The end of the Asian Championships can be described as a mess in the domestic basketball world, but these have little impact on Han Zhe, he is not eating in China, so the pressure is naturally much less, anyway, the biggest headache is the basketball management gang.

Han Zhe rested at home for a few days, during which little Lori Colo called him a lot, and acted as a middleman in addition to chatting.

Kolo told Han Zhe that many Hollywood directors are now eyeing him, and many people know that Han Zhe and Koloe have a good relationship, so they found her as a lobbyist, hoping that Han Zhe can star in their movies, even if they don't have time to be the leading actor, it's good to make a cameo.

Han Zhe is not surprised by this, during his return to China, he received many invitations from well-known directors at home and abroad to perform, after all, Han Zhe now has a lot of fans around the world, plus there is a huge Celestial Empire market standing behind him, and Han Zhe's appearance is absolutely passable, and the commercial value of the film he joined is huge.

However, Han Zhe refused all of them before, he just wanted to relax when he went home, and he didn't have an acting foundation before, isn't this a blind toss!

As soon as Kolo said this, Han Zhe opened his mouth and refused, but Kolo cautiously persuaded him not to blindly refuse, because there are indeed two films that are very good, both of which are blockbusters with heroic investment, one step is called Pacific Rim, and one is a sequel to the death squad.

The prospect of the Pacific Rim is still unclear, Han Zhe didn't read the script and didn't know what it was about, he only knew that it was a science fiction film, fighting monsters or something, but the first part of the death squad had gratifying results, and now the second part must be no worse, Kolo feels that Han Zhe can give it a try, and multi-faceted development must be beneficial and harmless.

Han Zhe also thought about it seriously, he didn't know what the situation was in the Pacific Rim, so he didn't think about it for the time being, but he had also watched the first part of the death squad, and it was really good, and the second part basically had the original cast to participate, all of them were big names, and the box office would not be bad.

As for the time, Han Zhe can also take it, because Kolo said that there are not too many scenes of characters arranged for him, and it doesn't take much time to shoot.

In the end, Han Zhe didn't reply directly, but just told Kolo to look at it later, anyway, there will be some time to boot up over there, so there's no hurry.

When he hung up the phone, Kolo complained that Han Zhe was too dragged, you must know how many people want to show up in such a movie, Han Zhe is good, he is bigger than a big name, and Kolo is so angry!

Han Zhe just smiled indifferently, he was very clear about his positioning in his heart, his main business has always been to play, and he also knows that his current money and reputation are won by playing, he will not sacrifice his roots to break into the entertainment industry.

Of course, you can also do a side hustle that suits your appetite and doesn't take too much time!

Just after the National Day, Han Zhe's domestic affairs have been dealt with almost completely, and the fund is also on the right track.

The team assembly order was actually issued half a month ago, but Han Zhe's status in the magic is unmatched, and the senior management and coaches did not urge him, just let him return to the team as soon as possible, so it naturally doesn't matter if he is a few days late.

Han Zhe naturally can't hide the ubiquitous dog cub team when he goes abroad, and the whole country knows about it for the first time, everyone is not surprised by this, everyone knows that the NBA is about to start, and it is natural for Han Zhe to return to the team for training, and the only topic of discussion is why Han Zhe and the basketball manager suddenly have no follow-up?

You must know that Han Zhe announced his retirement halfway through the Asian Championships, but he directly slapped the basketball pipe in the face, and at first he thought that the basketball management would be angry, but later found out that it was not, and the basketball management did not mention anything to Han Zhe, let alone the treatment plan.

Now that Han Zhe has returned to the team, this topic that has cooled down has become popular again, and everyone is discussing whether the basketball team will ban Han Zhe, whether Han Zhe will join the national team in the future, and so on.

But the basketball manager still treated Han Zhe's problem coldly, no matter how lively everyone talked about it, he never said a word or responded.

In fact, many smart people can see that the basketball tube is just waiting for things to fade away, if they really want to deal with Han Zhe, where will it drag on until now.

This is actually normal, Han Zhe knows how much a team has improved, and a fool will offend him to death, and Han Zhe's influence in the country is too great, if he really cleans up Han Zhe, he may not be able to make any mess.

As it is now, when nothing happens, it is the best way to deal with it, and this is called special affairs!

When Han Zhe arrived at the training ground, he found that the players were basically there, and there were a few new faces among them that he was not familiar with, but he knew that these people were new recruits who were added after the draft.

"Hey, Han, you're finally willing to come back!" Walker said hello with a grin as he put down his basketball.

Other players such as Vucevic and Ibaka also stopped training and came to say hello to Han Zhe.

A few newcomers didn't react much when they watched a young Oriental walk in, of course they had seen who their own players were, and they had watched him play, but now Han Zhe was wearing civilian clothes, and just like we looked at Westerners, they all looked similar, and they didn't recognize it at once.

Now when I look at the attitude of Walker and the others, I immediately recognize who the person is, and after looking at each other, I can see the surprise in each other's eyes, first of all, I was surprised by Han Zhe's youth, and he looked like a college student who had not yet graduated.

Secondly, he was surprised by the attitude of the other players, as soon as Han Zhe came, everyone stopped training to say hello, and even the coach didn't say anything, Han Zhe's status in the team can be seen.

didn't have time to think about it, these newcomers also went to say hello to Han Zhe a little restrained and introduced themselves briefly, Han Zhe didn't put on any boss's stand, and nodded in response with a smile.

This made several newcomers breathe a sigh of relief, they had heard a lot of rumors about Han Zhe, and they all knew that he was hot-tempered and would do it if he didn't agree with him, but at present, it seems that Han Zhe is still relatively easy to get along with.

Han Zhe then walked towards Coach Vaughn with a smile, "Coach, I'm sorry, I'm late!"

Of course, Vaughn will not put up any fight with Han Zhe, he is very aware of Han Zhe's status, and he still has a gratitude to Han Zhe in his heart, if it were not for Han Zhe to lead the team to play good results, his coaching position would not be as stable as it is now, and he has won a lot of bonuses and fame.

"It's good to come back, go for a physical examination, and then change your clothes and come over for training!" Vaughn said with a smile and patted Han Zhe on the shoulder.

Han Zhe nodded, put down his backpack and went to the assistant coach for a routine check, mainly to see if the players' bodies exceeded the standard in all aspects during the holiday, and if they exceeded the standard, they would conduct targeted training in time.

However, Han Zhe is not worried about his physical condition, he pays more attention to his diet and usually does not forget to exercise, so there should be no problem with his body.

Sure enough, the test data showed that everything was normal for Han Zhe, and Han Zhe could immediately join the joint training and start preparing for the new season!

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