After the game, Han Zhe was naturally surrounded by reporters, his performance in this game was too eye-catching, just look at the data, score 58, breaking his single-game playoff scoring record.

And Han Zhe's other statistics are also good, 4 steals, 4 boards, and three blocks, plus 10 assists, this data is simply not too luxurious

"Han, you performed so well today, is it because you were stimulated by James's words and want to perform well?"

"You think too much, I was in good shape today and I just wanted to win, and I don't need to be stimulated by others"

"Congratulations on getting match point, do you have the confidence to knock out the Magic in the next game?"

"I can win away from home, of course I am more confident when I return to home, I don't want to fight any battle of Tianwang Mountain"

"Han, you broke your own playoff single-game scoring record today, and also broke the playoff single-game scoring record for young players, how do you feel at this time?"

"I'm very happy, the coach is calling me" Han Zhe withdrew after speaking, in fact, he didn't feel anything about the current young player's scoring record or anything like that, so he didn't want to say anything more!

In the evening, Han Zhe and Lu Thor met in the hotel room.

"I said Luther, why do you feel unhappy when I win!" Han Zhe joked while half-lying on the sofa.

"How can you not be happy, the further you can go in the playoffs, the better!"

After taking a sip of red wine, Luthor continued: "But we really didn't expect to have an advantage against the Knicks Magic, and now it seems that we have to change our plans, trouble!"

"Who told you to make a plan for your trip so early, I think you're just idle!" Han Zhe rolled his eyes.

"You are right, I am your agent, of course I have to arrange the plan early, otherwise it will be troublesome when the time comes!"

Luthor is also painful and happy, now that Han Zhe is getting more and more popular, it must be a good thing, but correspondingly, when people become popular, there will naturally be more things, and all kinds of activities and commercial endorsements must be planned early.

Originally, after playing the Pacers before, the Luthor team was already planning Han Zhe's return itinerary, and this is not to blame them, because in terms of overall strength, there is indeed a gap between the Magic and the Knicks, and few are optimistic about the Magic before the game.

Don't say that Luthor was surprised, in fact, Han Zhe knew that if he hadn't gotten Qingfeng's ability again, they really didn't have much hope of beating the Knicks, but now that Han Zhe's strength has improved again, it will definitely have a significant impact on the team's combat effectiveness.

Han Zhe said: "I said Luther, can't you let me go back to China to play for a while on vacation?"

Luthor spread his hands helplessly and said: "I also know that I am tired, but you are not a nobody now, you have to have a plan for socializing, and there are still some endorsement advertisements that have not been filmed, you have to make up for it"

"I want to be free!" Han Zhe protested

Luthor said speechlessly: "In your words, you guy is cheap and good, you can be free, give the liquidated damages, and then don't participate in business.

Han Zhe pouted and stopped talking, he just complained, no one will get along with money, and Luthor is quite reliable, just arranging some entertainment and business activities that cannot be denied, he still has a lot of personal time after playing the playoffs!

"By the way, we are considering hiring you a professional team of bodyguards, of course, you will have to pay for it yourself. Luther said.

Han Zhe waved his hand when he heard this, then showed off the muscles of his arm, and said, "Do you think I still need bodyguards?"

Luthor was angry, "Bodyguards are not thugs, do you think you hire bodyguards to fight, do you know how popular you are now, especially in Asia, you are more well-known than the presidents of some countries, it will be much better to have bodyguards to maintain order, and you can block guns if you fight well!"

Han Zhe was stunned for a moment, and found that he seemed to be a little bit of a divergence, in the face of the crazy crowd, it seemed that it was indeed much more convenient to have bodyguards to open the way, as for eating guns or something, he was not too worried, after all, he didn't do anything angry and resentful, and it is estimated that no one is bored and wants to kill him!

"You look at the arrangement, but don't rush it, just use it when you return home. "

Lu Thor nodded, he was originally thinking about Han Zhe's return to China, but he really didn't need a bodyguard team here, at most he could find a reliable personal bodyguard for Han Zhe to ensure his safety.

Then the two didn't talk about work anymore and started chatting.

"Han, are you sure that you will play the Knicks next?"

"The Knicks are not a fish belly, how can there be any certainty, it can only be said that as long as we play normally at the next home court, it is very likely to eliminate the Knicks. "

"In fact, the Magic has played to this extent is already very good, both the senior management and the fans are satisfied, you don't have to fight too fiercely, you have a lot of dangerous actions in the last few games, if you get injured, it's not worth it!"

"I know what to expect, do you see I've been injured for a season?"

"You can't say that, this kind of thing depends on luck, it's better to be careful!"

If there is no damage reduction, Han Zhe will definitely be much more cautious when playing, after all, his body is his own, and no one wants to become a glass man.

But with damage reduction, it doesn't matter if Han Zhe is relieved, this is also the reason why many people like Han Zhe, Han Zhe is desperate on the field, and he fights with passion!

The Magic led the Knicks 3-2, which naturally became the focus of the next day's newspaper, after all, there are many people who are optimistic about the Knicks, but I didn't expect that now it is the Magic who will get the match point first.

However, despite falling behind, Knicks fans still firmly believe in the interview that the Knicks will win the final victory, yesterday's game was just an accident, and there are many people who strongly demand that the league conduct a drug test on Han Zhe again, after all, Han Zhe's performance on the court was too rebellious.

Of course, the Magic fans are also spitting, drug test Nima, if you play well, you will be medicated?

Of course, the alliance will not really inspect Han Zhe again, after all, the last drug test turmoil has passed, and the magic has protested from top to bottom, so it is a bit targeted to inspect Han Zhe in such a short time!

Amid the noise and shouting from the outside world, the two teams soon ushered in the sixth big game, and this one returned to Amway Arena again.

Even the aisles in the arena were full today, because Magic fans are expecting the home team to win, and if they win today, they will directly advance to the Eastern Conference Finals, the Magic have not played in the finals for many years, and of course the fans are concerned about this crucial game!_

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