With such a large-scale mass assault in the NBA, you don't have to think about how much shock it will cause on the Internet and in the media.

[West betrayed the rookie king, causing two teams to fight]

[There are no less than 20 people involved in the brawl between the Magic and the Pacers]

[Han's head hit the ground, strange ~ not injured]

[Han Chong's punch is amazing, knocking out the four strong men of the Pacers in ten seconds, and shocking everyone-]

[Stern said that he would severely punish the people involved, and a special investigation team has been organized to deal with this incident]

[Han Zhe is not only a rookie king, but also a boxing champion, after a random interview with this newspaper, most citizens said that if Han Zhe participated in a boxing match, they would spend money to watch]

[It is understood that none of the Magic players are in serious trouble, but many of the Pacers' main injuries are unknown and are still hospitalized for observation]

Han Zhe and the others have returned to the home arena, and now they are standing in two rows with low eyebrows one by one, and after Devos took a thick stack of today's newspapers and threw it in front of them, he scolded them with their heads and faces.

"You're all capable, aren't you, I'm signing you to play or fight? And you, Vaughn, how did you lead the team? and what's going on?"

Devos picked up a newspaper and put it in front of Vaughn with his eyes glared, Han Zhe and the others all held back a smile, while Vaughn looked embarrassed, just looking at the newspaper headline to know what was going on

[Magic Coach Chaos Middle Down Black Feet]

That's right, it was a mess at the time, and Vaughn of course rushed over, ostensibly pulling the players to persuade him, but in fact, he took advantage of the chaos to kick West several times, and now he is obviously being picked up

Vaughn was actually angry at the time, Han Zhe was still lying on the ground at that time, and it was obvious that he had stopped eating, Han Zhe was the absolute core of his own family, and now he may be injured for a long time, and the culprit is West, you said that Vaughn was not angry, so he black-footed West in the chaos.

Many NBA coaches are also players, and fights and stuff are completely commonplace

"You're still smiling and you're playing the playoffs right now, basically everyone is involved in the fight, and when the league punishes it, the suspension is certain, are you suspended for me to go up and fight Hannigan?

Devos spat on the stars, and the Magic players quickly shut up

Han Zhe also beat a little drum in his heart, the playoffs are still second, but his task has not been completed, if he waits for the league punishment to come out, his suspension is inevitable, wouldn't he just announce that his mission failed?

The other players of the Magic are actually a little apprehensive in their hearts, this time the matter is too big, and no one knows what punishment will be.

You must know that even if there was a group fight before the NBA, in fact, there were only three or five people who shot, how could it be like this time, the two teams were basically on the scene, and even the work of the team was mostly involved, and it is absolutely right to say that it was the most serious brawl in recent years

"And you Han, are you stupid and lying on the ground honestly, you are good, you have become the boxing king Han" Devos couldn't help but complain again

Han Zhe was not ashamed, but grinned, seeing that Devos looked helpless, and Hannigan next to him held back a smile, he remembered that Han Zhe had just come to fight with Afraro and them, and at that time Devos was encouraged, retribution is coming

The other players secretly gave Han Zhe a thumbs up, the saying is that they have prostitutes together and carried guns together, they are good buddies, and now they have carried guns together...

Han Zhe originally had this temper, he couldn't stand by while his teammates were doing it, and West suddenly exceeded the bottom line in his heart, and in the end, as the boss of the team, if he was cowardly at this time, how would he serve the public in the future, so it was caused by many reasons.

If God gives Han Zhe another chance, Han Zhe will say three words, "I still have to fight"

Devos then went after a few more drills before leaving with Hannigan, and Devos still had a lot of mess to deal with

The players all breathed a sigh of relief, and then a lot of sycophants slapped Vaughn, praising him for his handsomeness on black feet, and praising him for his righteousness, which made Vaughn roll his eyes.

Later, some players began to worry about the punishment and began to ask Vaughn if he knew what would be done.

I thought Vaughn would be anxious, but his expression was not visible at all, and he said very calmly: "It is certain that he will be heavily punished, but the treatment plan is definitely different from usual, this is the playoffs, and our two teams have a lot of participants, and the most important thing is that the NBA business league, and the playoffs are the time to make a lot of money."

Vaughn is equivalent to making it clear, this matter has such a big impact, and the heavy penalty can't run, but the league won't get along with money, and it is impossible to really ban all the players of the two teams, if the ban is made, then the two teams will have to cancel the remaining games, and the impact is much worse than fighting.

0······· Asking for flowers0···

If the game is canceled, the money for the refund is a huge number, and there will definitely be disputes with sponsors, advertisers, broadcast rights, etc., the refund is small, the defendant will breach the contract miserably, the compensation is absolutely astronomical, this loss can not be tolerated by the owners of the two teams, and the league will also have a huge loss of credibility and money, if Stern really does this, it will be stupid, even if the Pacers and the Magic owners agree, the owners of other teams will not agree.

Another reason for Vaughn's judgment is that don't look at the boss Devos scolding badly, but obviously not really angry, otherwise the punishment within the team must have come down, where would there be so much nonsense with them


Many of the Magic players are a little injured, and the training must have been canceled, but everyone has not left, because the fans and reporters outside have been crowded, and no one dares to show up at present, and now everyone is on the cusp, even Han Zhe doesn't dare to be this up-and-coming bird when he jumps like this, and now it is possible to pretend to be a turtle with a light sentence, and if he still talks nonsense, he will be looking for cleanup

The players quickly gathered together, all of them praised Han Zhe for a while, and then began to discuss yesterday's fight, and they all began to brag about how awesome they were at that time, and who they overturned, after all, most of them were young people, and they were all strong-blooded, and they were a little excited to start a group fight now when they think about it...

When Han Zhe coughed, everyone shut up, isn't this stalk a big knife in front of Guan Gong when he blows and fights in front of Han Zhe, they can see how fierce Han Zhe is

Then everyone surrounded Han Zhe for a while, and began to ask Han Zhe for his fighting skills, bragging that Han Zhe was good at it, and soon the ancestral exercises came out, which made everyone stunned.

Seeing this group of heartless guys, Vaughn in the distance smiled bitterly, although the alliance will definitely leave a way for everyone to live, but the punishment is definitely not light, why is it so unhearted

Now the walkers are waiting, the magic is waiting, the journalists, the media and the world are waiting, what are they waiting for?

Of course, it is to wait for the league to announce the punishment results of this incident, and everyone knows that this matter is difficult to deal with, there are too many factors to consider, and it is estimated that Stern is the most crazy one now


PS: Thank you [1502] boss for tipping 100 points four. _

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