After half the game, the Knicks have collapsed a little, but fortunately their fans are very reliable, otherwise it is estimated that they should have cheered.

"Han, you're so good, they're all stupid by you!" the teammates in the lounge praised Han Zhe excitedly.

"Don't, are you praising me or hacking me," Han Zhe said with a smile.

Although his performance in both quarters was buggy, he was not conceited enough to think that it was his own credit, and he would not have been able to score like this without the cooperation of his teammates and the delivery of ammunition.

After the start of the third quarter, Vaughn did not rotate, and many people were excited at a glance, is this the rhythm that intends to take away a wave of Knicks!

Han Zhe played so fiercely in the first two quarters, and when Magic fans were worried about whether Han Zhe still had the physical fitness to continue playing, they quickly put aside this concern, because Han Zhe was still alive and well, and he was still the spearhead of Magic's attack

Of course, this is related to the block, Han 413 Zhe got three blocks in the first two quarters, and his physical fitness is enough for the time being!

In defense, Han Zhe is also very active, he does not have a fixed marking task, it is all about the opponent's state against whom.

Today, Han Zhe can be said to have fully embodied his value, not only taking most of the Magic's scores, but also being very good on the defensive end, using his fast and flexible characteristics to make the Knicks play very uncomfortable when attacking. "

"Han Zhe's growth is indeed amazing, he has improved so much in just one season, and I am looking forward to what level Han Zhe will reach if he continues to grow!"

Today, of course, the major broadcast platforms are boasting about Han Zhe, because Han Zhe's performance is so good, in the face of a strong team like the Knicks, he can play so crazy, it is not too much to praise in any language!

Felton broke through with the ball, and as soon as he used a beautiful speed to turn and shake off Walker, Han Zhe struck out from his side like a ghost and stabbed the ball away in one fell swoop.

Woodson roared angrily and pointed two fingers to his eyes, signaling the players to put their covers bright and not just stare at the defenders in front of them when holding the ball.

It's no wonder that Woodson is angry, because before the game, he also specifically emphasized that everyone should not only pay attention to Han Zhe on defense, but also pay special attention to this guy when attacking, after all, Han Zhe is still the league's steal king, so he can't be careless!

Han Zheke didn't care what the opponent was yelling at, after breaking the ball, he rushed directly to the opponent's half, and as soon as he got rid of Shampert, Chandler made up for the defense and began to squeeze Han with his physical advantage.

As soon as Han Zhe and Chandler came into contact, the original straight line dribble changed...

Just when Anthony thought that Han Zhe was unbalanced and began to assist Chandler in blocking his passing route, Han Zhe staggered two steps and leaned back in front of Chandler.

Chandler had a good defense for this shot, after all, this kind of ball was too difficult, he didn't expect Han Zhe to shoot at all, so he didn't jump and block, and the result was to see a beautiful arc fall into the basket!

"Damn! This ball is blinded."

"He's obviously knocked off balance (AGBC) and he's not too close to the basket, or is he leaning back and shooting, and that's a good shot?"

"Although this guy Han is very annoying, I have to admit that he is really strong. "

"This ball reminds me of Kobe, who has a lot of these shots"

Knicks fans discussed it at once, but whether they were surprised or scolded, they all admitted that Han Zhe was indeed strong against the sky, and he played too loudly today

The Knicks players were also depressed when they saw this, they thought they were more familiar with and understood Han Zhe after a few big battles, but when they looked at it today, it wasn't

Next, the Knicks seemed to be in a bit of a hurry, and forced a wave of fast breaks to chase the points, but Shampert's three-point iron and rebounds were confiscated by Vucevic.

Woodson hesitated, but didn't call a timeout, because it was the right thing for the team to start picking up the pace, they were now twenty points behind, and if they didn't pick up the tempo, they would definitely lose if they continued to play in the current way

The Knicks now have to save time on offense, and it's better to improve their three-point shooting so they can chase points quickly.

However, the idea is good, but the acceleration requires more coordination, and three-point shooting is the key.

After playing for a few minutes, Woodson sighed in his heart, what an egg, their speed is raised, but although the three-point shooting rate is not pitted, it is not up to ideal at all, and Han Zhe's shooting rate is as stable as ever, they can't chase the score at all, and the fast-paced offense also tires the players like dogs.

When the third quarter was over, the score became 88-65, and the scene was silent, even if Knicks fans supported the home team again, they couldn't stand it to see this kind of score.

Of course, the few Magic fans in the stadium were rejoicing, and they couldn't be more satisfied with the team's performance.

In the end, there were no accidents in this game, the score gap was too big, and the Knicks wasted a lot of energy in the third quarter, but they did not chase the score, and the result was basically doomed.

At the final whistle, the score was set at 109-87, and the Magic defeated the Knicks by a big score on the road and had already won the match point.


PS: Thanks to the boss of [jiejie] for tipping 100 points. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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