After playing Qatar, whether it is the real media or the Internet, it is forgivable if it is not good for its own strength, but our overall strength is obviously not weaker than the other party, but in the end we still ended the second round of the battle with three full knees.

There are three main reasons for the discussion, first, the team's tactics are chaotic, and there are serious problems with tacit cooperation, second, the lack of enthusiasm and enterprising spirit of the players on the field, many people seem to be sleepwalking, and third, and most importantly, that is, Han Zhe is absent.

When Han Zhe was in the team, although everyone knew that he played a great role, they didn't expect it to be so big, the Celestial Empire team with Han Zhe and the Celestial Empire team without Han Zhe were simply two teams.

But no matter how everyone scolds, the result is doomed, the team loses, and some reporters captured photos of Han Zhe at the airport, everyone's last hope is shattered, everyone knows that Han Zhe is no longer able to fight for the national team, at least Han Zhe will definitely not be seen in this Asian Championships.

As soon as the news of Han Zhe's return to China came out, many people's first reaction was to scold, there was no place to vent if he lost, and now Han Zhe has taken a lot of pots, and they have said that there is a big reason for Han Zhe to leave the team after the national team lost.

However, there are also more rational people who stand up to refute and support Han Zhe, their argument is very simple, there are more than a dozen people in a team, and Han Zhe is to blame if he loses?

And in the past, the national team was also a top team in Asia without Han Zhe, but now there is no Han Zhe who has become a second-rate bottom team?

This is obviously a problem with the national team itself, Han Zhe's departure from the team at this critical moment just exposes the team's existing problems, which is actually a good thing, if there is a problem to be found and solved early, if you deceive yourself and let it develop, God knows what the hell the team will become in the end!

After these questions were thrown, there were indeed a lot fewer people who commented on Han Zhe, because it was not difficult to find that there were indeed many problems in the team, and it was unfair to give the pot to Han Zhe.

Of course, there are also people who don't think about it at all, and they are constantly talking and scolding both on the Internet and in reality.

In fact, the national player has never made such a big move, and has not been paid attention to by so many people, after all, in addition to the United States, most countries still love football, and the same is true of the Celestial Empire.

Now the news is basically reporting the dynamics of the national players, Han Zhe can be said to have contributed a lot, after all, his number of fans and news value are huge, which is why he has pressed the national football team, if it is usual, the national players are estimated to have to wake up with laughter when they sleep, but now it is embarrassing to report the team's loss every day...

Regardless of the state of the Celestial Empire team, the Asian Championships continued, when the Asian Championships ended completely in the hustle and bustle, the country was gloomy, and the national players were almost not drowned by the saliva of the majority of fans, because the Celestial Empire finally won the 10th place in the qualifying round, which was a very embarrassing result for the former Asian hegemonic team, and it was also the worst result for a team to participate in the 38 years.

In this Asian Championship, the Wolves won the key to the victory, the host Philippines was in second place, and Han Country won the third place, which made the top three teams directly qualify for the World Cup.

After the game, the major media stood up for the first time:

"Tear off the last fig leaf from successive figas defeats!"

"The Celestial Empire has become a joke!"

"The most humiliating competition!"

"We've gone back 20 years in basketball!"

"The men's basketball team has become a soft persimmon!"

"Dare to ask where the future of the national player is?"

Some of the title games are sensational, but some are more appropriate, and they also speak the voice of the people, such as after this competition, everyone did see that the team has become a soft persimmon, and the future of the national player is not clear, I really don't know where the road is!

The biggest one is Xin Lancheng, as the leader of the basketball team, the team's performance is poor, he naturally became the first person responsible, and countless fans vented their anger on him.

Many fans held up various banners and shouted "Xin Lancheng is out of class!".

Xin Lancheng was also under pressure to issue a reputation on behalf of the men's basketball team, first saying that he would rectify the men's basketball team, and let the relevant responsible persons make deep self-reflection and reflection, and finally said that the Celestial Empire men's basketball team will definitely learn lessons from failure, and the Celestial Empire men's basketball team will definitely stand up again, hoping that the majority of fans will stand firmly with the team and continue to support the team!

However, fans didn't buy Xinlancheng's words!

"It's official talk again, rectify your sister, don't rectify it a long time ago, and when you lose the game, you are afraid of being held accountable, so you will show your determination to rectify it?

"It's a beautiful word, it's a hammer!"

"Stand with the team, and then lose face next time?"

"You big guys get out of class and get out of class, it's the best rectification of the team!"

"There is a great god like Han Zhe who doesn't know how to use it well, so he still stands up with a ball and kneels to talk!"

"I can't qualify for the World Cup, and I still brag about the Asian hegemonic team before the game, hehe..."

"I just smile and don't speak, anyway, I just like to watch Han Zhe play, as long as I can watch the NBA, it's okay if the men's basketball team doesn't go to the World Cup!"

"I won't express my opinion, one middle finger is enough to express a thousand words of mine!"

At this time, various basketball commentators also jumped out to point out and express their opinions, anyway, it was very lively.

On the contrary, Han Zhe was temporarily put aside, and the problem of Han Zhe, which everyone was most concerned about before, was forgotten, after all, the angry fans now just want to spray people to vent.

Another point is that although the game was lost and the top three were not qualified for the World Cup, the Celestial Empire did not completely lose the opportunity to participate in the World Cup, because the nationality basketball federation can issue a special wild card, which is equivalent to an invitation letter.

However, even if you get a wild card, fans can't be happy, this way of qualifying for the tournament is too shameful!


PS: Thank you [Still sad ending] boss for rewarding 588 points.

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