Han Zhe's mood is very complicated now, since he got the system to join the NBA, it has always been said that it has been smooth sailing, and his fame and popularity have risen rapidly, this is the first time he has suffered a major setback in the NBA!

Han Zhe chatted with Yao Ming before and said it more freely, and he also imagined that it might be planted in the hands of the heat, and at that time he felt that victory and defeat were a common thing in soldiers, and winning or losing was not a big problem.

But when this day really came, Han Zhe knew how uncomfortable, unwilling, regretful, aggrieved and other emotions came to his heart one by one.

Especially listening to the enthusiastic applause of the fans at the scene, it is even more uncomfortable, in this case, if the fans are booing and complaining, they may be more down-to-earth, but now they have a feeling of guilt.

Regardless of the thoughts in his heart, Han Zhe must be grateful for the support and tolerance of the fans, so he called his teammates together and bowed around with everyone to thank him, which made the applause on the scene even stronger.

"Magic fans are definitely qualified fans, although Magic lost today, all the fans not only did not leave the court immediately, but gave warm applause and encouragement, this scene is very touching!"

"Magic fan loyalty is really high, this year is the best in the NBA, in fact, this is also mutual, Magic players are working the court, they cheer off the court, plus Magic is playing really well this year, there is no reason for fans to be dissatisfied!"

"The only regret is that I can't see Han Zhe galloping in the finals!"

"Actually, it's not entirely a bad thing for the Magic to be out now, don't forget that this is Han Zhe's first rookie season, it's good to suffer some setbacks, how can life always be smooth sailing, and he is still young now, strong and strong, one day he will stand on the stage of the finals, I believe this day will not be too far away!"

At the end of the game, CCTV naturally began to chat, in general, several of them are used to seeing strong winds and waves, although they regret the loss of the Magic, but they are not too pessimistic, people, they always have to grow in setbacks, not to mention that Han Zhe reached the Eastern Conference Finals in the first year, in the eyes of many people, this is already glory and not a setback!

But the general consciousness of the majority of netizens is not so high, alas:

"It's a pity, I almost turned the tables, 555, crying and fainting in the toilet!"

"Don't watch the finals, there is no Han Zhe in the NBA, there is still a bird!"

"It's a pity that I can't see Han Zhe pretending to be forced in the finals!"

"I still want to see Han Zhe bring the championship ring home, how do you know that there will be a break here!"

"Actually, this year's magic is already very awesome, everyone look at it!"

"Look away at your sister! I'm not in the mood to go to work now!"

Throughout the ages, it has been a succession and a defeat, and the Heat are naturally surrounded by reporters now, and if you are complimented, you will come as soon as you open your mouth!

As for the Magic, there were also a lot of media interviews, but the questions were all of the less pumped type, and the Magic players who were not in a good mood almost didn't hit anyone, and finally all refused to be interviewed and returned to the lounge.

Everyone was in a mess after returning to the lounge, one was that they were tired after the game and wanted to take a break, of course, the main thing was that they were eliminated, and now they were in no mood to talk, and even coach Vaughn didn't bother them.

After a long break, Walker was the first to break the silence, "What's next for everyone?"

Seeing that everyone was the first to look at him, Han Zhe spoke: "I'm going to go back to China after the holiday, I haven't been home for a year, I'm quite homesick, what about you?"

Walker said: "I can't go back for the time being, I just received two endorsements here, and the commercial hasn't been filmed yet." "

"Damn! When did you kid sneak up on endorsements again? How much is it, what endorsements, tell me about it!" Vucevic seemed very interested.

Walker rolled his eyes and pointed to the socks on his feet, "Little endorsement, there is not much money, if you want to say who can compare to Han, it will be millions of dollars at every turn!"

"If I had Han's strength and looks, maybe the endorsement fee would be higher than him!" Ibaka said sourly, everyone laughed, and the atmosphere gradually became lively, after all, there are young people here, and emotions come and go quickly!

Next, everyone chatted about you and me, such as whose endorsement is good, whose girlfriend is beautiful, which actress is sassy enough, where to go to play on vacation, and so on.

"Okay, let's go take a shower and change clothes, it's not good to catch a cold!" Han Zhe doesn't look young, but he already has the momentum of a big brother in magic, as soon as he opened his mouth, everyone stopped talking nonsense, got up and started to take a shower and change clothes.

As soon as the players came out after changing their clothes, they found that the team's owner, Devos, and manager Hannigan, were both waiting in the company of Vaughn.

"Although I lost today, everyone's performance was very good, and I will take everyone to have a good time tonight, and the consumption is mine!" Devos said that he came out to be the big one.

However, he should be happy, the team's performance this year made him very satisfied, and the team made a lot of profits, so he naturally made a generous move.

Although most of the players don't care much about the small amount of money they eat, drink and have fun, they still give a cheer to their face, and they all seem very happy.

This is actually the benefit of the team's lack of heritage, if the Magic is a traditional strong team, it is estimated that Alexander will be eliminated, but they are a team that has not won a championship at one time, and they can see it more openly, winning is earning, and losing is normal, neither the owner nor the fans will blame them!

The next day, when everyone gathered at the team, Vaughn officially announced that he would take a leave of absence for about three months, and the players would not be allowed to return to training until the pre-season in October.

Everyone was cheering, after a year of hard work, it was finally time to relax, and Han Zhe was also like an arrow, the first time he had been away from home for so long, he had long wanted to return to China!

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