Seeing that the Magic has been leading and playing very steadily, Eric on the sidelines is also a little anxious, if they lose this game, then it is really hard to say who will enter the Finals.

"Focus! You must keep an eye on Han Zhe, and you can't let go of half a step!" Eric called Wade to the sidelines and asked him again, just now this ball was Wade a little distracted, and he took a step slower, making Han Zhe shoot very easily.

In fact, this is inevitable, for dozens of minutes on the court, which player can maintain 100% concentration, Wade is already very good at defending Han Zhe's three points today, and at present, Han Zhe is three of 5 shots, this data may be very awesome for other players, but Han Zhe is not high in terms of hit rate or shot rate.

"I'm sorry, I'll pay attention!" Wade nodded and took the ball to organize the attack.

As soon as he arrived on the outside line, Afflaro came to close the defense, Wade also showed off his skills, retreated immediately after a tentative step, and when Aflaro took a step forward to prepare for defense, Wade changed hands + pulled the ball with a cross step, and flashed from Afflalo's side.

Although Yao Ming and the others also wanted to see the Magic win, they couldn't help but praise Wade, because this set of moves 433 looks very smooth and beautiful, worthy of being a veteran superstar in the league, and his skills and strength are absolutely passable.

It's just that Wade's brilliance in these games has been somewhat overshadowed by the more fierce Han Zhe and James.

After Wade's internal breakthrough, Han Zhe was immediately stuck between him and James, the purpose was obvious, that is, not to let James get the ball, when Han Zhe was ready to use the eye of the emperor to predict and see if he could steal him again, he immediately gave up and turned around and started marking, because James is not a dead man, and he naturally has to run to find a gap when he finds that he is stuck in the position.

This is also the reason why Han Zhe can't steal too much even if he has the Eye of the Emperor, after all, he can't always stand stupidly and watch the next move of the player with the ball, he also has to pay attention to the movements of his markers at all times, and sometimes even if he judges the opponent's passing route, it is useless, if he is far away, he will not have time to rush over if he judges correctly.

When Han Zhe stuck to James again, Wade had already shot, this time a faster low ball thrown above the basket, Bosh jumped first, Okui was noticeably slower, and when he was ready for interference, Bosh had already caught the ball with one hand.

At this time, O'Quinn was in a dilemma, not knowing whether to foul or not, if he fouled, this kind of ball is easy to send points 2+1, and he has accumulated one more number of fouls, if he does not foul, the ball is settled, and he looks stupid and inactive.

These are all momentary things, how can you have time to think about it, O'Quinn hasn't decided yet, the Bosh on his head has already scored an empty dunk!

After O'Quinn landed, he looked annoyed, and his face was also black and red, because he himself found out that since he came on the field, the other party has loved to hit him, and the success rate seems to be high, which is a bit embarrassing, and he feels a little ashamed, and he has become a weak point in the team.

Han Zhe's ability to observe words and expressions is good, he glanced at what Quinn was thinking, and said with a smile: "It's normal to lose two balls, and Bosh is not easy to mess with, I guess it will be worse if I change under the basket!"

Although he knew that Han Zhe was comforting himself, he still nodded gratefully, he thought that he would be blamed by his teammates, but he didn't.

Of course, Han Zhe won't blame O'Quinn, the power gap is here, one is a big star in the league, and the other is a player who is a little reluctant to play as a substitute, and it's normal to be unguarded!

And O'Quinn is not useless, he is still very helpful on the offensive end, and he has an advantage in blocking and rebounding under the basket.

Towards the end of the game, the cheers of the fans did not stop, because the Magic still maintain a three-point lead, and it is very likely to win this game depending on the situation.

The Heat have the ball, Chanmos shoots the iron, Haslem grabs the rebound and passes to James on the outside, Wade cuts and pulls Aflarol away, and Han Zhe and James are left on the outside.

The Heat naturally has a lot of confidence in James, but the Magic also has confidence in Han Zhe, so far, although James's score is not low, he has not scored three points in Han Zhe's defense, because if you want to throw three points in front of Han Zhe, it is not good to have a physical advantage, Han Zhe's one-on-one accurate prediction can make you cry!

Han Zhe thought that James would take himself to the inside with this ball, but who knows, James's momentum suddenly changed, the frequency of dribbling suddenly surged, and then he just quickly turned around and went around behind him and made a three-point shot.


Accurate basket entry!

"Grass!" Han Zhe couldn't help but say a foul word, because this forced people to hang up again, and he was a little caught off guard just now.

"Exhausting you bastard when you open Zone!" Han Zhe was so anxious that he cursed, what a thing, if he didn't do it, he would hang up, and he was unreasonable, and didn't this thing have any sequelae, come again?

Of course, Han Zhe also forgot that he was also an open player!

"Keep your mouth clean, little bastard!" James' eyes widened like bull's eyes.

"Who are you scolding little bastard? Shit! Unconvinced? Unconvinced, beat me! Lao Tzu let you have one hand, and talking counts!"

Although Han Zhe only reached James's neck, and his figure was also a little smaller, his momentum was not weak at all, and he stepped forward and stuck together with James's big eyes, looking ready to fight at any time.

The players of the two teams saw that their boss seemed to be going to do it, and they instantly rushed over to protect the boss behind them, and no matter who was right or wrong, they all pushed and shouted and scolded in chaos, and the defensive actions of the players of both teams were relatively large, and there was more physical contact before, and the gas was not very smooth, and now there is really a posture of fighting 300 rounds.

However, at this time, the referee rushed over in time to separate the two teams, and then the coaches of the two teams also called the players away to calm them down, so they didn't do it.

Although Han Zhe scolded and scolded with an unhappy face, he really didn't mean to fight, because if he really wanted to fight, he didn't move his mouth and did it directly.

After all, today is the Eastern Conference Finals, he doesn't want to end up like this, and as soon as James opened the Zone, he beat people down, what is this, does it mean that he is afraid of James?

So this Han Zhe resolutely refuses to fight!_

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