Han Zhe's return to the team is not only hot news in China, but also attracts a lot of attention in the United States, especially in Orlando, Han Zhe's popularity can be said to be high.

As soon as the training ended, Han Zhe was blocked by a large group of reporters as soon as he went out, some asked about his physical condition, some asked about Han Zhe's Asian Championships, and more concerned about Han Zhe's goals for the new season, and some reporters directly asked them if they had the determination to impact the championship.

This question caused laughter as soon as it came out, because although the Magic lineup is good, and Han Zhe is in the town, everyone still feels whimsical when it comes to the impact of the championship, after all, the NBA lineup is better than them, and it is really difficult to connect the word Magic and the championship.

Seeing a lot of people laughing, before Han Zhe could speak, many Orlando local reporters quarreled with them, the Magic is their own team, of course they will speak for their own team.

Seeing that he hadn't opened his mouth yet, the reporter began to tear up noisily, Han Zhe turned his head speechlessly and left, it was rare to participate in such a boring thing.

That's right, in Han Zhe's opinion, this reporter is boring, the championship is not said, it is a real fight, what is the use of saying more now, everything has to be spoken by results, and there are too many factors on the field, it is too early to say who can win the championship!

After leaving the arena, Han Zhe did not go home directly, and drove around to enter the underground parking lot of a hotel, where Walker and the others were already waiting when they got out of the car.

I haven't seen each other for so long, and several people have already made an appointment to get together, and today everyone in the team is clamoring for Han Zhe to have a treat, the reason is very simple, at the beginning of this season, Han Zhe began to get the salary of a star, of course, he had to celebrate it.

At the dinner table, Ibaka was also named by everyone, this guy has just signed a new contract with Magic, and he is also a tens of millions player, and the next meal will definitely be his.

Ibaka didn't refuse, and said that it was no problem, knowing that everyone was just having fun, and few really cared about the cost of a few meals.

After eating and drinking for a while, Ibaka suddenly said, "Han, how long do you think we can play together?" "

Walker was dissatisfied when he heard this, glared at Ibaka and said, "What? As soon as your worth got up, you planned to turn around and deny people, and you wanted to leave the team? Han Ke is much bigger than you, and there are so many teams chasing him, and he has never said such a thing! "

Vucevic also frowned and glanced at Ibaka, their team is doing well and can produce results, and no one really wants to break up now.

The relationship between the other players here is a little worse than Han Zhe, and their fame and salary are not of the same level, so they don't dare to interject, they can't afford to offend these bigwigs, and they start to pretend to be stupid.

Seeing that Han Zhe also turned his head to look at him, and asked curiously, "Is there any other team that has taken a fancy to you" Ibaka almost broke out in a cold sweat, don't look at his size, and now he is quite famous, but he is still very scared of Han Zhe in his heart.

Ibaka hurriedly waved his hand and said: "Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that, and I'm having a good time with Magic, I don't want to jump ship to a strange team at all."

Seeing everyone's puzzled eyes, Ibaka explained: "I mean I'm afraid that the team will take the initiative to trade us, you must know that my and Han's current salaries add up to almost 30 million, Vucevic, your old relationship with Walker will expire soon, and your salary will not be less than mine in the future!"

Now everyone knows what he said, this is a salary cap issue, don't look at the Magic now Han Zhe is a big name, but Ibaka's salary has also been raised, Walker and Vucevic both have potential and strength, the next one is bound to be a big contract, a team of 40 million players, and Han Zhe, a player who will inevitably rise to the top salary, the salary cap is not fried.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little dull, Han Zhe suddenly slapped Ibaka on the back of the head and said with a smile: "Are you bastard full of food, it's okay to think about what to do, Walker and Vucevic have their contracts due early, and it's the boss who should be worried about at that time, and it's not your turn to worry!"

Walker also glanced at Ibaka and said, "Han is right, it's still early, and whether I can get a big contract or not!"

"I'm the same, not to mention that our boss is a rich man, and blowing up the salary cap doesn't mean breaking up, and now there are many bosses in the alliance who are willing to pay fines!" Vucevic followed suit.

"Ignore this idiot, come to dinner, eat!" Han Zhe re-energized the atmosphere, but he actually knew very well in his heart that there was a banquet in the world, and it was only a matter of time before they shared something, and NBA players were very mobile, and only a very few players would stay in a team until they retired.

Not to mention the others, even Han Zhe didn't know how long he could stay in Magic, after all, who could tell what the future would be.

"Han, when will you buy a villa to play, we will also have a place to have a party in the future!" Walker said with a lewd face, everyone despises it, and fools know that this guy doesn't have anything good in his head!

Han Zhe really thought about it after hearing this, now he has more funds in his hands, and now the contract he signed with Magic has been for a few years, which is relatively stable, he really wants to buy a villa, it is always good to have a home of his own, not to mention that real estate like real estate generally can't lose anything, even if he doesn't live in the future, he can sell it.

Then a group of people drank a few glasses of wine, but they didn't drink much, and they still had training tomorrow, and they still knew it.

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