the former brothers to eat and drink, and went to the nightclub to play a little at night, of course, just pure play!

On the 22nd, the Magic played against the Grizzlies, and it was a double kill, but it was a double kill by the Grizzlies, today Han Zhe's state is a bit pitted, and the three points can be stable, and that can never go wrong, but the two points feel cold, the iron rate is very high, and the Grizzlies are already relatively strong, so the Magic naturally kneels firmly.

On the 23rd, it was back-to-back, away against the Bucks, what made Han Zhe so depressed that he vomited blood, and finally was killed by the Bucks midfielder, which made Han Zhe understand his mood when he killed others in the middle of the game, so he wanted to beat people!

As soon as the game ended, a large number of reporters surrounded Han Zhe.

"Han, the magic has lost two in a row, are you powerless to follow?"

"Han, you didn't perform very well in these two games, is it because the opponent is already familiar with you, and it is difficult for you to make a difference now?"

"Everybody thought the Magic were going to make the playoffs this season, but it looks like you're starting to go downhill?"

"Do you think your performance deserves the title of Strongest Newcomer?"

Before Han Zhe could speak, some Magic players told the reporters to get out, because the more they asked questions, the more excessive they became, as if the loss was all Han Zhe's pot.

Although Han Zhe's performance in these two games was a little worse than in the past, it was definitely above the level line, which made Han Zhe take the blame a little too much, and they couldn't stand it anymore!

And whether it is a team or a player, the ups and downs of the state are normal, not to mention them, the teams at the top of the league occasionally lose in a row, this is not a problem at all, not to mention that it is only two consecutive defeats, this is completely normal, these media are making a big fuss again!

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