The Asian Championship doesn't matter what happens to your teams, the second round of the group stage continues, and the Celestial Empire team also starts to play against Lebanon in a lot of distractions.

After the opening, everyone can see that the state of the Celestial Dynasty team is obviously a little sluggish, which is not surprising, so many things have happened in the team in the past two days, and the players' hearts are still more or less affected.

There are also sharp-eyed people who found that there is an extra person next to Hu Jiashi, one of the news figures, this person has many fans who have heard the name, but they have never seen the real person and do not know him, but the media reporters know that this is the current leader of the basketball team.

The game was not exciting, and many media began to think about the purpose of Xin Lancheng's coming, and they didn't know whether to prepare for a "big purge" or to be a peacemaker.

There is also a more peculiar phenomenon that coach Giannakis is quite calm when he sees the team behind, and he doesn't know whether he is in the chest or giving up treatment!

Of course, what the media is most concerned about is the issue of Han Zhe in the center of the incident, it can be said that everyone is confused, today Han Zhe did not appear on the bench of the Celestial Empire, but the reporters squatting at the airport are very sure that Han Zhe has not left Manila, and the most strange thing is that the basketball tube did not comment on Han Zhe's problem, and everyone's hearts are as uncomfortable as a cat!

Han Zhe is actually watching the game now, but he is watching TV in the hotel room, and he seems to be in good spirits, and makes a few comments from time to time, which makes Luthor next to him speechless for a while, I don't know whether to praise him for his good attitude or heartlessness!

Originally, Han Zhe had already booked a ticket to leave this morning, but Xin Lancheng suddenly visited, if Xin Lancheng had a bad attitude, Han Zhe's temper would definitely turn around and leave, he didn't bother to care what kind of leader you are, could it be that Lao Tzu didn't play ball, you can still sentence me?

What Han Zhe and Lu Thor didn't expect was that Xin Lancheng had a very good attitude, and criticized Hu Jiashi on the spot for not doing things well, and also kept Han Zhe.

To be honest, this made Han Zhe very surprised, usually he has heard of the style of these big leaders even if he has no experience, under normal circumstances, he should be sprayed with saliva, and then all kinds of threats are right, I didn't expect Xin Lancheng to come to a gentle policy!

Later, Xin Lancheng also said that he would immediately take over all the affairs here, and Hu Jiashi suddenly turned negative, and told Han Zhe that he would respect Yanakis' opinion and would definitely not interfere in any specific affairs of the team.

In fact, whether it is Han Zhe or Hu Jiashi, they all know that it is impossible for Han Zhe to stay in the team, Han Zhe has no reason to slap his face when he says it, and the basketball team also wants to save face, Han Zhe has spoken to the outside world, what is the matter with keeping him, do you want to lose face!

Therefore, until they left, the two of them did not mention the question of Han Zhe's stay, as if they had completely forgotten about it.

Then Han Zhe and Luthor analyzed and concluded that Xin Lancheng's purpose was not to persuade him to stay, but to let him stop posting unfavorable language to the basketball management and not slap his face, and the basketball management's reward was that when this incident had not happened, everyone would treat it coldly.

It would be good for Han Zhe to have such a result, and Luthor was very happy, because although Han Zhe could withstand the ban of the Celestial Empire, he would suffer huge losses in both economy and popularity.

There are also advantages to the basket management doing this, that is, if Han Zhe does not show his head, this matter will not continue to expand the impact, and sooner or later it will subside, and the pressure on the basketball management will be much less.

Also, there is still a chance to recruit Han Zhe after he has not completely torn his face, after all, the basketball manager will not be a fool, and it is a pity that a player like Han Zhe who can decide the direction of the game gives up!

After understanding the meaning of Xin Lancheng, Han Zhe and Luthor discussed it, and decided to stay in Manila for the time being, and wait for the situation to calm down before returning to China, which can be regarded as giving Xin Lancheng face and ensuring his own interests.

"Han, it's really good that you recommend this Guo, the breakthrough and speed are very strong, and the mid-range shooting is relatively stable, but the three-point and organizational skills are a little worse!" Luthor smiled at Guo Allen, who was holding the ball.

"I actually think these are small things, if you want to gain a foothold in the NBA, the first thing he must improve is physical fitness, and I know this very well!" Han Zhe said.

Luthor also smiled, thinking that this is really the case, Asian players are generally weak, they go to the NBA physical confrontation is very disadvantaged, and they will also suffer long-term injuries due to not adapting to high-intensity scrambles.

If your skills are not good, you can practice slowly, but in the NBA, you are too weak to mix, such as Yi Jianlian, in fact, the skills are definitely enough to play in the NBA, but the head-on confrontation ability is too poor, and it is difficult to gain a foothold in the NBA!

After chatting for a while, Luther said, "The preseason is about to start, when will you return to the Magic?"

Han Zhe shook his head with a smile and said, "It's still early, don't forget that I have 12 suspensions that haven't been executed yet!"

"Poof!" Luthor laughed when he heard this, of course he knew that Han Zhe was talking about the last playoff fight, but due to business reasons, their ban was postponed until this season.

Listening to Han Zhe's meaning, the magic is slippery enough, and he directly wasted Han Zhe's ban on the preseason, because the punishment at that time did not say that it had to be executed in the regular season.

In fact, both Han Zhe and Magic know that this is most likely not a mistake in the league's punishment, but deliberate, you must know that there are too many players punished this time, and the punishment is relatively harsh, the main forces of the Magic and Pacers teams are almost all recruited, without them present, how can the game be played, and can the tickets still be sold?

You must know that the NBA is essentially a business league, all for making money, and no one will get along with money, so the league left them a bug!

And the incident has been diluted for so long, and there are really not many people who still pay attention to it!

In the small talk between the two, the game ended with a boo from the fans of the Celestial Empire, because the Celestial Empire lost to Lebanon 59-67, ushering in a two-game losing streak, and this defeat announced that the Celestial Empire had lost the qualification to compete for the top three, which made it difficult for many fans to accept.

I believe that after this battle, both the Celestial Empire team and the basketball team will welcome the baptism of the angry storm of the fans!


PS: Thanks to the boss of [Raffi Little Devil] for tipping 100 points.

Thanks to the boss of [Biting Sheep] for rewarding 100 points.

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