
Early in the morning, all parts of the country were bombarded by the media, and the front page was basically the news about Han Zhe's withdrawal, and everyone was also discussing it hotly, and everyone was most concerned about what the punishment decision for Han Zhe would be, and whether the national team could win a place in the quarterfinals in the second round of this Asian Championships!

Although Han Zhe has been sprayed by many people since the moment he announced his retirement, you must know that the number of Han Zhe's iron fans is also extremely terrifying, and they all believe that Han Zhe cannot make this decision for no reason, so the question is, who should bear this pot?

The first is the national player, it has been rumored that the old players of the national team will bully the newcomers, and it is also well known that Han Zhe and Sun Yue and others are seriously incompatible, and almost all the players of the national team have been pulled out and sprayed.

Secondly, Giannakis is also lying down, because Han Zhe has really not had much playing time since the Asian Championships, and some people think that Yannakis deliberately targeted Han Zhe and compressed Han Zhe's playing time, plus he lost yesterday, and the key loss was ugly, so Giannakis, the backstabber, naturally had to be honorably posted.

In the end, everyone did not ignore the special existence of the basketball pipe, you must know that Han Zhe bluntly said to the media that they interfered in the team's affairs, and Han Zhe was so dissatisfied with them can be imagined, and yesterday Hu Jiashi's appearance in the face of the media also disgusted many people, and the basketball pipe naturally became the hardest hit area, and their official website was almost paralyzed by angry fans, but the basketball team has not made any response to this problem so far.

There is also a hard-hit area is Han Zhe's Weibo, there are many people who scold him, there are many people who comfort him, and more people leave messages on his Weibo to stay, hoping that he will retract his decision to leave the national team!

Han Zhe has not made any response on Weibo at present.

The basketball tube seems to ignore this matter on the surface, but in fact it is not, Xinlan Chengcheng flew to Manila early this morning, and is now talking alone with Hu Jiashi in a room!

"Tell me what's going on. Xin Lancheng seems to be very calm on the surface, but Hu Jiashi can feel the anger accumulated in the other party's heart!

Hu Jiashi was sweating a little, but he still stubbornly said: "Who knows what Han Zhe suddenly went crazy, if you want me to say, this kind of unorganized and undisciplined player should be severely punished to set an example!"


Xin Lancheng suddenly slapped the table, startling Hu Jiashi, and before he could come back to his senses, Xin Lancheng's anger finally exploded, pointing at his nose and saying loudly: "Is Han Zhe crazy or are you crazy?" Do you think I'm deaf and blind! What the hell are you doing here! I asked you to come over to coordinate the affairs of the national team, not to let you point fingers and interfere with the team's operation!"

It's good that many players ignore the crooked tendencies of many players, and instead meddle in other people's tactical arrangements, you are so capable, just let Giannakis go and you will be the coach!"

"Uh..." After being scolded by Xin Lancheng, Hu Jiashi didn't dare to say a word, this is the official level crushed to death.

In fact, Hu Jiashi was scolding his mother in his heart, specially, it sounds good, they are just here to coordinate the work, but what about the national team over the years, whether it is in the hands of the basketball manager, what about his interference in tactics and team operation, it used to be like this, and no one said that it was good, and now it is my pot if something happens?

Although 10,000 grass and mud horses rushed over in his heart, Hu Jiashi didn't dare to say his true thoughts, and immediately said: "Director Xin, I admit that it was my work mistake, and I hope you will give me a chance to correct it." "

Seeing that Hu Jiashi's attitude was quite correct, and that an official at this level was not something he could do if he said it, Xin Lancheng softened his tone and said: "It's good that you can change your mistakes, I recognize your ability, otherwise I won't give you full authority to deal with this side of the matter, you just have a bad temper, you have to pay attention to ways and means to do things, how can you bury your head and work hard!"

Hu Jiashi breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and immediately knew that Xin Lancheng didn't want to do anything to him, just a beating.

"Yes, yes... Director Xin is right, I know how to do things brutally, and I must pay attention to ways and means in the future, and I hope that Director Xin will correct you more, so how do you think this matter should be handled?" Hu Jiashi had an expression of humility and teaching, and he was like two people with his usual high-flying and domineering appearance.

Xin Lancheng tapped his fingers on the table and said slowly: "Don't think about punishing this and that one for a day, we have to be cautious about Han Zhe!"

Hu Jiashi was anxious when he heard this, "Director Xin, don't you want to let him go, if this is the case, where is our prestige, it will be difficult to convince the public in the future..."

Hu Jiashi originally wanted to say it again, he was really unhappy with Han Zhe in his heart, after all, Han Zhe confronted him in public, and the "revelations" to the media made him feel sad, but after seeing Hu Jiashi start to stare at him, he immediately shut up.

"Confused! Don't you know about Han Zhe's situation, do you know how popular he is in China? Do you know how many people are pointing at the bridge of their noses and scolding us now? And when it comes to punishment, let me ask you, how do you want to punish him, whether he is allowed to compete in China, or disqualify him as an athlete, or completely ban him by online media, how much substantive effect do you think it has on him?"

Xin Lancheng said that Hu Jiashi was speechless, thinking about it carefully, they can't just pinch each other like other players and be finished, if the comprehensive ban will definitely have an impact on Han Zhe, but it is limited to China, when Han Zhe goes to the NBA, they really can't stretch out their hands, Hu Jiashi sighed in his heart, maybe this is the reason why Han Zhe dared to scare him!

"Finally... There are leaders above who call us and ask if we want to force our country's rare talented players to foreign countries!"

"What!" Hu Jiashi stood up with a "swoop", and hurriedly sat down after realizing the gaffe, his heart could be said to have turned up a stormy wave, there are really not many people who can be called "above" by Xin Lancheng, he finally understands now, it's not that Xin Lancheng doesn't want to clean up Han Zhe, but he can't!

And he now knows that it was nonsense that Lan Cheng said so much before, and the point was this last sentence!

"Resolutely obey the organizational arrangement, Director Xin, you can do what you say!"

Hu Jiashi nodded with satisfaction, and then began to slowly say his thoughts!


PS: Thanks to the boss of [Biting Sheep] for rewarding 100 points.

Thanks to the boss of [erddy$s] for tipping 100 points.

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