With 1 minute and 40 seconds left, the Heat Bosh scored on the basketball, and the difference between the two teams widened to five points, and Vaughn had to use up the last timeout to see this, not to make any tactical adjustments, just to buy the players a little rest.

Vaughn knows that the Magic are not a tactical problem now, nor is it a lineup problem, but their players don't have enough rest time for the other team, and now they can't afford to be physically fit and a little unable to keep up with the Heat.

At the end of the timeout, the players took the opportunity to replenish a little water and breathe a sigh of relief, and the Magic replaced Vucevic again to strengthen the interior strength and make a final fight.

Magic kicks off, and it is very rare for the opponent not to press the whole court, which is a special case, because Han Zhe controls the ball steadily, and he can't steal one-on-one at all, and it is difficult to even block, but it is easy to make loopholes in his own lineup.

"070" Therefore, the Heat simply carried out intensive defense in their own half, waited for the magic to come to the door, and set up the iron bucket array for the magic to drill!

The coaches of both sides are now unstable, all shouting on the sidelines, and the interesting thing is that if you listen carefully, you can hear both of them shouting the same, that is, let the players stabilize and not be in a hurry.

Eric is telling the Heat not to be impatient when defending, and not to make rash shots, as long as they keep an eye on the person in front of them.

Vaughn said that there is still enough time, so don't be in a hurry when the magic attack, don't rush to shoot, you must play steadily and find the right opportunity to play the success rate, now every ball is extremely critical!

Afflalo tried to break down the right flank first, but Wade was very experienced defensively, so he didn't get the slightest chance and had to pass the ball back to Han Chul at the top of the arc.

As soon as Han Zhe got the ball, Harkless came out to block and dismantle, but James's reaction in the zone state was indeed a little godly, when Harkless just ran to his side and was about to go around him, James took half a step forward and stuck to Han Zhe, so that Harkless had no chance to block and dismantle.

However, Harkless's active running is not useless, although there is no chance to shoot three points after blocking and dismantling, it is much easier for Han Zhe to break through after James sticks close.

Han Zhe didn't use fancy movements this time, after turning left and right to pull the ball in a row, the first step was to break out at the limit, and the first step was to throw off James's position, although James is still gritting his teeth to maintain the Zone state, but the Zone just allows him to exert his extreme strength, even if he is not as fast as the current Han Zhe even if he bursts at the limit, the distance between the two is wider after a few steps.

Seeing this, James could only give up chasing Han Zhe and run to take over the position of Haslem, who had already vacated Ibaka because of the filling.

But Han Zhe had good vision and quick reactions, Haslem had just arrived in front of him, and James was two steps away from getting the ball into Ibaka's hands.

Ibaka is now three miles away from the basket, and the space is temporarily vacant, and after receiving the ball, he naturally jumps and shoots, but it is so close that Ibaka actually throws iron and jumps high on the basket.

Ibaka was a little stunned after throwing, I guess I didn't expect that this would be able to rest very little, and the point was deformed when I shot just now, and it is natural that I can't shoot accurately!

As soon as the fans' sighs of regret and chagrin came out, there was a cry of surprise, because Han Zhe didn't know when he had rushed to the basket, and used his amazing jump to press Bosh who was about to grab the board, almost pressing his hand to press the ball into the basket!

"Whew! It's dangerous!" Han Zhe also exhaled in his heart, if they missed, they really had little hope, after he passed the ball just now, he rushed straight to the basket, no matter whether the ball could be scored or not, he was sure that he was sure, and it turned out that he made a wise decision this time.

However, Han Zhe, who was already a little overdrawn, after this round of breakthroughs, sprinting, and making up for the basket, he was really a little unable to hold on, and his feet were soft after landing, so he didn't fall down, but fortunately, Vucevic next to him quickly helped him!

"Han, are you alright?" Vucevic asked, a little worried.

"What can I do, I just slipped my foot. "Han Zhe is very strong, so naturally he won't say that his legs are weak.

At this time, Ibaka also gasped and ran over and said, "Han! Thank you so much!"

Han Zhe was so tired that he didn't even want to speak, he pressed his legs with his hands and gasped a few times, smiled at Ibaka and dragged his heavy steps back to defense.

Of course he knows why Ibaka thanked him, if Ibaka misses this ball and loses it because of three or two points, Ibaka will probably be sprayed as a fool, it can be said that he is a sinner of magic, and Han Zhe will naturally have no problems if he makes up for it!

The Magic are tired, the Heat are actually not much better, the Flash Wade is now running like a grandmother, Bosh is also fixed on the inside and rarely walks, everyone is almost to the limit 0...

The Heat tried several times on offense this time and found that the Magic were very dead inside, Vucevic was also a more flexible player, and Kaposh did a better job than O'Quin.

James, whose face was already a little pale, gritted his teeth when he saw this, and chose to break through by himself, although Han Zhe judged the breakthrough route to James, his physical fitness was completely fundamental, and he was touched by James, and almost didn't fall to the ground, so he could only watch him cut in.

James came to the basket after a quick change of direction past Haslem, who was on the defending, and it is estimated that he had no physical strength, so he did not dunk, but chose to go to the basket after a feint to deceive Vucevic.

Many Magic fans are afraid to look at it with their eyes closed, if this goal is scored, it will be a five-point gap, and now the game time is less than a minute, and it is really necessary to finish the rhythm!

When Han Zhedu thought that the ball would go in, suddenly a magical palm appeared above the basketball, and the ball slapped the ball to the rebound, and a loud noise made many fans open their eyes, and then there was a scream like a torrent eruption, it turned out that it was Ibaka, who had just made a throwing error, and successfully assisted in the block!

"Beautiful!1.4 Ibaka is in the right position when the team needs him the most, and this block may be worth a thousand dollars!" Su Qun yelled excitedly.

Many viewers in front of the TV also feel that the little heart is a little unbearable, this ball is too exciting!

Ibaka fanned the ball hard enough, bounced directly to the outside line, the ball fell in the middle of Han Zhe and Wade, both of them rushed over regardless of fatigue, Han Zhe took the first step to catch the ball, poked his fingertips, the ball rolled in front of Aflaro, Aflaro picked up the ball and burst out of his life's fastest speed, rushed to the basket and scored a layup!


The entire Amway Arena almost exploded, the terrifying sound of the fans made the stadium tremble, they chased back two more points, and with 30 seconds left in the game, they were only one point behind, and they had a good chance of coming back to win!_

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