After Han Zhe and the others relieved themselves, they were just about to celebrate the first victory of the new season, when some reporters appeared out of place.

"Han, Aminu said that you won today because you used dishonorable means to get him down, do you have any response to this?"

Han Zhe became angry when he heard it, "What does he say?" Doesn't he have any strength of his own, and he can still dominate the outcome of a game like this? And such a big man was knocked away by me and had a face? "

Han Zhe's saliva made the reporters present speechless, and only the reporters who came with the Pelicans continued to find fault and said: "When the two teams almost clashed before, you attacked Aminu and escaped the referee's punishment, is this the league's special treatment for you?"

"I would have beaten that idiot to death if there was really a special treatment, of course, if there was such treatment, I would be the first to beat you, get out of the way, don't get in the way!" After Han Zhe finished speaking, he pushed away the reporter in front of him and left with his scolding teammates.

"Bastard... I'll make you look good! The reporter was pushed so much that he almost fell to the ground, looking at Han Zhe's back and hating itchy.

The other reporters just looked at him and shook their heads, saying in their hearts that this product was lucky if it wasn't beaten by Han Zhe, and it looked good for Han Zhe? What can he give Han Zhe a good look, at most he talks about it on paper, but he knows that Han Zhe is a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, so he is too lazy to care about you!

Han Zhe was on TV again that night, and he was mentioned in many sports programs, first of all, Han Zhe scored 41 points in today's game, and he was the player with the highest individual score in a single game in this round of games.

The second is that they almost caused a group fight in the game, and it is also the focus of ridicule by the major black-bellied masters~ holders.

There is also the fact that Han Zhe officially became the captain of the Magic Magic, which is not a small news-.

"Barkley, Han won the highest score in a single game in the first round today, and was appointed captain of the Magic by Devos, what do you think?" O'Neal asked Barkley on a show.

"It's not news that Han can score 41 points in a single game, his scoring ability is obvious to all, and the main team of the Magic is seriously absent in this round, Han has more offensive opportunities, so this score is nothing."

"As for Han will become the captain of the Magic, it is natural that Han Zhe is young and still a newcomer, in fact, Han was the spiritual leader of the Magic in the second half of last season, and Devos is not a guy who plays cards according to common sense, it is not surprising that Han Zhe officially became the captain today."

"Actually, what makes me the most strange today is that Han didn't beat Aminu and the reporter who owed, hahaha..."

O'Neill laughed instantly when he heard it!


Han Zhe, who was watching this show, sprayed instantly!

turned off the TV and cursed,... These two unscrupulous bald and black old men..."

The next day's newspaper Magic accounted for a lot of share, but the report was at two extremes, on the one hand, it praised Han Zhe and Magic, and on the other hand, it questioned the strength and prospects of Magic this season.

"The Magic won the first game of the new season, Han Zhe slashed 41 points!"

"Han became a young captain in the NBA, and another record was born!"

"The Magic got off to a good start, and the new season may go even further!"

"Many of the main players are missing, and the magic win with difficulty!"

"Han Zhe, the new captain of the Magic, lives up to his responsibilities, and the statistics of the whole game are gorgeous!"

Many newspapers are not optimistic about magic anymore:

"The Magic stumbled to win, and the future of this season is worrying!"

"Han's strength is undoubted, but can he take on the role of captain at a young age?"

0······· Asking for flowers0···

"The Magic still have a number of key players suspended, and some predict that the Magic will not be able to make the playoffs this season."

"Han Zhe's ferocity has not changed, and he violated Aminu on the field and beat reporters off the field!"

In the end, this report was naturally written by the reporter Han Zhe, but unfortunately they are only local newspapers, and their sales in the United States are not large, and even if they are influential, Han Zhe will not care at all.

Only some magic fans who saw this newspaper were angry, Han Zhe is undoubtedly the god of magic now, seeing someone slander him, naturally the crowd surged, and even some fans went to throw some stones outside the newspaper office to relieve their anger, this is not a big news.


During the second day of practice, Vaughn was a little worried on the sidelines, because many newspapers said well, the Magic prospects are really not optimistic, their players have to continue to take turns suspended, and there are still a lot of games, today to play Pelicans like the middle and lower reaches of the league teams are so difficult, how to play against a strong team.

If they start too poorly, it will be really difficult to chase in the later stage, after all, there are few NBA teams!

The happiest after this battle is the domestic fans, although they also want the magic to do well, but it mainly depends on Han Zhe's performance, as long as Han Zhe's performance is good and the data is good, it is a good thing, as for the future of the magic and the results, it is secondary.

Many people's thoughts are that Han Zhe is now famous and worth anyway, if magic doesn't work, just change a team, and Han Zhe doesn't have to worry about no one wanting it!

Only more professional fans know that Han Zhe can just leave, he signed a contract with Magic, and few teams can afford liquidated damages, and Magic gave Han Zhe a heavy responsibility, which is also a trick, which is a big win on people's hearts! _

Feilu reminds you: There are three things to read - collect and push

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