When Han Zhe and his party returned home, the community was already three floors inside and three floors outside, because Han Zhe went home so much this time, the neighbors knew that this kid was back.

"I didn't expect such a big star to come out of our community!"

"What didn't I expect, I said that Xiao Han is a good kid!"

"No, Uncle Zhang, I remember when you said that Xiao Han was so skinny, he might become a second-rate son when he grows up!"

"Fart, I didn't say this, besides, I'm in a hurry with you!"

"Tut-tut, look at Han Zhe's mix, the four big-shouldered and round-waisted gringos next to him heard that they are bodyguards, this grade is incredible!"

"I heard that the group of foreigners in the back also worked for Han Zhe, and this kid has only been abroad for a year and is really developed!"

After Han Zhe walked into the community, he also warmly greeted the neighbors in the community who he knew or didn't know before, and now almost all the people in their community who were at home came down to see the excitement, after all, many people have never seen such a big neighbor as Han Zhe.

Only Luthor muttered, "Han, you can't continue to live here!"

After observing the environment, Paul agreed: "The environment and people are too complicated, and the safety measures are not arranged at all!"

Han Zhe didn't know if he listened or not, he just nodded or kept greeting others, although most of them didn't know each other, but there were still some neighbors who had known him since he was a child, and Han Zhe didn't want people to say that he would his tail as soon as he became famous.

Of course, reporters with strong news skills must have already squatted near his home, and Han Zhe naturally flocked to him as soon as he came back, but Han Zhe politely refused all interviews.

Of course, the reporter is not so easy to speak, but Paul and they are even more difficult to speak, after Han Zhe finished speaking, several people formed a human wall, escorted Han Zhe and his party to the staircase and directly blocked the stairs, and a reporter couldn't go up!

With so many people blocking her son, Li Xuelan was happy and worried: "I said son, you are also blocked like this every day in the United States?"

Han Zhe shook his head and said: "It's different, my residence over there is not exposed, and I am usually either competing or training, and others can't block it if they want to, and I don't even need bodyguards." "

Li Xuelan breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, she still felt very cool like this occasionally, but if her son was like this every day, would he still be able to live this life?

Luthor had already booked the hotel, and after knowing where Han Zhe lived, they set off and left, otherwise Han Zhe's family would not be able to let go of so many people, only Paul's four bodyguards stayed.

I thought I could take a rest when I went home, but as soon as I opened the door, Han Zhe's jaw almost didn't fall to the ground, and a room full of people who were chatting noisily was suddenly quiet, and they all turned their heads to look at him.

Han Zhe blinked his eyes and turned his head to look at his parents, a trace of helplessness flashed in Li Xuelan's eyes, but she immediately smiled: "Don't you know that you are back, your aunt and uncle have said that they haven't seen you for so long, and they miss you a lot, so come and have a look." "

The room was lively again, and the seven aunts and eight aunts chatted at once.

"Yes, yes, your child has been abroad for a year, and your second uncle has been talking at home every day, and he rushed over when he heard that you were back. "

"I'll just say that Xiao Zhe, this kid has a future, you see, isn't it, they are all big stars, this is a matter of glory to the ancestors!"

"Oops! I haven't seen Xiao Zhedu grow so strong for a few years, and they all say that the female college has changed eighteen, and it seems that the boys are about the same!"

Han Zhe also flashed a trace of helplessness in his heart, in fact, there are only a few relatives who often move around the house, and he doesn't even have any impression of this room today, and he doesn't know how to call people if he wants to call them, as for saying that he misses him for a year abroad, it's completely nonsense, and I haven't seen anyone miss him at home every day before.

Han Zhe finally recognized all the people under the introduction of his parents, said hello, and then found a small stool to sit in the overcrowded hall to accompany the guests, mainly to listen to some compliments, to be honest, Han Zhe felt that this scene was quite embarrassing.

After chatting for a while, Li Xuelan called Han Zhe to the room.

"Mom, what's going on?" Han Zhe asked directly, it wasn't the New Year's holiday, why did the relatives jump together.

Li Xuelan was both proud and helpless, "Aren't you a good kid, you know that you are a big star, and you will make money, your second uncle lost money in business last year, and now he wants to borrow money from us, and he said on the phone last time I ignored him, and now I will run home while you are back." "

Han Zhe raised his eyebrows, "I'll just say how can they miss me!"

Li Xuelan knew why her son reacted so much, because his second uncle's family has always been relatively wealthy, and he is the best relative in his mother's family, but back then, Li Xuelan and his family wanted to do some small business, and they asked him to borrow thousands of yuan and said no, they didn't take a penny, and their attitude was extremely bad, and they didn't get a meal at his house, which is still a brother, so although Li Xuelan has very sufficient funds in her hands, she has never nodded her head, and she herself is not comfortable.

Han Zhe then asked, "How much does he plan to borrow?"

Li Xuelan smiled a little embarrassedly: "He said to borrow one million first!"

Han Zhe was suddenly angry, "One million? It's just a hurry, it's really my money from guns!"

It's not that I really think there is a lot of money, after all, one or two million is really not a big amount for Han Zhe now, but the account can't be counted like this, I am obliged to lend you a dime?

The point is that there is no such feeling!

"Your aunt and third uncle are also planning to borrow money, as for your second aunt and sister-in-law, they heard that you know a lot of celebrities, and they want you to introduce their children to the entertainment industry and become stars, and they also said that your wrists are big enough, and you are not afraid that they will suffer!" Li Xuelan continued.

Han Zhe suddenly exploded, "Mom! Are you sure they're not joking?"

After Li Xuelan finished speaking, she also smiled bitterly, these two children have no artistic foundation at all, and their appearance is uncomfortable enough, what kind of star is this, it is obviously a hot brain!

"To be honest, it's not difficult to help, but your own conditions at least have to pass! Anyway, among my relatives, I think Tingting is quite reliable to take this path, and everything else is nonsense!" Han Zhe does have some relationship with many celebrities now, and there must be someone to give face by introducing a few people into the circle, but if the crooked melon and cracked dates are over, his face will be gone, isn't this a diaphragm!

"Don't say it, Tingting's baby is good-looking, and she sings well, and she is doing some kind of live webcast now, but your uncle is more feudal in thinking, and he thinks that girls are not serious about doing this, and often scolds her, and I really want to see you when I came here today, and I am different from them!" Li Xuelan said.

Han Zhe nodded, his uncle's family doesn't have much money and lives in the countryside, but people care about family affection very much, and they usually move around a lot, and they will also bring some seasonal vegetables and fruits at home, and the relationship is very good.

"The live broadcast is not bad, as long as it's not messy, I'll talk to Tingting in a while. Han Zhe said.

Li Xuelan was suddenly happy, the reason why she did this in front of her son was not because she wanted her son to help her, Han Zhe didn't know what she was thinking, but Han Zhe was willing to do this, and he also remembered his uncle's affection!

The two chatted for a while and then went to the living room to say hello, originally Li Xuelan was going to go out to buy vegetables and cook, but Han Zhe decisively stopped it, so many people couldn't sit down, and they ate fart, so they told their mother not to get it, and go out to eat for a while.

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