At halftime, both teams did not score much, and the Pacers currently led the Magic by three points at 43-40, and now the team finally took the lead, and the home fans were very hot.

"In the next quarter Walker, Han you move more to get the ball, you also pay attention to Han blocking and dismantling, and pay attention to the inside line to supplement the defense and help defend George, that guy feels so good today, you must limit his scoring. Vaughn began to lay out the strategy for the rest of the game.

Going to Walker is a relatively big adjustment, but Vaughn feels that it is necessary at the moment, because Han Zhe is now very uncomfortable playing point guard, so simply let him be freed.

If Han Zhe plays a free man, then there is no limit, he can run around, and it is very difficult for the other party to trap him, because it is impossible for the Pacers to run with two players at any time to follow Han Zhekong.

Vaughn's overall idea is to limit the enemy's firepower and increase his firepower output, and Vaughn doesn't want to lose this game

At the end of the break, the third quarter officially started, when it was found that Walker was on the court, Pacers coach Vogel frowned, Walker himself is a strong point guard, very difficult to deal with, and now Han Zhe is playing a free man, which is even more troublesome, and now everyone knows how terrible Han Zhe is without restrictions.

After the Magic kicked off, when Walker dribbled the ball to the outside line, Han Zhe suddenly started to cut inside and shook off Hill, who was following the defense.

Walker had a tacit understanding of timely passing, and when West was ready to make up for the defense, Harkless rushed to the basket with a beautiful block, Han Zhe rushed to the basket in two steps, and after a quick turn and flashed past Hibbert, he came with a tomahawk split.

Han Zhe roared after landing on the ground, which was considered to vent the depression of the second quarter

"The Magic change of formation seems to be working well this time, and it will be difficult for Han to defend without possession," Barkley began.

Smith said: "When Walker and Han are combined, Han is actually more like a small forward, he can shoot from the outside, and he will cut inside to get the ball as soon as he has it, although Han is difficult to play in the low post, but his flexibility is also a big advantage, just now the ball Hibbert couldn't keep up at all, and when Hibbert turned around, Han had already scored." "

Han Zhe is also much smarter now, and he used to choose opponents who lacked strength in the low post, or often scored on his own.

But now, he's using nimble footwork to dodge and make the most of his teammates' pick-and-rolls to get through with ease.

However, Han Zhe is different from Iverson's fish-like style of play, because Han Zhe's physical strength is much stronger than Iverson's, although he will try to avoid physical contact on the inside, but he is not afraid of physical contact, Han Zhe can directly confront the opponent's small forward, and he will not fall down when he touches the big forward.

The Pacers counterattacked, this time Lance got an open opportunity on the outside, but he seems to be a little less confident after hitting the iron several times today, obviously he can throw three points, but he still stepped forward and entered the line half a meter before shooting, and hit accurately.

Seeing this ball, Su Qun said with a smile: "If you change to the position of Lance shooting, it is estimated that Han Zhe will step back and shoot instead of stepping forward to shoot two points." "

Zhang Weiping also smiled, "It's true that Han will never throw two points when shooting three points, and Lance's handling of this ball is not very reasonable, this kind of position shooting is actually about the same distance as three points, but many NBA players prefer this kind of long-distance two-point, or a matter of self-confidence." "

The audience who often watches the game also nodded, there are really a lot of Lance in the NBA, who can shoot three points, but he likes to step into the line to shoot two points, and this kind of ball is actually more depressing. Magic attacked, Han Zhe was more tightly attached by Hill this time, and he almost ran away with Han Zhe's clothes.

Han Zhe ran to the right flank, suddenly accelerated the air cut, and Hill, who was highly concentrated, left and rushed inside, but Han Zhe immediately retreated with a sharp stop.

Although Hill also braked and ran back, he was obviously a beat slower, Han Zhe had already got the ball, and before Hill pounced, he pulled out his hand with three points, and then didn't look at the result, and confidently turned back to defend. Of course, Han Zhe doesn't need to look at this kind of empty three-point position, with a 100% hit blessing, where may he not enter

"Damn" saw the ball hollow into the basket, Vogel on the sidelines couldn't help but scold, Han Zhe was too difficult to play a free man, and he couldn't prevent it.

Vogel came to the sidelines and shouted a few words, asking the players to pay attention to joint defense, assistance defense, and supplementary defense, although two people can't be sent to follow Han Zhe blindly, but it can make the players' eyes shine, as long as Han Zhe gets the ball, the nearest players immediately have to cooperate with Hill to wrap it, Han Zhe's scoring ability is too strong, if you can't see Han Zhe, they will be suspended in this game

The Pacers attacked, and Hill hit a shot from the Walker interference, but Hibbert grabbed the rebound and then passed George to the basket.

The Magic attacked again, Han Zhe ran to the left wing this time, and then cut inside again to get the ball, and as soon as he got the ball, George inside immediately came out and wrapped it with Hill.

But as soon as George ran in front of him, Han Zheqiu had already hung over his head, and Ibaka, who was already empty, received the ball and turned around and stepped to score a flying dunk

"Silly boy, I also have teammates," Han Zhe ran away happily after speaking.

This time the Pacers have even more headaches, if Han Zhe goes all the way to the black, he will shoot slightly better with the ball, but Han Zhe will pass the ball and pass it very well, which makes the Pacers uncomfortable.

One-on-one Hill was not thrown away and was eaten by Han Zhe alone, if he was trapped, Han Zhe immediately found a vacant player, so that the success rate of the magic came up at once.

In the end, the Pacers used the foul law against Han Zhe again, but the effect was extremely poor, because Han Zhe's free throw shooting rate was also very high, which had little effect on his fouls, and would also increase the number of fouls by his players, which was obviously not cost-effective, so the Pacers quickly gave up this tactic.

Halfway through the third quarter, the Pacers made substitution adjustments, replacing West, who was prevented by Han Zhe from taking care of himself, with Granger.

West was obviously very unhappy with the substitution, did not give a high-fived to Granger when he came off the court, ignored coach Vogel, and walked to the bench and lay down in a rage.

Then Hibbert and Lance also went off the court one after another, and the Magic certainly knew that the other party was not surrendering and admitting defeat, it was just a normal rotation rest.

After the Magic seized the time to equalize the score, they also made substitution adjustments, all preparing for the final game.


PS: Thank you to the boss of [Dictatorial Wangu Town Cangtian] for rewarding 588 points.

Thanks to [1502·· The boss tipped: 588 points. _

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