Although West wore a mask to protect his face and looked weird, he was really in good shape today, and under Han Zhe's follow-up, he scored another goal, and howled excitedly.

Han Zhe pursed his lips, and said in his heart that he was happy, buddies haven't made a force yet, although the Pacers lineup and strength are good, but for Han Zhe, who has made great progress, it is really not very eye-catching

Switching offense and defense, Han Zhe, as a free man, ran empty again and waited for the ball, and when he received the pass from his teammates again, Hill, who was highly concentrated, immediately stuck to him to avoid the embarrassing situation that was passed by just now.

Hill's idea is very good, but there is still a gap with reality, that is, Han Zhe doesn't just rely on explosiveness to eat, in the past, Han Zhe rarely used explosiveness to eat opponents, and basically relied on technique to stun opponents.

This time, Hill just pasted it, and after Han Zhe turned around twice in a row to shake off the gap, he easily cut to the basket and jumped to the basket with one start.

Hibbert was stuck by O'Quinn this time, but George made up the defense and jumped up to meet the incoming ball, ready to reach out for Han Zhe to give Han Zhe a big hat, wanting to tell Han Zhe that their Pacers basket was not the place for him to take what he wanted

However, when George reached out, he found that the ball had flown over his head and had landed accurately in the basket

"Beautiful Han Zhe's goal is so beautiful that everyone thought he would play a board layup, but I didn't expect it to be a throw, you must know that throwing is much more difficult than a layup, of course, the effect is much better, for example, this ball layup is easy to be capped, and throwing has a surprise effect"

Su Qun howled excitedly, because Han Zhe's ball was not only beautiful, but also very surprising, they all thought it was a normal layup, who would have thought that Han Zhe would throw a shot as soon as he jumped 507, and it was still a super large arc, which went directly around George's head, and the key ball was scored.

After "really cool" landed, Han Zhe exclaimed wildly in his heart, this action just now was actually a conditioned reflex after seeing George jump, and temporarily changed the way he shot.

In the past, you may not be able to shoot this kind of ball, or it depends on luck when you throw it, and most of them can't score, but now after getting Aomine's amorphous shot, this kind of ball is like an innate instinct, and the ball shot feels the same as shooting in an ordinary position, and there is no "difficult" feeling.

Of course, both the commentators and the audience think that Han Zhe's ball should be luck, and only the magic teammates and Han Zhe himself know that this is not a coincidence of ballooning.

The Pacers next hit a long-range shot, and Vucevic grabbed the rebound and made a long-range pass to launch a fast break

"Uh... It's too big" Vucevic knew that the power was a little fierce as soon as the ball was shot, and Han Zhe estimated that he couldn't catch it, it was a passing error.

"Rely on this kid's sincerity to pit me" Han Zhe looked at the fast and high ball, and complained in his heart as he ran.

"This ball should be a big pass, uh... Han Zhe is so fast" Zhang Weiping was about to say that the ball was set out of bounds, but Han Zhe chased to the sideline like a gust of wind, and then jumped high, and the ball was dialed in the air to Walker, who ran to catch it.

Although Han Zhe staggered (agac) out of bounds and collided with a photographer on the sidelines and rolled to the ground, the ball was saved, and Walker shook off one of the opponents and scored with ease

"Han is really hard enough today, this ball was actually saved by him"

"It seems that Han wants to fight and not give the Pacers a chance at all."

"Buckley, did you notice that Han's speed seems to be a little faster?"

"It seems to be faster than usual, just now it was hopeless, but I didn't expect to be caught up by him..."

Next, Han Zhe kept his eyes on West, although it was not a strict defense, but it was not easy for West to score points, so the Pacers shifted the scoring points to George, who was selected for the third team.

George is also a popular bomb now, although he can't compare with a rookie like Han Zhe, but being selected for the third team is also an affirmation of his strength and progress.

Especially this is the playoffs, although the Pacers were beaten into a dog by the Magic, George's play is still obvious to all and he is an excellent potential stock.

When George shook off O'Quinn to score an easy goal, Vaughn immediately came to the sidelines to signal Vucevic and O'Quinn to switch positions.

Relatively speaking, Vucevic is much better in skill and flexibility than O'Quinn, since the opponent transferred the scoring point, they also changed defenses, as for O'Quinn, it is not bad to defend Hibbert, both of them have a bit rough skills, let them go to the basket and fight each other

As the game went on, the home fans cheered wave after wave, because today their star Hua Dan Han Zhe was a bit of an explosive trend, all kinds of shows, outbreaks of hard eating, fancy passing, and all kinds of fancy shots.

Especially for Han Zhe's shooting, everyone is amazed, if one or two can still be said to be lucky, three or four is not luck.

The players defending Han Zhe simply had the urge to vomit blood, and Han Zhe made all kinds of difficult fancy shots in the air, and the hits were extremely high, so he couldn't defend at all

Everyone is surprised, if there is a person in the league who is the most stable in the confrontation, it must be the first Kobe Bryant, he can play a lot of flowers in the air, even if the body is unbalanced, the shot is more accurate.

Although Han Zhe's shooting has always been very accurate, he really didn't shoot well under confrontation before, is this enlightened or practiced?

In the box:

Devos' eyes widened, "Han Zhen is as advanced as Vaughn said?"

Hannigan was also a bit square, "This... The progress is not ordinary..."

After the two looked at each other after speaking, they laughed all of a sudden, what a big deal, Hey, Han Zhe's offense was originally a relatively incomprehensible kind, but now not to mention whether the explosiveness and speed are explosive, just the improvement of shooting ability will make Han Zhe's offensive ability go to a higher level.

In the past, Han Zhe found that many balls were not good to shoot and could only be passed, or he continued to burst hard, but today, Han Zhe made all kinds of forced shots, and sometimes even the shooting posture was very weird, but the hit rate was terrifyingly high

Han Zhe broke through with the ball again, and when he came to the free throw line and took a step out, he was pasted by Hill again, and then Han Zhe was in the exclamation of the audience, and he actually threw it directly with a big hook, the ball turned a few times in the hoop, and then rolled out, and the rebound was taken by Hibbert.

"Whew... Scared the hell out of me... I thought this kind of ball could be scored, but today Han is really crazy" Barkley couldn't help but start complaining.

Smith also laughed, "Han really didn't take the walker seriously, it feels like he's completely playing."

But isn't it, many people feel that Han Zhe is playing, even the Pacers players think so, looking at Han Zhe's eyes with anger, they think that Han Zhe is simply humiliating them.

It's no wonder that everyone thinks so, this is a playoff game, but Han Zhe used a lot of outrageous shooting methods today, such as the ultra-long-distance big hook just now, which is more heavenly than the sky hook, as well as the throws near the free throw line, one-handed back shots, and Boozer's kind of shooting that lifts the ball behind his head, and even Han Zhe played a ground-hitting rebound shot

In fact, Han Zhe was not insulting the walker, but he didn't know much about the specific role and effect of this amorphous formula now, for example, he also knew some characteristics of this ability after many experiments.

The closer to the basket is the more accurate it is to shoot with amorphousness, and the more awkward the action, the lower the hit rate, Han Zhe now concludes that within two meters of the basket, no matter what posture, as long as the ball can shoot, the hit rate is very high.

Then the farther away from the basket, the more irregular the posture, the lower the hit, of course, the lower this is only relative to the basket, in fact, the improvement is also very large, not to mention two points, Han Zhe also experimented, and the infinitive also has a strengthening effect on his three points.

Now that Han Zhe's three-point forced shot under the sticker defense is a little higher than the previous hit, Han Zhe is extremely satisfied with this amorphous formula.

In short, with the amorphous Han Zhe is almost invincible under the basket, others can't prevent him at all except for fouls.

In the middle and long distances, it can also greatly improve the shooting percentage under defense.

This can be regarded as a miracle skill


PS: Thanks to the boss of [Vlei] for the tip of 500 points.

Thanks to the boss of [Changsheng] for rewarding 100 points. _

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