The skirmish between the two teams could only be regarded as a small episode on the field, and with the reassurance of the referee and the coaches of both sides, the players quickly calmed down and the game was able to continue.

James scored a three-pointer just now, and now it is naturally the Magic opening the bottom line.

When Han Zhe took the ball to the frontcourt, everyone found that the Heat had changed significantly, that is, Wade became James who was marking Han Zhe.

Many fans are confused about this, and they don't know why the Heat suddenly changed their defenses, but Han Zhe knows very well in his heart that now that James is open, he must be more suitable than Wade to defend himself.

"Boy, it's impossible for you to win today!" James stopped in front of Han Zhe with a provocative expression.

After Han Zhe pressed his shoulder against James, he also replied: "Anyone will say big words, why didn't you sweep us away when you were so awesome, thinking that you would be invincible if you opened the Zone?"

As soon as Han Zhe's words fell, he pulled the ball and turned around, James actually stuck Han Zhe again with a stride, but it was not the first time that Han Zhe and James who opened the zone had played each other, knowing that the other party had a few pounds and taels, and he didn't think that he could break through with a simple turn.

Next, everyone's eyes almost didn't pop out, Han Zhe pulled the ball and turned around just to start, James just stepped into the card man, Han Zhe dribbled under his crotch + probed to break through, when James dodged again and was ready to block, Han Zhe was behind the side + hand change direction + body.

This series of combination actions was completed in an instant, extremely fast and coherent, and James couldn't react even if he hung up, and watched Han Zhe~ rush past him.

Han Zhe quickly burst to the basket after Harkless's block, then jumped up and dodged Haslem's block with an aerial hand-change move and scored the basketball.

After Han Zhe landed, in the cheers of the audience, he despised James who had just chased after him: "Your Zone is nothing more than that! And you only entered the Zone today, presumably you won't be able to last long!"

"It's okay to hold on until you make you cry!" James said and went off to tee, but his heart was not very calm.

One is because Han Zhe can still break through himself in this state, and the other is that Han Zhe is right, the frequency of entering the Zone twice in a row is too high, and his physical state has not fully recovered, and now he has entered the Zone again, and his body is a little unable to load.

Even though the game was a few minutes away, he didn't know if he would be able to hold on and that he could be in a worse state of mind after the game.

It can be said that James also fought hard for this ball!

Han Zhe is similar, although he talks about it, he consumes much more physical energy and energy than usual, and it is now the end of the fourth quarter, his physical fitness is already a little unbearable, and he doesn't know if he can succeed if he continues to single James!

In the next round of attack, James didn't rely on his own one to hit violently, but found a gap from Han Zhe and cut in, and then gave the ball to Haslem, who shot and hit.

"Idiot! You blow so badly, why don't you vote for yourself, no, you!" Han Zhe gasped and didn't forget to taunt James.

"Idiot, you have the ability, then you can shoot every ball yourself, I'll watch!" James gasped in reply.

In the next round of attack, Han Zhe was entangled with James for a while, and then made a fake throw, deceived James and hung O'Quinn on the inside, the opponent's defense of Ibaka was more ruthless, and he ignored O'Quinn a little, this opportunity was grasped by Han Zhe, and O'Quinn did not waste it, and scored a dunk after receiving the ball.

0····· Asking for flowers...

"Hehe... You don't have to pass the ball yet, you have the ability to pass me!" James found an opportunity and also mocked it.

Han Zhe said disdainfully: "It's like I can't talk about you, didn't that ball just satisfy you just now, and I don't know why you are so thick-skinned!"

James still wanted to fight back, but Han Zhe had already turned around and ran away to defend himself.

"Han, you two have been spewing trash talk?" Ibaka asked curiously as he ran back, and Han Zhe and the two kept muttering, and of course the players could see it.

............. 0

Han Zhe shook his head and said: "How can someone with such quality as me spew trash talk, James just praised me for playing well, and said that I should not break through and make him embarrassed, and wanted me to let him go, I said think about it!"

Ibaka stumbled and almost didn't fall to the ground, what the hell believes!

In the next ball, James attracted firepower to help Wade make the ball, and Wade was fouled by Ibaka when he was about to make a layup, and he made both free throws.

Switching offense and defense, Han Zhe controlled the ball to the front court and also chose to pass, Afflalo hit the iron in the middle of the shot, and O'Quinn was fouled by Haslem when he grabbed the rebound and was about to make up the basket, and suffered a small loss in one of the two free throws.

When the game reached the last two minutes, the fans at the scene were very anxious, because the Magic are now more tired than the Heat, and their shooting is not very stable, and now they are overtaken by the Heat by three points, and the situation does not look good.

The Magic has no way back at present, this game can't be lost, if it loses, it will go home directly, so the fans on the scene began to cheer for the team frantically, so that they must resist and strive to fight the seven-game with the Heat!


PS: Thanks to the boss of [njt123] for tipping 100 points. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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