After a day of rest, the Magic went to the away game to challenge the Nets, which was also hotly discussed in the outside world, and it was difficult to predict the outcome of the game.

If you only look at the strength of the cards, it must be that the Nets have an absolute advantage, the Nets can be said to be star-studded, Garnett, Delon, Joe John, Lopez, Pierce, etc. are all players who are very loud in the NBA.

On the contrary, the Magic are still trapped in the quagmire of the ban, and it stands to reason that the Magic seem to have little chance of winning.

But now no one dares to judge the result of the Magic's game, because the Magic is a team that has always been good at creating miracles, and the new generation of players led by Han Zhe is also a player who is good at creating miracles, such as last season, who would have thought that they could advance to the playoffs, and the results are not bad.

However, when the game officially began, many fans who supported the Magic couldn't lift their spirits, because today the Magic continued to rotate, and even the core player Han Zhe sat in the stands, which was a serious blow to the fans' confidence in "813".

Today's Magic starters are, Walker, Ibaka, Bimes, O'Quinn and Olapodi, Vucevic and Han Zhe are in the audience.

Su Qun: "We can see that Han Zhe and Vucevic are sitting in the stands, it must be because of the ban and rotation, presumably this will disappoint many Celestial Dynasty fans."

Zhang Weiping said: "Although the two main players of the Magic are absent, this game is not without a chance of winning, because the Nets just have a lineup that looks scary, but there are too many veterans among them, and I don't need to say more about the age of players such as Garnett and John Xun, and Delong is also a bit downhill, so this ball Magic still has a chance!"

Online fans also chatted:

"Damn... Why didn't Han Zhe get on, it still depends on Mao! "

"Zhang Lili is starting to talk nonsense again, the Nets team is old as a whole, but I don't look at the lineup of the Magic, the dead camel is bigger than the horse!"

"The years are not forgiving, I think when I watched the game, the wolf king was still in his prime, and now he is in his last years!"

"Poof... I'm speechless for your words upstairs, and I'm still in the middle of the year, as if others are going to fart! "

"There is still some truth in Zhang's reasonable words, the Nets are like last year's Lakers, the lineup seems to be strong, but the real combat effectiveness is not easy to say!"

Han Zhe and Vucevic are also discussing:

"Han, do you think we have a chance to win this game?"

"It's hard, but there's a chance."


"If the Nets are in their prime, it would be awesome, but no, now physical fitness is the biggest problem for the Nets, we have a lot of young players on the team, and we can fight with them with a fast-paced style of play."

"It seems like that's the truth, but can we guarantee the hit rate by speeding up the pace?"

"Nonsense, otherwise I wouldn't have said it was difficult, I could win!"

Seeing the start of the game, everyone stopped discussing and began to concentrate on watching the game, it seems that Han Zhe has similar ideas, and he obviously wants to play fastball with the other party today, and as soon as Walker starts the game, he launched Ibaka's dunk to score the first point of the Magic.

Many Nets fans are a little worried, because the ball just now did expose many shortcomings of the Nets, and the veteran's inability to keep up with the pace of running back is the key.

However, after switching the ball, the Nets veterans also performed a bit of steadyness, and after many beautiful passes, Lopez scored the ball under the basket, which looked very easy.

Bimax immediately served quickly, and Walker also relied on his speed to prepare to rush through the half court to attack, but as soon as he crossed the half, he was stuck by Delon, and it was difficult to pass the ball, so he had no choice but to slow down and wait for his teammates to respond.

"You're pretty fast, old guy!" Walker raised an eyebrow and said.

"Boy, you're still too young to crush us with a quick attack? I'll talk about it if I can outrun! Delon replied with a grin.

DeLong can be said to be experienced, Walker is the engine of the magic right now, if Walker can't rush this point, then it will be difficult to control the overall rhythm of the court.

Walker then tried to break through, but found it difficult to break through DeLong's defense, and finally had to share the ball to Olapodi, who came to respond, who hit a three-point iron, and Garnett got a backcourt rebound to organize a counterattack.

"Delong, this guy is really fast, and he's so strong, how can he be so flexible!" Vucevic couldn't help but complain.

Han Zhe also sighed, "At his peak, Deron was definitely one of the best guards in the NBA, and now although his state has declined because of age, he is still easy to deal with Walker, if Walker can't get Delon today, this game will be even more difficult!" "

"Han, if it's you to Delong now, can you get her?"

"What do you say?" Han Zhe asked with a smile.

Vucevic really thought about it seriously for a moment, and then affirmed: "Delon will be blown up by you!"

Han Zhe just smiled and didn't say anything more about this question, the reason is very simple, Vucevic is right, Delong's speed is definitely not as fast as Han Zhe now, and Han Zhe is not afraid of anyone, his physical strength is not worse than Delong, his physical fitness is better than Delong, and he can definitely blow up Delong alone, the key is that they had several encounters last season, and Han Zhe was superior!

Of course, if it was Delong at his peak, Han Zhe didn't know what the situation was, but there was no if in this world!

Of course, Vaughn also found this problem, but he can only watch, this is a confrontation of the player's personal ability, and it has nothing to do with technique and tactics0........

The next game is mainly Walker and DeLong competitive, when the half is over, Walker is obviously a little frustrated, because the score on the field is that they are behind, and he and DeLong's direct confrontation did not take advantage of the slightest advantage, to be precise, he is at an absolute disadvantage.

"Damn it!" Walker returned to the lounge and threw the towel on the ground depressedly, the other players looked at each other and did not speak, Walker's status in the team is not low, they dare not force it.

Walker is angry that although he knows that he is not as good as Han Zhe, he is definitely a rising star in the NBA, and he is usually sought after and praised by countless people.

They have actually fought each other before, but there is very little direct confrontation, because Delong was in opposition to Han Zhe before, Walker saw that Han Zhe had an obvious advantage in playing Delong, and he always thought that the opponent's strength had declined greatly, and he couldn't do it anymore, 0.4 How do you know now, it's not that the other party is not awesome, it's that Han Zhe is too awesome!

"You're still young, you have time!" At this time, Vaughn happened to come in and saw this scene, and patted Walker on the shoulder to comfort him.

In fact, the Nets are not feeling good, most of the players are sweating, and Deron is also complaining, "I only knew Han before, but I didn't expect this kid Walker to be so difficult, I'm tired to death, it seems that it's really old and it's time to consider retiring!" "

"Phew! Is it appropriate for you bastard to say that you are old in front of us, where is it rare for a rookie like Walker to live with you, and pretend to be here! "

When Garnett finished speaking, everyone burst out laughing, including Delon!

The second half continued, although Walker played more ferociously, but still could not take advantage, although the Nets in the second half of the physical fitness was indeed worried, but the shooting rate was much higher than the magic of fast play and fast passing, and finally the Nets won 82-74. _

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