As soon as the Magic vs. the Pacers started this wave of team battles, it instantly attracted the attention of the world, and the ratings of the TV stations that broadcast the game live were soaring, and there were many people who liked basketball and more who liked to watch the excitement

"This is probably the worst player brawl in the NBA in recent times, and there are a lot of players involved, as if there are also coaching staff and team staff involved."

"Because West was suspected of maliciously fouling Han Zhe, a violent clash broke out between the two teams"

"Han seems to be doing well with the team and his teammates, and as soon as he was violated, all the players came forward and took action, which must have caused a sensation all over the world"

"I thought Han must be injured before, but it seems to be okay at the moment, and Han's combat power is shocking, in ten seconds, one person knocked out West, Hibbert, George and Lance..."

"It's hard to say who is the best player in the NBA, but if you want to ask the NBA player who fights the best boxing, I first recommend Han Zhe, a player from the Celestial Dynasty."

"This time there are a lot of people involved in the brawl, and the impact is also very bad, and the league will definitely impose heavy penalties afterwards, but it is currently a playoffs, and almost all the personnel of the two teams are involved, so it must be tricky for the league to deal with this matter"

All the 08 commentators are drooling to explain and analyze this unexpected event, which is much more interesting than simply commenting on the game, this time it is a real team battle, not three or two players playing a small game.

Su Qun and Zhang Weiping's current mood has been adjusted, Su Qun's eyes are worried: "The good news is that Han Zhe doesn't seem to be injured, which is a miracle, the bad news is that this is the worst court brawl in the NBA year, the fine and ban are certain, and as the main participant, Han Zhe's punishment is definitely not light."

Zhang Weiping said: "Su Qun is right, the Auburn Hills Palace incident is just a play compared to this brawl, but don't worry too much, although the fight is powerful this time, the nature is not as serious as the Auburn Hills incident, and there are many people involved, as well as playoff factors, the league will consider these aspects"

Domestic fans listened to Zhang Weiping's words and their hearts did calm down a little, the key was that they played too hard before, and they felt enjoyable at the time, and now they are worried about Han Zhe, this matter is definitely very serious, much worse than the Auburn Hill Palace incident created by Atai.

But after listening to Zhang Weiping's words, they found that although they fought hard this time, the nature was really different from the Auburn Hills Palace, and why the Auburn Hills Palace incident was issued the first penalty in history by the league was not because they fought, but because the players beat the fans

In the NBA business league, fans are the food and clothing parents of the league, and the influence of players hitting fans is too bad, and they must work hard to clean up the anger of the people.

This is also the reason why many people look down on Atai, it was originally a friction with Wallace on the field, but he didn't even dare to fight back when he was pushed by Wallace, and as a result, he threw his anger on the fans, which is very soft

Domestic fans are in the most mixed mood right now, excited and worried.

"Han Zhe doesn't know if he has been injured and is holding on, and the punishment must not be bearable after that"

"Anyway, I'm awesome, I'm evenly matched, and as soon as I join it, it's the carry field, and one person will wipe out the other side."

"Han Zhe's six god outfits are outstanding!"

"Poof... You see, many foreign netizens have come to us to learn kung fu, and Han Zhe has made outstanding contributions to our country in martial arts."

"Anyway, why is Han Zhe so awesome in the fight, he knocked down a big man like Hibbert with two punches, it's too fierce"

"You see that Han Zhe often goes head-to-head with the opponent's small forward, and he has long known that he has great strength, but I didn't expect his punches to be so heavy!"

"Walker is really interesting, the first one to do West"

"That's a must, it's been mentioned in the news, Han Zhe takes good care of Walker, and he gets along well with other players, the key is that Han Zhe is the boss of the team, and the players who are violated must stand up, otherwise I don't want to mess around with Magic in the future"

"I heard that Barkley said that Han Zhe should go boxing, and he came to the NBA to give in, 2333"

"Han Zhe's husband is so good, I love you"

"Han Zhe's husband, we support you" "Han Zhe is not only handsome in playing, but also handsome in fighting, great"

Originally, everyone had a good chat, but a group of women's troops suddenly appeared, and the army of water friends was instantly drowned...

Now it has become fashionable to watch the NBA, and many stars of the Magic Pacers are running live broadcasts as amateur commentators, or directly interacting with fans on Weibo to watch the game.

But as soon as this incident came out, everyone immediately fell silent, not knowing what to say, and the scene was very embarrassing for a while

The star is really embarrassed, it should be right to support Han Zhe in the general direction, the simulcast has been on it twice, and it must be right to praise Han Zhe, but now that there is such a serious brawl, they don't know that the wind direction above has changed, so of course they don't dare to speak.

Seeing that his boss was cowardly, many fans expressed their disappointment, and only a few celebrities dared to blow Han Zhe in the open, and even said that they had a character in the fight, which can be regarded as an open-mindedness

Putting these aside, Han Zhe, who was escorted to the ambulance, turned around three times in one step, his teeth were almost crushed, and he almost didn't rush over again to beat the unconscious West again, and the task was almost completed.

Because of such a big incident, his suspension is inevitable, there are only a few playoff games, and so many of the team's main 813 are suspended, it is likely that they will be eliminated before they can resume their qualifications

Han Zhe didn't want to go to the hospital, he knew best if there was anything to do, he just fainted just now, and there was a small bag in his head, and there was no injury or anything.

However, Han Zhe also knew in his heart that if there was no damage reduction today, it would really be serious, which was also the reason why he hated West, the punch that hit West was the one he used the hardest, and he barely kept his hand, because if he was an ordinary person, it was really possible to be abolished just now

Vaughn didn't listen to him, forcibly stuffed Han Zhe into the ambulance, and threw Walker, who had a swollen face, and Vucevic, who had bruises on his chest, into the ambulance.

There is also a wounded person who is Ibaka, the corner of his eye is broken, his face is bloody, and he looks scary, but it shouldn't be a big problem!

When the injured and sick personnel on both sides left the field, the scene was called a bleak se, and both teams were left with five or six crooked melons and cracked dates, barely able to make up a team of players, the stadium was full of confetti and garbage, and the stadium was still full of blood, which was simply a disaster movie scene


PS: Recommend a friend's book: "Who Masters the Ups and Downs of the Super Seminary".

Thanks to the boss of [cm1993] for tipping 1000 points.

Thanks to the boss of [Reading Books and Relaxing Muscles] for rewarding 100 points. _

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