Although Han Zhe had no problems, he was still asked by the doctor to be hospitalized for observation overnight, and Vaughn, who rushed over, fully supported the doctor's decision, Han Zhe's fine was a blessing in misfortune, and they had to make sure that Han Zhe was foolproof and there were no sequelae.

After all, the head is the most complicated thing, and it has to be treated with caution

When Han Zhe answered the phone in the evening, his hands cramped, and the care and condolence calls of relatives and friends had already burst out for him, among which Liu Yan and his mother naturally chatted the longest.

When it was repeatedly confirmed that he was really fine, the family was completely relieved, and Han Zhe fainted at that time, which scared them a lot.

When he hung up the phone, Han Zhe was made to cry and laugh by his mother, because she had listed basketball as a high-risk occupation, and persuaded her son to stop playing and find a safe occupation to work...

When Han Zhezheng was sleeping in a daze, he suddenly found that there seemed to be someone around him, and he was startled and woke up immediately, knowing that there was security outside his ward, and ordinary people couldn't enter.

After all, they just clashed with the Pacers, and this side is the Pacers' territory, they are afraid that the Pacers fans will make trouble, so they naturally have special protection for Han Zhe, and there are a lot of reporters outside the hospital, so they have to prevent reporters from disturbing Han Zhe.

When Han Zhe saw the person who came, he was a little dumbfounded, there was not only one person next to the bed, but two people, and two beautiful girls.

"Uh... Why are you here?"

As soon as Han Zhe finished speaking, he wanted to get up, and was immediately pressed back by Shen Xue 813 Fei, "You are a patient, don't move, I will make you chicken soup to make up for it"

"I'm not sick, what to make up, and this is not Orlando, where did you cook the soup, and most importantly, how are you here"

"I'll come over right away when I see you're injured, the soup is borrowed from a Chinese restaurant here, and I made it myself, come and try it..."After Shen Xuefei finished speaking, she opened the thermos bucket and prepared to feed Han Zhe with a spoon.

Kolo over there immediately stopped, squeezed Shen Xuefei away, and picked up an apple next to him, "People Han said they don't want to drink soup, come and eat some fruit"

"Han Zhe doesn't have anything to do with you whether you drink soup or not, get out of the way, don't get in my way"

"It's none of my business, Han is my boyfriend, of course I should take care of him" After Kolo finished speaking, he put his arm around Han Zhe, and his small appearance was so embarrassed.

Shen Xuefei froze for a moment, and looked at Kolo and Han Zhe in a daze, with a shocked expression

Han Zhe finally knew why he said that a woman was carrying five hundred ducks...

"Okay, don't make a fuss" Han Zhe sat up as he pulled his arm out.

"You... You..."Shen Xuefei pointed at Han Zhe and Kolo with a complicated expression, and both of them stammered.

"Don't listen to this little girl's nonsense, she's joking" Han Zhe glared at Kolo, but he was actually quite moved, he didn't expect these two people to come to see him all night.

Kelo immediately quit, looked at Shen Xuefei with a provocative expression, and said that she was Han Zhe's girlfriend.

Han Zhe suddenly pointed at Shen Xuefei and said to Keluo: "Although you are talking nonsense, I can tell you that this is a famous reporter."

I thought it would scare Kolo, but I didn't know that Kolo was not afraid at all, reporter, the exposure let everyone know that we have the best relationship"

Han Zhe had a headache, knowing that Kolo was probably not eye-to-eye with Shen Xuefei, and deliberately talked nonsense, and then Han Zhe looked at Shen Xuefei suspiciously, Kolo is a star, and they all know that she has a good relationship with Han Zhe, it is not strange that the security guards let her in, but how did Shen Xuefei come in?

Security can't let a reporter in.

After Han Zhe asked, Kolo spoke directly angrily, "She took a photo of you with her mobile phone to show the security guard, and came in pretending to be your friend."

"What is impersonation, Han Zhe and I were originally friends, I think your girlfriend is pretending, they are both underage, it doesn't matter if you don't love yourself, don't bother Han Zhe" Shen Xuefei was also furious.

"Who do you say don't love yourself, you old woman!"

"Old... I'm old, you flat-chested little brat."

"Ping... Flat-chested? uh... You think you're old, I'll be older than you in two years."

Listening to these two people, the more unreliable they became, Han Zhe really couldn't cry or laugh, and he was not a fool, these two people, it seems, it seems, they are jealous of each other, and the buddies seem to be very popular

However, the two of them have nothing to say about their appearances, but they are definitely not ideal candidates for dating, one is a reporter, and the other is a little Lori, isn't this funny

Seeing that the two of them were getting more and more noisy, and even the security guard at the door probed in to take a look, Han Zhe persuaded a few words that there was no egg (aiae), and finally yelled before the two were bluffed

Seeing their aggrieved appearance, Han Zhe regretted it a little again, others came all the way to see him, and he was a little too fierce against them, but he couldn't control the scene if he wasn't fierce, so he could only make these two people honest with a straight face.

Then Han Zhe told them that he was really fine, and asked them to go to the hotel to rest by themselves, but no one left, and it was useless to persuade them

There is a companion bed next to it, but there are two people here, and letting them sleep together is estimated to collapse the bed.

So, Han Zhe lay on the bed, the two women sat on the edge of the bed and stared wide-eyed, I don't know how long it took, both of them fell asleep on Han Zhe's bed with sleepy eyes.

Early the next morning, when Vaughn took the players to pick up Han Zhe and left, everyone looked strange when they entered the door, there was a woman lying on each of the two beds in the house, and Han Zhe was lying on a chair and sleeping soundly.

After a few people looked at each other, Vaughn and the others retreated, then knocked on the door outside, turned and went to the aisle to wait.

It didn't take long for Han Zhe and the three of them to come out, Han Zhe looked indifferent, and the two women were very embarrassed, not because they slept here and were touched, but because they came to accompany the "patient", and as a result, they occupied the hospital bed and let Han Zhe sleep on the chair all night.

However, both of them were happy in their hearts, of course they didn't take the initiative to occupy the bed, it was obvious that they were asleep, Han Zhe hugged them separately, it seems that Han Zhe still cares about them

After the two girls said hello to everyone a little embarrassed, they disguised themselves as flashers, and as soon as the Koloe windbreaker and sunglasses hat suit were on, basically no one recognized them.

Shen Xuefei walked around the corner, took out his press card and hung it around his neck, and swaggered out, which is called no flaw

After the two left, Walker and the others all gave Han Zhe a thumbs up, and it was awesome that they could live in the hospital

Vaughn pulled Han Zhe aside, seriously criticized Han Zhe's life style, and severely reprimanded Han Zhe, now he is in a lot of trouble, but he didn't expect this kid to stop in the hospital.

Vaughn also warned Han Zhe, saying that he and Shen Xuefei were barely acceptable, but they must not touch Kolo, this is death, as for yesterday night, everyone should have nothing happening, even if there is a leak, let Han Zhe beat him to death and can't admit it

Han Zhe was so depressed that he couldn't do it, what does it mean to be beaten to death and not admit it, nothing happened in the first place

When he went out, Han Zhe found that Kolo hadn't left yet, but was sitting in the corner of the hall, wondering, looking outside, and immediately knew the reason, now the reporters outside are blocked by three layers and three layers outside, although Colo is wearing makeup, but the risk of being recognized is very high.

Originally, Kolo and Han Zhe were friends, everyone knew this, it was normal for her to come to see Han Zhe, but she didn't see her go in in the morning, and now she suddenly came out, and this imagination space is large

Of course, Han Zhe and the others pretended not to know each other and walked out directly, the security opened the way, and Han Zhe and the others squeezed into the bus without accepting any interviews.

When the reporter chased the bus to take pictures, Kolo also quickly took the opportunity to slip away..._

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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