Although Han Zhe didn't respond to a word, he still made headlines in major media the next day, and Han Zhe in the picture used a group attack skill against the reporters on the scene very domineeringly, that is, the middle finger!

Yes, Han Zhe, who was surrounded by reporters yesterday, did not speak, but still gave a middle finger to the reporters before turning around and leaving!

The reporter is the uncrowned king, Han Zhe is excited now, anyway, there is nothing good to say in the newspaper today!

"Han Zhe is in a sluggish state and angry with reporters!"

"The magic has lost two in a row, and Han Zhe is difficult to take on the big responsibility!"

"Han Zhe's behavior is vulgar and should be severely punished!"

"In the face of consecutive defeats, Han Zhe was annoyed and embarrassed and raised his middle finger in anger!"

Anyway, the reporter will definitely not say that they provoked trouble first, they all said that Han Zhe lost the game and angered the reporter or something, but the local fans should be watching the excitement.

Reporter What urine sex everyone knows, if you are serious, you will lose, and a player like Han Zhe has a personality in the eyes of fans, just a middle finger, no one has ever put it up, no one is a saint!

Of course, Han Zhe's behavior of "particularly bad impact and particularly serious circumstances" received a $500 fine from the alliance!

During the team's training, the atmosphere was not as tense as rumored by the outside world, and the players were laughing with pictures of Han Zhe's middle finger and being fined.

Even Vaughn didn't say anything, although Han Zhe's performance in the last two games was not good, it was normal for his state to fluctuate a little, compared to other players, Han Zhe's state was already stable, and there was never too much of a fork, and Vaughn was quite relieved.

During the formal training, Vaughn separated the players for targeted training, and those who should practice physical fitness practiced physical fitness, and those who should practice technique practiced technique, while Han Zhe shot freely and slowly found his feel state.

It was O'Quinn who was trained more badly, and Vaughn asked him to practice low-post singles and Ibaka sparring.

Seeing O'Quin's clumsy appearance, Han Zhe laughed, he and Ibaka are both about the same height and size, and slightly stronger than Ibaka, but the technical gap between the two is also too big.

It's easier for Ibaka to single O'Quin, and it's very difficult for O'Quinn to play Ibaka alone, especially because the turn is very slow, and the ball control skills are miserable.

If O'Quinn didn't have a good body, he really wouldn't be able to play in the NBA.

However, for the Magic, O'Quinn still has a role, as long as the block under the basket is done well and the card man is in place, he can also help his teammates a lot.

In the end, the assistant coach couldn't stand it anymore, so he suspended the singles training of the two and let Han Zhe teach O'Quinn how to control the ball first.

Han Zhe didn't have a problem with this, and it wasn't an advanced technique, he just said some points and corrected his posture.

"The dribble is too high, and it's easy for you to get off and get broken. "

"If you are a little lower, you will dribble faster!"

"I serve you, this frequency can also be lost!"

Han Zhe was speechless when he saw that O'Quinn was losing the ball when he was not fast.

O'Quinn also picked his head in embarrassment, "I'm sorry, I'm so stupid!"

Han Zhe put away his smile and said: "It's not a question of being stupid or not, I have always believed that hard work will pay off, you used to rely too much on your body, completely ignoring the control of the ball, and you didn't practice much at all, I believe that as long as you practice more, it is impossible to practice bad ball control." "

Han Zhe is telling the truth, they don't require O'Quinn to have Han Zhe's ball-handling skills, as long as he can practice to the point where he is not easily cut off by the opposing player, as long as he works hard, he will definitely be able to do it, practice makes perfect.

O'Quinn also nodded seriously and began to practice the most basic ball control on the sidelines alone.

After a while, Hannigan had Han Zhe called into his office.

Han Zhe thought it was for the alliance to fine that, but he didn't expect it to be this at all.

After motioning for Han Zhe to sit down, Hannigan said bluntly: "We plan to complete the renewal of your contract as soon as possible, how are you thinking about it?"

Han Zhe said: "I have already thought about it, as long as the conditions are right, I am definitely willing to stay in the team!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Hannigan's mouth, he was very satisfied with this answer, they were also a little anxious, now Han Zhe is getting more and more popular, and several teams have come to the side to ask them if they are willing to trade Han Zhe out.

Of course magic doesn't do it, how can a reliable core be so easy to find, and magic is not short of money, it will definitely not sell Han Zhe with unlimited potential, Han Zhe's most terrifying thing now is not strength and technology, but his age, this is only 20 years old, and he can use it for many years!

And at present, Han Zhe is forming a team with Han Zhe as the core, if Han Zhe leaves, they will have to break up and reorganize, and they will sell Han Zhe only when they are full!

"We're ready, when do you think we can negotiate specifically?" Hannigan continued.

Han Zhe decided that he wouldn't ink, and called Luthor on the spot, and after asking when he was free, he said: My agent can come over to discuss the renewal of the contract in the afternoon of the day after tomorrow. "

"Great, we'll definitely give you a satisfactory contract!" Hannigan was visibly pleased to set the exact time on the spot.

Han Zhe nodded, thinking that it was okay and was about to leave, when Hannigan suddenly asked, "Do you have a good defender in mind?"

Han Zhe was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood that he was asking if he had an ideal point guard partner in his heart.

Han Zhe thought for a while and said, "Yes, Westbrook, Curry, Paul, Wall are all good, Irving, Lillard, Walker and Thomas are also good, which of them are you going to get here?"

Hannigan almost blurted out the word "roll", if you can get it, Wei Shao, Curry, Paul, Wall This level of Lao Tzu still asks you?

Which of these is not the pillar of the team, and others are willing to let go of ghosts.

Even rookies like Irving, Walker, Lillard and Thomas are definitely not easy to get started, because the potential of these players has been reflected, and they can all be cultivated as cores, and it is difficult for others to let go!

"Take you out and change it!" Hannigan said angrily, and motioned for Han Zhe to get out.

After Han Zhe left, Hannigan muttered with a wry smile, "Whimsical guy!"

"Hey, it's not impossible!"

Hannigan suddenly pondered, although Owen and Thomas are not easy to get, but it doesn't hurt to give it a try, and there seems to be a great chance, because he suddenly thought of how Han Zhe came from, the old rascal even dared to sell Han Zhe, and Walker, he couldn't sell it?

In fact, magic is now rich and capricious, and dare to think about anything!


PS: I'm going to attend an annual meeting today.,There's only two chapters saved at the moment.,It's hard to say if you can find a chance to write something when the time comes.,So it's "X".,I can only say that I have the opportunity to write as much as possible.,Moda!

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