429 days.

The Magic's Amway Arena is full again, and today is the fourth game of the Magic vs. the Pacers, and it may also be the last game between the two teams, and the Pacers will be swept out of the tournament if they lose again today

Before the opening game, Devos, the boss, also came to the center of the stadium to greet everyone and thank the fans for their long-term support of the Magic.

Everyone at the scene gave a warm applause to Devos, and when they sold Howard, the fans hated Devos and Hannigan, but they didn't expect that a Howard would be gone, and the team would buy a Han Zhe.

Compared with Howard, Han Zhe is obviously more suitable for the development direction of the Magic, young, strong, and with unlimited potential, Han Zhe did not disappoint everyone, leading the Magic all the way to the playoffs, and it is very likely to sweep the Pacers out, fans are not more satisfied than this

Devos went to the box, walked up to the team and encouraged the players, and then whispered to Vaughn, "You said Han has improved again?"

"Yes BOSS, Han will surprise everyone today," Vaughn said with a smile.

"I'm looking forward to it, it's hard to imagine that Han can actually improve haha..."

Vaughn also laughed, who said it wasn't, in fact, many people thought that Han Zhe had reached the top, but they didn't expect that he could still improve, so how strong is Han Zhe now?

Devos is naturally happy, originally Han Zhe is very awesome as long as he maintains his current level, and improving again can be said to be a big surprise for Devos, and he also believes that Vaughn will not lie to him, because everyone can see the strength on the court, and fools will deceive people

The Magic lineup has not changed much today, only Ibaka is resting on the bench as a substitute, in fact, Ibaka is no longer in the corner of his eye, but Vaughn still let him rest for the sake of safety, after all, it should not be difficult for them to play the Pacers at present.

The Pacers also fought today, Hibbert and West also came, and when they saw the two, the scene immediately erupted in laughter and boos, because the two were so funny, Hebber's front teeth were missing two, which looked weird, and West was wearing a protective mask, which was also very funny

When the warm-up was finished, Han Zhe looked at West's appearance and gave a thumbs up

"Poof... Han is really bad enough, he's going to bully West again, haha..."Barkley burst out laughing when he saw this.

"Han is now famous, and there may be few people in the entire NBA who dare to clash with him," Smith also laughed.

"Come on, Han" a little Lori sat next to the mascot, naturally it was Kolo.

Han Zhe walked over and patted her head and smiled, "You have a very idle day."

"I'm not a child anymore, I'm not allowed to shoot people's heads, the movie is almost done now, of course there is time" Kolo patted Han Zhe's hand away and pouted.

The two chatted for a while, and after an appointment, Han Zhe returned to the team, and then the two teams officially appeared, and after the referee blew the whistle, the fourth confrontation began

At present, the Magic have an absolute advantage, and the Pacers have no way back, and they must win today, otherwise they will face the embarrassing situation of being swept. Su Qun began to analyze the situation.

Zhang Weiping said: "The growth of the Magic, from the fish belly at the beginning of the season to the playoff powerhouse, I have to mention here, the Magic bought Han Zhe is a wise person, this is not me blowing, you look at the regular season data that has just been announced, what is the value for money? Han Zhe is not to mention anything else, the title of scoring champion is worthy of his value and the trust of the Magic."

This time, the audience didn't complain about Zhang Reasonable, because this is a fact, Han Zhe won a series of honors that really blinded everyone's eyes, especially the title of scoring champion, this is real data, which means that Han Zhe is already an NBA-level player, who can win the scoring champion, who is not a famous town

After the Pacers jumped to the ball and advanced to the frontcourt, West ran aggressively and scored the first goal under the empty basket, and it looked like West was in good shape and excited today.

The Magic are partnered with Walker and Han Zhe today, and there are two reasons why this combination starts again, the first is that after the trial on the court, the effect is obviously good.

The second is that both the team's top management and coach Vaughn want to give Walker more playing time, because Walker is not only younger than Afflalo, but also has stronger strength and potential, which is very valuable for development.

Walker controlled the ball in the backcourt, ran to the front court at great speed, broke through Lance's defense, cut the bottom, and then distributed the ball to Han Zhe, who cut the inside line.

Han Zhe immediately turned around and accelerated when he received the ball, and immediately walked around Hill, who was following the defense behind him, and then accelerated again, and rushed past Hibbert under the basket with two extremely fast steps, and the big windmill dunked the basketball in


The audience exploded instantly, Han Zhe not only maintained the tradition of the first button, but also buckled it very beautifully, and the goal was scored beautifully, and the key was to live beautifully

"Oh, beautiful breakthrough and dunk, Han received the ball and turned around to start so fast, Hill didn't react at all Han Zhe had already gone around behind him, and Han Zhe had a second acceleration after the explosion, and the Hibbert defensive moves under the basket had not been set up yet, Han had already rushed over and dunked successfully, how do you feel that Han broke out and was faster today, is it my hallucination?"

Barkley was a little confused, they often commented on Han Zhe's games, and they knew Han Zhe's characteristics very well, but it didn't seem to be right just now

Smith was also surprised: "Han's turning speed and explosive speed seem to be indeed faster, maybe he is more excited today."

Hill and Hibbert both frowned after looking at each other, they had the deepest experience just now, and there was only one feeling, that is, "fast", although Han Zhe was also fast before, it was definitely not so fast

"Han, are you staying?" Walker asked in a whisper as he ran back.

Han Zhe nodded and said with a smile: "The game has just begun, let's play slowly."

Walker smiled and ran away, they have been training with Han Zhe every day for the past few days, of course they know what Han Zhe's real strength is now, don't look at this ball just now, Han Zhe obviously did not fully play.

Han Zhe also has considerations, if the game is relatively stable, he will not play (Li Hao) and expose too much, even if his teammates are forgotten, he is not easy to hide, he can think whatever he wants, but for the public, he doesn't want to improve too abruptly, which inevitably gives people a weird feeling.

Therefore, Han Zhe plans to show his bottom slowly and little by little, and the performance will not be too obvious at one time, and there will be improvement, but it will maintain an acceptable range.

In fact, Han Zhe didn't fully reveal his bottom to his teammates, such as his speed, he is definitely faster than the 100-meter flyer now, which is a bit exaggerated, so Han Zhe uses about 80% explosive power and 90% speed when training.

The ball just now is at most 60% of Han Zhe's explosive power.

Therefore, Han Zhe's performance seems to be exposing his strength, but in fact he is hiding his strength, and he has also made up his mind that if it is not necessary, he will not expose too much, when everyone has become accustomed to his "frequent progress", it is not strange, and sometimes he can win by surprise


PS: Push a friend's book: "Conan's Star Prosecutor" Mai. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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