"Whew... This group of boys is a real headache! Hannigan, who was watching the game in the box, wiped the sweat from his head, they want to make a big difference this season, and it would be embarrassing if something happened at the start of the new season today.

Devos was very calm, not only was he not in a hurry, but he crossed his legs and smiled: "If the player has no temper, do you still call the player!" And we are lucky to have a player like Han in our team, which can reduce a lot of injuries to other players in the team! "

Hannigan understands this, there are a lot of dirty players in the NBA, if no one on the team can calm the game, it is easy to be injured by the black hand, now that Han Zhe's reputation has been played, others who want to think carefully about the magic will have to think carefully!

Not to mention how others feel, the game is still going on, the referee's penalty has come down, Aminu and Vucevic each ate a T, Aminu first fouled Vucevic two goals, and then both teams each gave a technical foul.

After the trouble just now, the next game actions of both teams are much bigger, and the number of fouls on both sides is going up, but they are still relatively restrained, and the foul actions are still within an acceptable range.

When Han Zhe broke through to the layup again, Vaughn frowned, because he could see that Han Zhe was already exhausted, Han Zhe's sports 813 in this game was too large, and as the spearhead of the offense, he was often treated as a double bag or even a three-person siege, and his physical consumption increased exponentially!

There is also the fact that the opponent's defense is big now, and Han Zhe is often knocked down when he lays up, which also makes his heart always carry, if Han Zhe is injured, it will be the biggest loss.

Fortunately, Han Zhe showed everyone what it means to be reinforced and iron-clad, and every time he falls, he quickly gets up and pats the ashes of his buttocks, which is called a chic!

Han Zhe scored the inside line again, and when he saw Aminu making up the basket and preparing to block, his temper also came up, and he stepped forward with an acceleration, because Aminu was hit by him before and estimated that he still held a grudge in his heart, although he didn't dare to make a move, but now he is very aimed at Han Zhe when defending, and Han Zhe has been knocked down twice by him from the side.

Amino was obviously surprised to see Han Zhe rushing straight up, but thinking of his height and strength, he didn't hesitate to meet him.

This time, Han Zhe jumped a few meters away from the basket, and Amino naturally flew to intercept it, and the two collided together in the air with a "bang", Han Zhe had obviously swung up behind his body (aiae) from the abdomen, and it was terrible to think about it if he fell down like this.

However, in the midst of the exclamations of the audience, Han Zhe still stretched out his arm and smashed the ball into the basket, and then grabbed the basket to stabilize the center of gravity and landed safely.

Although Han Zhe is dangerous, Aminu is also uncomfortable, Han Zhe has a speed bonus, although Aminu has the advantage in weight, but he can't stand it under such a violent impact, he falls out after a bang, and falls behind the basket with a "bang".

"Han Zhe's ball is too dangerous, he is so bold, face . 's Aminu actually rushed up like this, but fortunately the dunk successfully grabbed the basket, otherwise it would have been really bearable! Su Qun said with a little palpitation.

Zhang Weiping nodded before he said: "But this is too beautiful, Han Zhe not only dunked the ball from the top of Aminu's head with the momentum of Mount Tai, but also knocked Aminu out, we can see that Aminu has not gotten up yet, I hope he won't get hurt!"

Although Zhang Weiping said that it was good not to get hurt, his expression was like schadenfreude!

In fact, I don't blame Zhang Weiping for gloating, because they all saw Aminu's various big actions and fouls against Han Zhe just now, and they were all up and down in their hearts, and they were afraid that Han Zhe would not be able to get up if he fell, and now he was naturally cool when he saw Aminu suffer!

"Han! Well done, it's long overdue to clean up this kid! Vucevic secretly winked at Han Zhe.

Han Zhe just smiled and didn't speak, although he did deliberately want to teach Aminu a lesson, he really didn't want to hurt him, if it wasn't for the other party's excesses, Han Zhe would never aim to hurt the opponent's body, which violated the purpose of his play.

If Han Zhe really wants to get anyone on the court now, no one really can dodge, the reason is very simple, he won't be injured on the court anyway, just use his body to scare him, others can't beat him like him!

"Shh Suddenly, there was a burst of boos in the arena, which was the voice of the few Pelicans fans in the room, as they saw Aminu limping to the bench by his teammates, who was clearly injured.

But the boos of the Pelican fans were quickly suppressed by the furious cheers of the home fans, this is their territory, how could they let the other party boo Han Zhe, looking for a draw, for them, Aminu deserved it, just knocked over Han Zhe, and now he is punished!

Besides, Han Zhe is fine so many times, you will be injured as soon as you fall, you can only blame yourself for being a glass man!

Although Coach Pelicans had a black face, he only protested to the referee, saying that the ball was deliberately hurt by Han Zhe and should be eaten, but the referee saw it very clearly, no one could say that this ball was a foul, and it was just a reasonable physical confrontation.

Coach Pelicans didn't say much afterwards, the key is that Aminu was only a minor injury after a preliminary examination by the team doctor, sprained his ankle, and it will heal quickly and will not affect their next games.

After the restart of the game, it was obvious that the Magic morale was even worse, although Han Zhe was tired, he occasionally played soy sauce to adjust his physical fitness, but as long as the opponent relaxed his vigilance, he would shoot and score.

This makes the Pelicans very uncomfortable, if they have many people staring at Han Zhe, Han Zhe will pass, the other players of the Magic are naturally empty, and the opportunity is very good, if they relax some Han Zhe, Han Zhe will choose to shoot or break through, so disgusting that he doesn't want to.

The only thing the Pelicans are thankful for is that the other players of the Magic don't have a high shooting percentage, otherwise they would be out of action now.

However, even so, when there were thirty seconds left, after Han Zhe hit another three-point shot, the Pelicans instantly lost morale, they were only two points behind just now, and there was still a chance, but after Han Zhe's three-point goal, it was difficult to chase.

In the end, the game ended with the Magic 97-94 victory, and in the thunderous cheers of the court, the Magic won the first victory of the new season!

However, it was not easy to win this ball, Han Zhe and many players sat on the ground as soon as the game ended, especially Han Zhe, who played the whole game, and now he feels that he has no strength to speak! _

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