TNT's Smith also reported this sudden incident in a hurried tone: "The two teams have been relatively angry since the first game, especially Han and West have some friction, and now West's action has led to the outbreak of players on both teams, and it can be seen that the players on both sides are playing together, and the situation is chaotic."

Barkley also frowned and said: "West's action may cause Han to be seriously injured or even ruin Han's career, if a talented player like Han bids farewell to the NBA because of injury, then it is definitely an NBA loss, which is a situation that everyone does not want to see."

Magic fans in front of the TV have been excited, and in many places there are even fans who lose control of their emotions and smash the bar, they all know the importance of Han Zhe to magic

Some fans who are not Han Zhe are worried, Han Zhe's talent has been reflected, and they all know that as long as Han Zhe has no accidents, he will definitely be a bigwig in the future, but now there is obviously an accident.

Han Zhe's style of play is the most likable type, and there are many people who like him, and most people don't want him to have an accident.

Broadcast stations all over the world are looking at who is good at martial arts, while discussing "813" about Han Zhe's injury, even the most optimistic estimate, Han Zhe will have to be injured for at least eight weeks, because they all used slow motion to see how hard the fall was, and fell to the head, and Han Zhe currently seems to be in a coma.

The pessimistic ones are even saying that Han Zhe may say goodbye to the NBA.

When a certain country was lamenting that Han Zhe Oba was about to end his career, a strange scene happened, when the two doctors just squatted down to carefully check Han Zhe's general condition, they saw Han Zhe suddenly sit up and scared the two doctors to the ground.

"What's the situation, it really hurts" Han Zhe sat on the ground and shook his head, looking confused.

"Hey, fight,, isn't that our team?" Han Zhe was originally a little stunned, but when he saw his teammates fighting, he was instantly refreshed, and his thinking gradually cleared up, recalling the situation before he fell just now, and roughly understood what was going on

"Cao Nima's West, dare to yin your grandfather," Han Zhe yelled, and the doctor got up in a daze and rushed to the battlefield

West is still tangling with Ibakala, and there is a mess of referee security next to him.

After Han Zhe rushed in and appeared in front of West, West was obviously a little stunned, so that Han Zhe could still get up and jump around?

"Son of a bitch, dare to yin Lao Tzu?" Han Zhe said that an arrow stepped over, and a right hook "bang" slammed on West's head.

West didn't even react and fell straight down.

Seeing that West was knocked over, and the Pacers players next to him, who had been controlled by security, quit, Hibbert was the first to jump out.

"Han be careful," Walker, who was hugged by the referee, yelled.

Almost at the same time as Walker's voice sounded, as soon as Han Zhe lowered his head, a fist with the sound of wind brushed against his scalp.

After dodging a blow, Han Zhe turned around and punched Hibbert in the stomach who was sneaking up, Hibbert bent down with a conditioned reflex, Han Zhe slammed his face with an uppercut, and two teeth flew out of Hibbert's mouth obviously, and then he fell to the ground in an instant and did not react.

This is not over, George and Lance were not convinced, they pushed away the security and jumped over, they are both strong and strong, their strength and speed are not good, and the speed of punching is naturally not slow, but Han Zhe, who has the Eye of the Emperor, really shouldn't be too easy to hide.

After dexterously turning his head twice and easily dodging the attacks of the two, he returned a punch to Lance's face, Lance fell directly and went far away, George was also punched in the stomach by Han Zhe, and immediately squatted on the ground and retched in pain

"Who else is there?" Han Zhe yelled at the walker with his eyes in the eye.

The Pacers players who were still about to jump over were suddenly afraid that Han Zhe would suffer a loss, and the Magic players who were breaking free and were about to rush over to help stopped moving, and they all looked at Han Zhe stupidly.

The most ridiculous thing is that Iba Ran next to Han Zhe kept the appearance of being ready to twist his fist and beat West, but he didn't punch out, and the battle was over

"Phew, a bunch of garbage!" the Korean walker player was stunned, and spit on West on the ground in front of him with a mouthful of disdain!

The audience at the scene was also completely silent, they were all stunned, their minds were a little unable to turn, didn't Han Zhe already kneel, why did he get up.

This is not the point, the point is that his own players are papier-mâché, and it is not too embarrassing to be knocked over by a small man like Han Zhe

Yes, most of the ideas here are that there is no shame in fighting, and there is no shame in losing

At this time, the dumbfounded security guard also came back to his senses, and hurriedly came over to control Han Zhe, a fierce man, and four of them came over at once...

"You are so light, believe it or not, Lao Tzu beat you" A security guard grabbed Han Zhe's arm hard, Han Zhe's eyes widened, he quickly let go, did he dare to hit Han Zhe Don't say it first, the key is that he knows that he can't beat it, and he said so scary to provoke Han Zhe

Whether it is the fans at the scene or the audience in front of the TV, they all have a little bit of a way to deal with this twist and turn of events, and they are all looking at each other and looking at each other without saying a word

Many "experts" who were analyzing Han Zhe's injuries also shut up instantly.

"Han Zhe Oba looks healthy Smecta"

The audience of a certain country fell to the ground

"Han Zhejun is so powerful"

A certain country N girl has a little star on her face

After Barkley and Smith glanced at each other, Smith swallowed and said, "It seems that we are worried about being redundant, Han looks very good, I really don't know how this guy's body is constructed....."

Barkley suddenly laughed, "I think Han Lai played basketball is a mistake, he should be more suitable in the boxing world, even the 260-pound Hibbert was knocked out by him with two punches, it is definitely a boxing champion level"

The local audience of the United States who came back to their senses was also boiling, they were suppressed just now, and now they are all excited, this ball is so wonderful today, especially Han Zhe finally sent this wave of annihilation

"Wow, this Tianchao kid is so powerful, not only is he very good at ball, but he is also great at fighting, is this kung fu, I really want to learn!"

"I found out that I'm in love with Han, no, Smith, let's break up, I'm going to find Han, bye..."

"It turns out that there is really kung fu, it's so exciting"

"I didn't believe it when I heard that Han was fighting badly, after all, he was so small, I didn't expect to see it today"

"Barkley is right, Han should go boxing, he actually knocked out the main force of the Pacers with a few punches, the bunker!"

"It's so enjoyable, the kung fu is so amazing! I used to be bored to watch these players fight, but I didn't expect to see a boxing champion performance today!"

Of course Han Zhe knows that this has nothing to do with kung fu, it's just simple eyesight, reaction and strength........

The referees and security guards who were anxious at the scene also began to disperse the players on both sides, and then a group of doctors began to run to see the Pacers players in one place, these people were all overturned by Han Zhe, in fact, although there were many people who fought before, they were all thunder and rain.

And although their overall strength is much stronger than Han Zhe, there are really few arms that can compare to Han Zhe with exaggerated strength bonuses, not to mention that they don't have the Eye of the Emperor of Heaven, and it is impossible to hit Han Zhezhun, if the strength and attack position are not in place, it is really not easy to stun a strong man with his fists!

Vaughn also rushed over to drive the security guards away, and asked the team doctor to take Han Zhe to the hospital immediately, although Han Zhe now looks alive, but some head injuries are not visible on the surface, or will delay the attack

The fans at the scene began to shush and curse again, some of the security guards looked at the players, some began to stand in the stands to prevent fan riots, the doctors checked the examination, the ambulances were sent to the ambulances, and the referees were also busy watching the video, and the referee wanted to smash the display screen after the 0.4 video, because most of the players of the two teams participated in the brawl, and he couldn't make the decision for this punishment.

Because if it is judged now, it is estimated that the five players of the two teams in the playoffs will not be able to make up...

In the end, the referee just meant to be the first to send West off for a malicious foul and obvious action, of course, he didn't need to punish West was already off the court, and now he is still unconscious and has been pulled away by ambulance.

The second is that Walker, who made the first move by the Magic, was also sent out.

Next, he successively sent off Han Zhe, Vucevic and Ibaka, who had obviously moved, and the main players on the opposite side were almost all sent off.

As for the rest of the action, the referee said that the study of the video is a complex project, and it will not be done for a while and a half, and the video will be handed over to the league, so that the league can carefully review and then decide.

For not all the perpetrators were sent off, everyone expressed their understanding, this game has not been played, if the players are sent off again, there is no one to play in both teams at present, isn't this a joke?

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