At noon, Han Zhe's family invited their relatives to dine at a nearby hotel, and sat at two large tables lively.

During the banquet, everyone was very happy to eat with a glass of wine, but when Aunt Han Zhe took the lead in asking about her daughter's star dream, the scene was quiet.

The relatives had different expressions, some were curious and pricked up their ears and waited for the following, now most of them have children, if Han Zhe can handle it, they also have ideas.

There are also those who are purely watching the excitement, they all know what these two children look like and what level they are, they also want to be stars, so let's hold on!

Li Xuelan had talked to her son about this topic before, and she didn't want her son to be embarrassed, so she said: "Second sister, it's true that my Xiaozhe is a star, but it's in the United States, and he plays basketball, unlike these domestic entertainment stars, there is no intersection." "

When Han Zhe's second aunt heard this, she immediately stretched her face, and the daughter next to him pouted unhappily, threw her chopsticks directly, said "don't eat it", and rushed away angrily.

Seeing that the second aunt also got up and chased after her daughter dissatisfied, Han Zhe almost threw chopsticks, owes you a lot, right?

And his cousin has dark and rough skin, is highly myopia, and has no artistic cells, this is a hammer star, isn't it embarrassing.

"Xiao Zhe, your baby doesn't recognize his relatives if he has a chance, this little thing is all pushed back!" The second uncle, who was still at the table, suddenly spoke dissatisfied.

Li Xuelan knew Han Zhe's temper and was about to open her mouth to stop it, but Han Zhe had already spoken, "I don't recognize my relatives? It's rare to see you during the New Year's holidays, but now I know it's a relative? And cousin, why do you think she can enter the entertainment industry, can't sing, dance, and speak, just because I know a few celebrities, she can be a big star?"

"If you don't want to help, you won't help, what to do with so much, now that we are rich and famous, we can't afford to climb high, hum!" The second aunt also got up and left after speaking.

The atmosphere at the scene was suddenly extremely embarrassing, and the second uncle, who originally wanted to borrow money, also shut up and ate after being pulled by the second aunt.

"You bastard, how can you talk to your second uncle, it's not big or small!" Father Han sprayed Han Zhe's face, but he could see that most of these words were perfunctory.

At this time, it was Uncle Han Zhe who spoke: "Xiao Zhe finally came back, and he ate when he ate, where did he come from so much mess." "

"Yes, yes, eat!"

"Come, Xiaozhe, eat more. "

"Your second aunt is like this, don't pay attention to them!"

The family immediately began to eat again, but although they pretended to be nothing, everyone had different thoughts, and the atmosphere was always strange.

After a meal, Han Zhe helped his relatives book a room in the hotel, and then slipped to his uncle's room to chat, he has been close to his uncle's family since he was a child, and now he naturally wants to talk well.

"Our house is not far from here, just go back at night, what are you doing to open a house for us, it's a waste of money. As soon as I saw my uncle, I complained.

"I'll have fun for a few days here, I don't have much money, by the way, why didn't Sister Tingting come over today, I heard that she was doing a live broadcast, this is an emerging industry, it's pretty good!" Han Zhe got down to business.

"Speaking of this, I'm angry, I'm dressed weirdly all day long, and I'm crazy when I talk, what it's like, your aunt and I are eye-catching, she's still doing outdoor shows, and I'll come over in the afternoon in a while." "

"Uncle, your idea is too backward, the live broadcast industry is very hot now, and the work is not tiring, if you do a good job, you will be an Internet star, no worse than those film and television stars, you can support it!" "Fart star, I think she is just idle and has nothing to do." "

Then the two didn't talk about this topic anymore, and began to talk about some parents, and the uncle smiled: "I was resolutely opposed to letting you go to a sports school at the beginning, but I didn't expect this road to be really right, the world is unpredictable!"

"So, uncle, you have a problem with your vision, so you don't have to worry about Sister Tingting's affairs!"

"You kid still educated me, don't you owe a beating!" the uncle smiled and slapped Han Zhe's head lightly.

After chatting for a while, Li Xuelan knocked on the door and came in, it turned out that she was going to have a traditional show - playing mahjong.

It's been like this for decades, and when relatives and friends get together, they like to play cards and mix time.

Han Zhe was not interested in this, and sat down to watch them play after accompanying them to the chess and card room.

Not long after playing cards, a beautiful woman wearing a classical white gauze dress walked in, and everyone's eyes were stunned, only Han Zhe and his uncle had a "murderous aura" in their eyes.

"Tingting, you are too beautiful to dress up, it would be nice for my Xiaoke to have half of you!"

"It's really the eighteenth change of the female university, Tingting is much better looking than those stars on TV. "

Only Uncle Han Zhe came to say something that made a big difference, "I dress like a demon all day long!"

After Li Tingting stuck out her tongue at her father, she politely greeted the seven aunts and eight aunts one by one, and then ran to Han Zhe to tease, "Yo! Han Daxing has returned to China with honor!"

Han Zhe rolled his eyes and said, "Li Daxing is not bad at all, he looks like a peerless enchantress!"

"Dare to tease your sister, it's itchy!" Li Tingting started directly after speaking, and screwed Han Zhe's ears with one hand, which was in stark contrast to the relatives and sisters next to her who were not good at talking to Han Zhe.

In fact, this is normal, the two of them move around the most, and the relationship between Li Tingting and Han Zhe is naturally very good.

To tell the truth, Han Zhe was indeed amazed by his cousin, although he knew that his cousin was good-looking and in good shape, but after all, he was born in the countryside, and his family background was not good.

Then Li Tingting and Han Zhe sat aside and chatted.

"I said Sister Tingting, what are you making a fuss about, playing the Seven Fairies to go down to earth?" Han Zhe teased.

"Be content, you, just finished the outdoor live broadcast, and I knew that you came back before you had time to go back to change your clothes, did you feel moved?"

"Touched and moved, are you dancing live?" Han Zhe asked curiously.

Li Tingting said: "Sister is all-round, proficient in singing, dancing and telling jokes." "

"That's very popular, right?How is the income?" Han Zhe only knew that the online live broadcast was starting to become popular now, but he didn't know much about it.

"It can only be said that it is average, not as good as those goblins who show their flesh!" Li Tingting sighed.

Seeing that Han Zhe didn't understand, Li Tingting explained to him that she eats by talent, and there is another way to eat by selling meat, such as showing her legs, shaking her chest, and "accidentally" walking away or something, although the means are inferior, but people really make money.

"The most annoying thing is my dad's old antique, it's okay today, there are a lot of people, otherwise I would have scolded a long time ago!" Li Tingting glanced at her father who was playing mahjong.

"My uncle doesn't care about you, and he doesn't bother to scold ordinary people!"

"I said Comrade Han Zhe, who the hell are you!" Li Tingting suddenly stared.

Han Zhe hurriedly surrendered, saying that they were all revolutionary comrades and could not fight among themselves!

"It's not going to be broadcast this afternoon, and I also appreciate what level my sister's talent is!" Han Zhe asked.

Li Tingting sighed, "It's not going to be broadcast, there was originally another show at three o'clock in the afternoon, but recently a fox spirit got on the bar with me, deliberately broadcast with me for a period of time, and often smashed the field with the microphone, so I was angry!" "What's the situation?" Han Zhe asked.

"A big brother in her family is now running to me every day to brush gifts, she has to say that I seduce her eldest brother, make trouble every day, disgusting to death!"

"Kill her!" Han Zhe encouraged.

Li Tingting rolled her eyes, "People's popularity is at least the top five on our platform, I'm, she has a lot of big brothers, and there are only a few big brothers in my family, and it's a shame to go!"

Han Zhe patted his chest, "You don't look like a big brother!"

Li Tingting waved her hand and said: "I know that you have money now, but you have good intentions, you have to draw half of the gift platform inside, and the union will also score money, so it's too much of a loss to give me a gift!"

"The account can't be calculated like this, can my sister be bullied casually, she must be fucked, I can't make an endorsement for nothing, and I don't believe that I can't kill her!"

"I don't need to say it!"

"A must!"

In the end, Li Tingting couldn't resist Han Zhe and agreed to start the broadcast, but resolutely refused to let Han Zhe brush the gift, saying that if Han Zhe brushed the money, she would go off the air immediately!

Han Zhe's eyes rolled, and he resolutely agreed, even if he didn't brush the money, would it be difficult to do her?

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