
Han Zhe woke up at five o'clock in the morning, this is homesickness, and he still can't sleep well.

At half-past six, there was a knock at the door of the house, and when he opened it, he found Luthor and four big men standing in the doorway.

"Luther, why are you here?" Han Zhe asked suspiciously, because Luther didn't say that he would return to China with him, after all, Luther was not his agent alone, and now he was about to have a new year's draft season, and he had a lot of things to do.

After Luther squeezed into the room with a few people, he said with a smile: "My affairs have been handed over to the assistant to take care of, and I have to go over to you in person to follow to rest assured." "

Lu Thore has actually been thinking about it for a long time, there is already a team behind Han Zhe, and the general itinerary plan has been almost planned, so it should be okay for him to send an assistant to follow Han Zhe back to China to preside over affairs.

However, after thinking about it, Luthor decided to follow Han Zhe back to China, after all, this is the first time Han Zhe has returned to China after becoming famous, and he will encounter many problems, and Han Zhe is the number one brand in Luther's hand, and he has to manage it well, which is the top priority.

As for the four big men who came with Luther, Han Zhe had already met them a few times, they were the bodyguards hired by Luther for him, and they would accompany them back to China together.

Han Zhe and Luthor are the most familiar, and it is indeed much more convenient to have him by his side, so he didn't say much when he saw this, and readily agreed.

After walking around, Luthor pointed to a small suitcase in the living room and said, "That's what you bring?"

"Otherwise?" Han Zhe asked rhetorically.

Luthor tilted his head, "How can you be considered half a rich man now, don't you bring some gifts for your family and friends when you go all the way back?"

"I don't need you to remind me! I bought the things I needed and mailed them back to China, and the fool took them personally, and I can't tire you to death!" Han Zhezhen said eloquently.

After a few people chatting a few words, Han Zhe signaled that he could go, and when he saw that a bodyguard was going to help him get his suitcase, Han Zhe politely refused, he was not a pampered person, so he didn't need this style!

After going out, there were already a few business cars waiting downstairs, of course a few of them didn't need so many cars, but it was not only Luthor and a few bodyguards who would return to China with Han Zhe today, but also most of the team.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the group officially boarded the plane, and Han Zhe looked at the mighty group of people, and he sighed a little.

I think about what kind of anxiety I felt when I was helpless and uncertain when I went abroad, but now, I am proud to return to my hometown!

After the plane took off, Han Zhe was a little bored, this flight had to fly for more than 20 hours to reach the capital, the key was that the flight would stay in New York for a while.

"Paul, don't your bodyguards usually speak?" Han Zhe turned his head to the white strong man next to him and asked, he was the leader of this group of bodyguards, although Han Zhe was in first class, he was also escorted throughout the whole process, as if there was danger on the plane.

A smile appeared on Paul's originally dull face, and he spoke: "Boss, we really don't talk much during our missions, because we have to keep focusing!"

"You can relax on the plane!" Han Zhe, who was bored, continued to ask.

"There have been more hijackings in recent years, so it's better to pay attention!"

Seeing Paul's joke, Han Zhe couldn't help laughing, but when he turned his head, Paul didn't react, and his expression was very serious.

"Paul, you shouldn't be serious!" Han Zhe looked surprised.

Seeing Paul nodding, Han Zhe said speechlessly: "How can there be so many hijackings, and you are not wearing weapons, even if you encounter a hijacking now, you can only watch!"

Paul and the others do not have weapons, one is because the Celestial Empire is a magical place, and the gun license or something is useless there, and the personal bodyguards of celebrities are not qualified to carry guns.

Also, if you have a gun license on the plane, you won't be allowed to bring it...

After hearing this, Paul's eyes flashed with a hint of essence, and he said confidently: "If you encounter robbers, as long as they don't shoot at the first time, even with your bare hands, my team and I have the confidence to subdue them in an instant!"

Seeing Han Zhe's expression, he was obviously a little disbelieving, but Paul just smiled and did not continue to explain.

After a while, Han Zhe said again, "What do you think of my fighting ability?"

Han Zhe believed that Paul and the others must have carefully studied his information, and their combat strength should be known in their hearts.

Paul thought for a moment, "The reaction is top-notch, and the fists are heavy, I would probably have to lie down for a long time if I took a solid punch, but you obviously haven't been systematically trained, and I can take you down in three seconds if necessary!"

Han Zhe was very happy to hear it at first, but he was not happy with the next sentence, and said in his heart that buddy has the eye of the emperor to predict, I can see your fist clearly, put me down in three seconds?

Tease me!

When it comes to fighting, buddy hasn't lost yet!

"Let's practice when we have time!" Han Zhe said a little unconvinced.

How do you know that Paul shook his head decisively, "You are the employer, and now you are our boss, I will not do anything with you!"

Han Zhe was so angry, did he make a mistake, he didn't give himself a chance to find fault if he pretended to be forced, it was too much, the key was that Han Zhe didn't believe that anyone could put him down in three seconds.

Although he heard Luther mention that Paul retired from a famous special forces unit, he really thought that the special forces in the novel would be invincible, but he was physically stronger, reacted quickly, and had some fighting skills, which could do his own emperor's eye?

It's definitely not better than shooting guns, but Han Zhe is really not cowardly than his fist!

Next, Han Zhe chatted with Luthor again, both on business and private matters, and recommended some "superb" tourist places for Luthor to play from time to time!

During the chat, there were also beautiful flight attendants who came to Han Zhe from time to time to ask for warmth, which could envy other first-class passengers, and they would also be taken care of by the flight attendants, but the frequency and attitude were not of the same level.

In the end, I can only sigh, who calls himself not a big star, that's right, there are really few people who don't know Han Zhe now, he is often featured in domestic and foreign news, there are many posters on the street, and most of the passengers on the plane know him.

After chatting for a while, Han Zhe also began to sleep with his eyes closed, not that he was tired, but that he had been flying for so long, and it was boring enough, so it was better to sleep and mix time faster!


PS: Thanks to the boss of [Niucun] for tipping 588 points.

Thank you for the 100 points reward from the boss of [**big], big guy, are you planning to harm me with this name, scared to pee!

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