Han Zhe was playing indiscriminately just now, the Pacers were very happy, and they got back the score in one breath and overtook it, but now that Han Zhe is not nervous, he is naturally not very happy, if you don't pit your teammates, we won't win

Of course, an old oilman like West would not let go of such an opportunity, and when he saw Han Zhe running close to him, he immediately started spewing trash talk.

"You're such a rubbish, shooting is shit, I shoot better than you with my eyes closed, the first rookie to fart, the media knows all day long, and it's becoming more and more unreliable"

Han Zhe is naturally not a fuel-efficient lamp, and after being in the NBA for a long time, you have to learn two things, either you have to learn to ignore trash talk, or you have to be able to spray trash talk.

Han Zhe is clearly the latter.

"I also think I'm quite rubbish.,I've only scored 11 points so far.,By the way,Big guy, how many points did you score.,Wow.,Remember.,2 points.,You're so good"

Seeing Han Zhe make an exaggerated expression of adoration made West sick to death

This is not over, Han Zhe said again: "I also think that these media speak irresponsibly, their words are too unreliable, and they often say that short players like me are not suitable for the NBA, saying that they will be blocked, and today I am not covered, it seems that someone has been covered by me for two."

West even went black in an instant, almost spurting out a mouthful of old blood, although Han Zhe didn't speak with dirty words, but it was too bad, it was more uncomfortable than scolding, didn't he say that it was okay to hit someone without slapping his face

Han Zhe was very happy when he saw West's uncomfortable appearance, people can really build their happiness on the pain of others, and Han Zhe hated West two before, and now he is full of energy, and it is quite enjoyable to fight

As soon as West ran outside the three-point line, Han Zhe suddenly looked behind West with a surprised face, West's conditioned reflex followed and turned his head, and then his back hurt, and when he turned around, he found that Han Zhe had already held the ball and rushed forward with a smile

West was still confused, but soon in the speechless eyes of his teammates, he finally knew what was going on, just now his teammates just passed the ball to him, he was deceived by Han Zhe and turned his head, and the ball hit his back and was picked up by Han Zhe

Han Zhe rushed to the front court at a very fast speed, only one Hill couldn't prevent him at all, and finally hit a three-point shot after getting rid of it, and finally got rid of the title of "Lao Tie".

"Silly bird, I've never seen such a good deception"

Han Zhe didn't forget to damage West when he ran back, West almost exploded, so he couldn't help but punch him in the stinky face, it's too annoying

In the next round of attack, West was blown off by the referee as soon as he got the ball, because West seemed to be really angry, and when Han Zhe defended him, his hands were not clean, and he secretly elbowed Han Zhe twice when he broke through.

Han Zhe was supposed to go to the ground and finish the matter, this ball must blow West, maybe he will eat T after watching the video, but Han Zhe is not the master who suffers from anger, and immediately gave West two elbows in concealment.

Then the two of them were angry, pushing and pulling while running, the West ball was lost, and the two were still running and doing, of course the referee had to blow it

In the boos of the fans at the scene, the layman called to the side and sternly warned them, telling them to be honest, they really don't use the village chief as a cadre.

It's really like this, Han Zhe and West don't have bird referees, but a big competition.

The stations were also playing back the footage just now, and it didn't take long to know what was going on.

"This ball is obviously West, this is an additional action that deliberately hurts the player's body, and he should be sent out" Su Qun was indignant, as for whether Han Zheyou fought back, sorry, I didn't see it

TNT, on the other hand, is happy to see the excitement.

Smith said: "These two people really did it again, this ball West had a small move in his hand first, but we all know that Han Ke is not good-tempered, and he immediately fought back, if it wasn't for the referee running to control the situation, these two people would probably have to fight." "

Barkley smiled: "Han is better than I was back then"

These words made the audience happy, they knew that Barkley was not saying that Han Zhe was playing well, but that he had a bad temper, Barkley used to dare to O'Neal even if he was the most cute and poorly shaped, but now Han Zhe actually dared to raise his head and slap West, which is enough

Seeing the referee's chatter, Han Zhe said impatiently: "Okay, I won't play this idiot, I have a lot more role on the court than him, so I don't want to change a garbage player."

"What are you bastard, you trash is a rookie, you're still peeing your pants when I'm playing" West was furious

"Enough, you two still want to play, do you want to be sent off by me" The referee was also angry, whether there was a mistake or not, these two people are getting more and more energetic.

Han Zhe and West saw that the referee was really hairy, and they also shut up, and they wanted to cry without tears when they went to fight and really punished them

Then the game continued, and the whole audience was booed, because the referee only awarded a magic throw-in, and the home fans felt that the ball was a foul by Han Zhe, even if Han Zhe T was not given, it should be the Pacers' possession.

Magic fans also booed, for the sake of harmony, although the ball was not replayed on the big screen, when there were still fans with good positions and sharp eyes who saw that it was West who made the first move, they felt that West should be punished, at least they had to give him a T, so it was too easy to let it go

Of course, the referee will not be affected by the will of the fans, how to play or how to play.

Han Zhe and West have no opinion, they are both lucky to not eat T this ball, and it would be stupid to go to the competition

Magic kicked off, and after a few passes, Han Zhe attracted firepower and then passed back to the outside line Afflaro, who was still very stable and hit a three-point shot in the open position.

When the Pacers attacked, the scoring point had begun to shift, from West to George, and they also changed with the times, West is now being seen dead by Han Zhe, and it is a bit silly to play hard.

The Magic also analyzed Paul George's team before the game, this 10-year rookie is actually very strong, and the reason why the data in the past two years is relatively ordinary is naturally that he has been suppressed by several bigwigs of the team, and there are few balls, where is the good data.

In fact, this is also the norm for most rookies in the league, who are doing dirty work at the beginning, their task is to defend, grab rebounds, pass and block the big guys, and only give them very good opportunities to score.

When a powerful rookie grows up, there are generally two situations, one is Kobe Bryant and O'Neal, the new rise stays, the old man leaves, and the other is that the rookie who can't get out leaves to find another way.

A rookie like Han Zhe, who is the core from the beginning, is very rare

After George got the ball, he hit Harkless with his back, and after the top distance, he made a smooth turn and threw the basket backwards.

Vaughn frowned slightly when he saw this, Harkless was not in good shape today, and his physical fitness and technique were also inferior to George, and it was indeed difficult to prevent him.

When George scored again in the next round, Vaughn called a timeout and re-made tactical adjustments, letting Harkless go to the outside to post Lance, and Ibaka to be responsible for defending George, Ibaka will not be worse than George in terms of body and technique, and it should be more effective for him to keep an eye on George.

After playing again, George found that he was indeed a little unaccustomed to changing defenses, he couldn't stand up to Ibaka at all, and Ibaka's body and bounce were stronger than him, and he still hit his back and turned jumper like Harkless, and was severely capped by Ibaka.

However, at the end of the second quarter, Han Zhe was a little surprised, today's George was in a very good state, and he quickly adapted to Ibaka's defense, and changed his offensive strategy, using his relatively flexible foot movements, so that Ibaka could not defend himself

George's excellent play was a surprise to the Pacers, but also a surprise to the Magic, although the Magic research found that the player was stronger, but I didn't expect it to be so strong, which was completely beyond expectations, and it was a strategic surprise

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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