The Magic and Mavericks played evenly in the first half, which was similar to everyone's pre-game expectations, and they all thought that it would be a tough game, and anyone could win!

The score of the first half seemed to reflect everyone's predictions, but all the experts and professors who predicted the game after the start of the second half were dumbfounded.

Because Han Zhe suddenly began to exert his power, the second half opened with a three-point hit, and when the Mavericks counterattacked, they were chased by Han Zhe again, and the magic quickly counterattacked Ibaka and then went to the next city, which instantly widened the difference between the two teams.

Although the Mavericks managed to recover two points in the next round, Han Zhe hit a three-point shot after getting rid of the defense, allowing the difference to reach double digits.

Seeing Han Zhe's three-point state come out, the calf immediately made adjustments and began to strictly guard against Han Zhe's three-point shot, but Han Zhe not only threw three points, but after seeing the opponent's defense line pulled out, he began to cut to the basket in the air, and the calf was simply exhausted!

The trend of the game has changed abruptly, and the major commentators are also in the spirit of the moment:

"Han stood up in the third quarter and started to score continuously, we can see that the Mavericks don't have a very good sniping method against Han, and the defensive effect is not good!"

"That's the role of the star, to be able to stand up and break the deadlock when the team needs him, and to break the balance of the game at once, this is undoubtedly the star, and this is why Han can get a top contract at a young age!"

"Although Han Zhe has not played much time this season, he has a wonderful performance in every game, and the data is also very luxurious, and now many teams must be beginning to covet Han Zhe, a supernova, and I don't know if Devos can resist the temptation of other teams' sugar-coated shells!"

"There is indeed a lot of gossip that some teams have made trade requests to Devos, but Devos is obviously an owner who wants to pursue results, and he is not short of money, so Han Zhe should not be able to transfer for the time being!"

"Some people said before that Devos took the liberty of giving Han Zhe a high salary is an unjust behavior, but Han Zhe has already said with his actions that he is worth his money!"

Han Zhe can't hear the praise of these people, but even if he hears it, he won't have much mood swings, the reason is very simple, he already understands the urine nature of these media people, and if he performs well, he will be blown vigorously, if the performance is bad, the other party will not hesitate to step on a few more feet by the way!

In the third section, it can be said that Han Zhe took over the over. Han Zhe, who was fully open, was unstoppable, at least the calf couldn't stop his chariot driving at full speed.

When the third quarter ended, the Mavericks didn't practice or the players were looking at the score, and at halftime they trailed by four points at 51-47, but now it became 79-641, and they only scored 17 points in the quarter!

If someone records the data, it can be found that Han Zhe scored 18 points alone in this quarter, and he scored more points in a single quarter than the opponent's entire team, and the highest individual score in a single quarter in this round.

After the opening of the fourth quarter, everyone found that the Mavericks had already admitted defeat very barely, and almost all of the main players stayed on the bench to save their physical strength.

In the end, there were no accidents, the Magic 97-84 took the Mavericks, this result was something that many people did not expect, who knew that the Mavericks who were in good shape collapsed in the third quarter!

The happiest is of course the domestic media and Oran multimedia, after the game, Han Zhe will inevitably become popular again, because today Han Zhe is in excellent condition, and the data is also very luxurious.

Han Zhe scored 39 points, 4 steals, 8 assists, 3 rebounds and 2 blocks in the game, which is completely worthy of his salary!

While the whole team was celebrating, Afraro was talking to a man in a corner.

"Afflalo, as your agent, I must be thinking about you, now Magic Han's status is unshakable, Walker has always played very well, and now there is another Olapodi with great potential, and it may be difficult to guarantee your playing time if you continue to stay!"

"I've had a lot of fun with the Magic, and going to other teams is that you can guarantee I'm going to get playing time?"

"At present, there are three teams looking for me privately, including the Kings, I can't guarantee the other teams, but the Kings have promised that as long as you go, they will definitely give you a main starting position, I hope you think about it seriously and call me when you think about it!"

Seeing his agent leave, Afflalo frowned, he is indeed very entangled in his heart now, he must have some feelings for the Magic, but as the season begins, his playing time is becoming less and less guaranteed, and the pressure of competition for defenders in the team has suddenly increased.

Han Zhe doesn't say it, the absolute main core, Walker used to have a basic chance to play with him, but now he is gradually catching up with him, and there is a very competitive rookie Olapodi in the team, which makes Afflalo's situation even more embarrassing!

His agent advised him to take advantage of the fact that he was still in the final peak period to go to a team with more room to play, anyway, Afflaro still has the strength, don't worry about no one wanting, several teams are ready to dig the magic corner in this trading period!

Originally, players like Han Zhe, Walker and Ibaka must be the main targets of poaching, but it is obviously too difficult, and Afflalo's embarrassing situation can be seen by anyone, and Afflalo's strength is also very strong, and his value is not too high, he is a very cost-effective player, and it has naturally become the ideal target of many teams!

In fact, there is a big battle at the beginning of each season, and all the teams are ready to swing their golden hoes around! _

Feilu reminds you: There are three things to read - collect and push

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