The team is officially on vacation, and of course Han Zhe is like an arrow, but he can't just leave, there is a team behind him, and the itinerary plan or everything has to be planned.

As soon as Han Zhe and Luthor met that night, Luthor took out a thick stack of plans and prepared to read them to Han Zhe.

However, before Luthor could speak, Han Zhe preemptively said: "Stop! Just tell me a rough idea, and don't give me so many rules and regulations, it's hard to get a vacation, don't act like a business trip!"

"To put it simply, you will participate in a few fan meetings after returning to China, and then there will be re-shooting advertisements, as well as some public welfare activities and charitable donations, and here are some appointment invitations for well-known columns in your country, my suggestion is to go, first, it can increase your popularity, and their appearance fee is also very appropriate, of course, how to decide is still up to you!"

Luthor was about to continue, but Han Zhe interrupted again: "Wait, you said so much, why didn't I hear my itinerary to go home?"

Luthor smiled indifferently, then turned the page of the plan and handed it to Han Zhe, motioning him to look at it himself, and Han Zhe's face turned green when he saw it!

"Damn! I just want to spend more time with my parents when I go back to China, you bastard, you bastard, give me only three or five days to go home, like a relative!"

"Han, you are no longer a nobody, you have to adapt to your own identity change, this itinerary was planned by our team with a lot of effort, it is definitely the most reasonable!"

"Reasonable fart, convert fart, no matter how I convert I'm also my parents' own son, I don't want to make money, but I must go back home as soon as possible, and I must arrive home at the first stop tomorrow, and the rest is not to be discussed!"

"I really can't do this..."

"What does it mean that it can't be done, and if it can't be done, it has to be done!"

"I really can't do it, because there is no direct flight to Hunan here, and the first stop is to go to your capital for a transfer!"

Han Zhe: "..."

At Han Zhe's insistence, the itinerary was preliminarily decided, but Han Zhe finally made appropriate concessions, promising that he would participate in a talk show after arriving in the capital, and then transfer home.

After the two agreed, Han Zhe went home to prepare, but he was taken aback as soon as he entered the door, the black light was blind, and he knew that Shen Xuefei should be busy in the kitchen wearing an apron at this time.

When I turned on the light, I found a beautiful pink card on the table, with a few simple words written on it in Juanxiu's font: "I have returned to China in advance, don't read it!"

"Why did you go back to China without making a sound?" Han Zhe frowned, this is not Shen Xuefei's style, why do you have to say goodbye to yourself before leaving, is there something urgent?

I originally wanted to call her to ask about the situation, but as soon as I called, it prompted to turn off the phone, Han Zhe thought about it and understood, it is estimated that she is still on the plane now, and it is normal to not get through!

Looking at the empty room, he used to think it was nothing, but now he suddenly knew that Shen Xuefei was really a little unaccustomed to leaving, but thinking that he was going to leave soon anyway, Han Zhe didn't want to do it anymore, and it was a big deal to take out a generation of bread and send the rumbling stomach away.

After eating something briefly, Han Zhe turned on the TV and watched it, and after flipping through a few stations, he found that the last game between them and the Heat was being replayed.

I haven't noticed much on the court before, but I did find a lot of problems from a third-person perspective, whether offensive or defensive, the Heat's formation and coordination are indeed better than them, the player's running route is very clear and clear, and the timing of the shot is also better, which is difficult for them to do when they are just starting the team.

Seeing the end, Han Zhe also has a clearer understanding of James in the zone state, and it can be found with God's vision that his ability to catch gaps when breaking through has indeed risen a notch, and he can seize opportunities from the small holes of himself and other players every time.

Another point is that when shooting, the shooting time is shorter, the shooting rate is higher, and the average player has more or less aiming time when shooting, but James in the Zone state is the same as shooting empty three-pointers, almost no need for aiming time, and he can shoot when he raises his hand, which is really difficult to defend!

After watching the ball game, Han Zhe went back to the room to pack his things, in fact, there were not many things, just a few changes of clothes and some necessities for life, now as long as he has money, he can buy everything after going out!

I wanted to go to bed early to recuperate, but I didn't know that when I thought of returning to China, my brain was excited, and I couldn't sleep after tossing and turning, so I had no choice but to get up and open my notebook to play on Weibo!

Han Zhe was startled when he left a message on Weibo, because it seemed that everyone knew that he was going back to China, which was not surprising, Magic announced a holiday this morning, and he could guess that Han Zhe would return to China.

But many people know that he is tomorrow's plane, and it is amazing to even know which flight, Han Zhe's first reaction is whether Luthor leaked the news, but when he thinks about it, it is not right, he does not need this kind of low-end hype now, there is no need for this at all.

Han Zhe suddenly patted his head and said with a wry smile: "Terrible reporter!"

Yes, this kind of thing must be that the reporter has found out the news, it may be that someone has a wide network, or it may be that he spends money to buy news from airport personnel, and the so-called information confidentiality is nonsense, just to see if your relationship is strong enough, and whether the money is enough.

Han Zhe did not respond to confirm the news, because he knew that his current popularity was high, and although his personality was very jumpy, he was not too high-profile person, so there was no need for many people to pick up the plane.

Then Han Zhe had a phone call with his parents, telling them that it was estimated that they would arrive home two days late, which made his mother Li Xuelan complain for a while, and she chattered for more than half an hour, which completely dozed off Han Zhe, which is better than sleeping pills!


PS: Thanks to the boss of [njt123] for tipping 100 points.

Thanks to the boss of [KM Gold] for tipping 100 points.

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