Han Zhe slipped to Liu Yan's house that night and slept for the night, and then boarded the plane in the early morning of the next day to prepare to go home, only during this time the crowd at the airport was relatively small, but Han Zhe was still caught by some reporters and fans squatting before boarding.

Han Zhe didn't run away this time, he didn't see too many people, and after simply answering a few questions and taking photos with the fans, he boarded the plane under the escort of Paul and a few people.

Han Zhe and the others naturally sat in the first class cabin in order to be clean, but as when they came, there were indeed very few passengers who accosted them, but there were many enthusiastic flight attendants, and Luthor next to him did not joke with Han Zhe, because Han Zhe also received several legendary small notes.

This flight was not long, Han Zhe arrived at Nanyue Airport on time at half past eight in the morning, but as soon as he got off the plane, Han Zhe was a little square, and he was speechless after glancing at Luther.

Because there was a convoy parked at the airport, and there were hundreds of people holding various welcome banners around.

"The people of Hengyang warmly welcome Han Zhe Zaiyu back to China!"

"Han Zhe! We love you!"

"Han Zhe, you are the pride of the motherland!"

"Warmly welcome Han Zhe home!"

To be honest, this kind of banner Han Zhe himself looked a little embarrassed.

"Han, you guys here are so welcoming!" Luthor smiled, seemingly enjoying the scene.

They knew that there was this, because someone had already contacted Luthor before boarding, saying that Han Zhe had returned to China, and their local leaders were also very proud and honored, after all, Han Zhe walked out from Hengyang, and now Han Zhe came home to pick up the plane to welcome, but they didn't expect the scene to be so big.

Han Zhe and his entourage didn't take a few steps, a large group of people came up, one of the middle-aged people first introduced themselves, saying that it was from the municipal party committee office, and was about to introduce Han Zhe to the leading man, Han Zhe took the initiative to shake hands without waiting for him to speak: "Hello shi, you are busy with official business, how can the kid afford your personal pick-up." "

That's right, this is the leader of Hengyang's government affairs, Han Zhe used to see it on TV, so he naturally knew it, but it was more surprising that he would come over in person, because the previous notice only said that there would be leaders in the city to pick up the plane, and did not say which one specifically.

Seeing that Han Zhe recognized himself, he was obviously very happy, and said enthusiastically: "No matter how busy you are, you have added glory to the people of Hengyang, our motherland, and you have played a style and majesty with basketball, and I welcome you home on behalf of the people of Hengyang!"

After the two communicated, a child next to him ran over and put a wreath on Han Zhe, and then Han Zhe and the smiling Shi Chang first stood together and took pictures of the media next to them.

The two then chatted a few words, Shi Chang cared about Han Zhe's life, and Han Zhe praised the development of his hometown, and seemed to be happy and happy.

When the government invited Han Zhe to lunch, Han Zhe politely refused, he knew that people were just walking off the show, and whoever took it seriously would lose, and he was too busy going home and didn't want to wander around.

The other party really didn't persuade again, and after the two shook hands again and took pictures of the media, they walked outside the airport under the opening of the armed police.

In the waiting hall, Li Xuelan raised her eyebrows and said, "Didn't it show that the flight had landed for so long, why hasn't my son come out yet?"

"What are you anxious about, it must be fast, is it possible that your son can still run away!" Han Wenzhong glanced at his wife and said that he was very calm.

As soon as they finished speaking, they found that there was a commotion and screams coming from the exit behind them, and after listening carefully, it turned out that his son had already come out of other passages, and now many people were calling Han Zhe's name, and they could hear it if they were not deaf.

The two of them went out and squeezed for a while, before they squeezed near Han Zhe, screamed a few times, and Han Zhe, who was looking around, finally found them, and hurriedly asked the armed police who maintained order to let their parents in.

Shi Chang, who was about to get in the car and leave, stopped and greeted the second elder warmly, and praised them for educating a good son, which made the second elder so excited, it was the first time they talked to such a big official.

As for Han Zhe, he is actually relatively immune in his heart, and now that he has more contact with big names, to be honest, he really doesn't feel much about a department-level cadre.

Han Zhe refused the government to send them back, because his family has now bought a car, and his parents also drove over, as for Luther, they had already arranged for a car pick-up and drop-off before boarding, so he didn't need to worry about it.

When Han Zhe and his parents came to his parents' car under the escort of the armed police, Paul and others, Han Zhe looked stunned and pointed to the Great Wall off-road road in front of him: "Parents, I said do you want to be more picky, saying that you bought this thing when you bought a car?"

"You kid, what's wrong with this car, the appearance is good, the interior space is large, and the key price is cheap!" Li Xuelan said vigorously.

"Bicycles are cheaper!" Han Zhe muttered, and as soon as he finished speaking, Li Xuelan wanted to give him a brain, but he was reluctant to drip after seeing his son for so long, and finally rewarded him with a blank eye.

Seeing that his parents were curious and looking at Paul, who was not leaving, Han Zhe introduced them to them, Li Xuelan's first reaction was to ask if the bodyguards were expensive, this time he was sprayed by Han's father, Han's father could see it, his son is a big star now, didn't he see Shi Chang come to pick up the airport, and a few bodyguards are enough.

In the end, Paul insisted on squeezing into Han Zhe's car, and then Han Zhe motioned for Luthor and their convoy to follow and set off.

When I knew that the foreigner who followed in the Daben behind him was also working for his son, but Li Xuelan was proud, what does it mean to be promising, and my son is now.

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