Today is destined to be a sleepless night, the national team's loss to Kazakhstan was already eye-catching enough, and then Yanakis ignored Hu Jiashi's handshake and turned away It was also a hot spot, when Han Zhe announced his retirement The news came out immediately, and the current situation of the national team naturally received unprecedented attention.

There are also a lot of things revealed in today's game, first of all, the overall strength of the national team is worrying after the lack of Han Zhe, and secondly, the embarrassing scene between Yang Shuai and Hu Jiashi after the game also put the contradictions between the two sides on the table, and finally why Han Zhe retired from the game, and how Han Zhe will affect the national team after his retirement is also the focus of discussion.

Many domestic basketball celebrities and so-called experts also began to jump out of various analyses at this time, some pointed out the shortcomings of the national team and expressed worry, and some sprayed Han Zhe for being unorganized and undisciplined, anyway, it was very lively.

The national team is also silent, even if it is blocked by the media, they don't say a word, they don't know a word, they don't know what to ask, no one has expressed their opinion on today's events, even Sun Yue, who is at odds with Han Zhe, is also silent, and did not answer any questions from reporters, not that he doesn't want to, but he doesn't dare.

When the reporter wanted to find the person who was really in charge to understand the situation, he found that he couldn't find anyone at all, the reason was very simple, the coaching staff and the basketball management people went to the meeting, they naturally couldn't catch anyone, and before the matter was decided, even if they found someone, they would definitely not get any useful news.

Han Zhe was talking to Yao Ming on the phone at this time, and Yao Ming obviously didn't know what was going on, but he still spoke: "Han Zhe, why are you so impulsive, I also know that some leaders often have long hands, what should you do, just don't worry about them, don't make a fuss about quitting, this matter will also have a great impact on you." "

Yao Ming originally wanted to persuade Han Zhe to go to Hu Jiashi to apologize and admit his mistake, believing that as long as Hu Jiashi was not a complete idiot, he would borrow the slope to get off the donkey, and he would not hold on to Han Zhe, but after thinking about it, he still didn't say it, he also knew Han Zhe's personality better, and it was a bit whimsical to think that Han Zhe would apologize and admit his mistakes.

"Brother Yao, I know that many of you think I'm impulsive and petty, but this time it's really not, can't you see the current situation of the team, there are too many problems, I think hiding and covering up will never solve the problem, it's better to put it on the surface, it should be rectified, it should be dealt with, otherwise this development will be finished sooner or later!" Han Zhe said his thoughts.

Yao Ming was silent for a while before he sighed: "I know the problem you said, but freezing three feet is not a day's cold, how can it be so easy to solve it, I think you should finish this Asian Championship well and then talk about other things." "

Han Zhe interjected: "I can still deal with a fart after the Asian Championships, when the time comes, the promotion that should be promoted, the top pot of the pot, the team's mess has to continue to be placed, and I have already said it, there is no reason to continue to play!"

These words really choked Yao Ming, because he couldn't refute it, he could think of it when he walked towards him after the game, if the team has good results, they will naturally be happy, and if the results are not good, it is simple, the head coach has no way to lead the team, and everything will be fine if he changes the coach!

The two chatted a few more words, and seeing that he couldn't persuade Han Zhe, Yao Ming had no choice but to hang up the phone and said with a wry smile: "This matter is making trouble... Ay... Those guys are really... It's not good to provoke anyone, to provoke this thorn, this domestic set really doesn't work on Han Zhe..."

Giannakis is actually still a more conscientious coach, although he completely broke with the basketball team, he still gathered the players together after leaving the venue, let them play with peace of mind, and they should not care about off-court factors, let them ignore other trivial matters, and ignore media reporters, which can be regarded as stabilizing the morale of the army.

When Hu Jiashi returned to the hotel, he was then blocked by a pervasive reporter:

"May I ask Director Hu, why did Han Zhe suddenly announce his retirement!"

"Director Hu, can you tell me about the basketball manager's treatment plan for Han Zhe, whether to continue to retain or block?"

"There are a lot of problems exposed by the national team in this competition, and our strength has also been seriously questioned, can you talk about the situation of the team?"

"Yang Shuai seems to be very dissatisfied with you, is there any misunderstanding or contradiction between you!"

"Someone broke the news that the national team's loss was your tactic to influence the coach, is there such a thing?"

Hu Jiashi was already in a very bad mood, but when he heard the more and more tricky questions, he finally couldn't help but erupt, and said with a reporter's collar on his shoulder: "Which newspaper are you from? What is the basis for your news, and are you responsible for your problems?"

"You let go of me! I, a reporter of Sina Sports, we have the right to freedom of the press!" This reporter didn't admit it at all, and maybe he wished that Hu Jiashi would punch him twice, so it was big news, maybe he could also become famous.

"Freedom, who gave you freedom!" Hu Jiashi seemed to be really angry, and his foul mouth came out.

As soon as his assistant saw that he wanted bad food, he quickly grabbed Hu Jiashi, who was already trying to do it, and called the security guard to stop the reporter, and escorted the scolding Hu Jiashi away.

After Hu Jiashi left, the reporter slapped his back again, just now he wanted to do it but was photographed, the reporters were very happy, there are too many surprises today!

This matter is so big, and Han Zhe is not small in the world, not only has there been a heated discussion in China, but many foreign media and websites have also updated the news of Han Zhe's retirement from the competition, which has also caused widespread discussion.

Even the magic manager and coach called to ask Han Zhe, they didn't pay attention to Han Zhe's Asian Championships, but worried about whether Han Zhe would be affected by some off-court factors, you must know that the new NBA season is about to start, they don't want anything to go wrong with the number one star in the team, in fact, they wish that Han Zhe would quit the Asian Championship as soon as possible and concentrate on playing the NBA!


PS: Thank you [childish. The boss gives a tip of 5000 points.

Thanks to the boss of [erddy$s] for tipping 100 points.

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