After returning to the lounge, all the players were talking and laughing, and the mood seemed very relaxed, after all, they had won two consecutive games and were temporarily out of the trough.

Only Afraro was silently in a daze in the corner of the lounge, looking a little out of place.

"What's wrong, what's on your mind?" Han Zhe had already noticed Aflaro's abnormality, and asked after walking over to him and sitting down.

Afraro glanced at Han Zhe, smiled reluctantly and shook his head, indicating that he was fine!

"I just met your agent, did he let you transfer?" Han Zhe suddenly snapped.

"Uh... How do you know! Afraro was surprised, and blurted out the words.

Han Zhe glanced at him with disdain and said: "It's the trading period, the agent hurriedly ran to the stadium to meet you with what else can there be besides this, and it's not you alone, I have also been harassed by many teams, Ibaka was still looking for me just now and said that there is a team that wants to pull him into the gang and ask me what advice I have!"

"Did Ibaka ask you again? So how do you answer? Afraro wondered.

Han Zhe immediately replied: "I told him that if he goes to another team, his salary may increase, but everything has to start again, and if he goes to a weaker team, he will not be able to have anything to do with honor for the rest of his life."

Everyone knows the strength of our magic, at least there is the possibility of hitting the finals, maybe you can win a championship home, of course, if there is a top team invited, I don't mind if you go to hitchhike and mix a championship or something! "

After Han Zhe finished speaking, he patted Afflaro on the shoulder and walked towards the bathroom, leaving Aflaro with a thoughtful face!

As soon as he went out, Ibaka caught up with Han Zhe speechlessly, "Han, you are really bad, although there are indeed teams looking for me, but I directly refused, but I didn't ask your opinion!" "

Ibaka clearly heard what Han Zhe said to Aflaro just now.

Han Zhe glanced at Ibaka, "Didn't I give him the motivation to struggle, and I didn't fool him, if he went to the weak team, he could only eat and wait for death, and it was difficult for him to get the main position when he went to the strong team, even if he won the championship, he would follow the mix, and he had a sense of achievement?" "

Seeing Han Zhe's back leaving, Ibaka grabbed his head and muttered, "That's right, but why do I always feel that something is wrong..."

Ibaka was said to be a little confused, but Han Zhe's heart was like a mirror, of course there was an element of deception in his words, there was no honor in going to the weak team, then there must be honor in magic

Han Zhe is also right, after all, the Magic now has a lineup that is not thick, Lalo is a good addition, if Afflalo is gone, it will definitely have a great impact on the Magic

Of course, Han Zhe is not lying to Afflalo, the Magic do have the strength to compete with any team now, at least Han Zhe has the ambition and confidence to impact the championship!

After the locker room players left, Afflaro thought for a long time, and finally clenched his fist, "I'm not old yet, I don't want to eat and wait for death, I want a championship ring, but I will definitely not follow others to rub the championship, I will use my own strength to play out, Han, I hope you don't let me down!" "

The others were busy digging the corners of the magic wall, and the magic itself did not stop, and the next day, Vaughn and Han Zhe were called to Hannigan's office to discuss things.

In front of them were a lot of information reports sent back by scouts, and everyone was discussing them one by one.

Han Zhe was actually a little surprised when he was called just now, although he was very big, but he was qualified to speak about the club's personnel adjustments.

But Hannigan said that this is what Boss Devos meant, after all, the new players have to partner with Han Zhe and them, at least it is best to choose people not to disgust Han Zhe and others, otherwise there will be big trouble if there is a locker room problem, so they also have to ask Han Zhe's opinion.

Han Zhe is not an ignorant person, he didn't talk too much, and after taking a general look at the shortlist, he said with a smile: "These players are good, you just have to take the idea, I'll go to training first!"

Seeing Han Zhe leave after speaking, Hannigan smiled: "Han is really getting more and more mature, he really doesn't look like a young man in his twenties!"

Vaughn also smiled and nodded, "How is that candidate?" "

Hannigan threw a large pile of materials into the trash can next to him, leaving only two copies, and said in a deep voice: "If you want the best, I'll talk about it myself tomorrow!"

That's right, the Magic have actually selected a candidate, and Han Zhelai just walked off the courtesy to show that the club values him very much, of course, if Han Zhe has a big opinion on the player they choose, they really have to think about it carefully!

In Vaughn's absence, Han Zhe, the captain, was responsible for managing the training process of the players with the assistant coach.

"Walker, you bastard and you're lazy again!"

"Ibaka, don't keep bullying O'Quinn, get out of here and practice shooting!"

"Harkless, don't work too hard, you have to play the Heat tomorrow, and you have the strength to vent tomorrow!"

"I'll go! Vucevic, don't dunk, the basket is about to be smashed by you! "

After Han Zhe returned to the training hall, he found that everyone was playing blindly, and the assistant coach held it at all, but as soon as Han Zhe came, everyone was honest, don't look at Han Zhe's youth, but his prestige in the team is not weaker than that of the head coach.

"Han, do you have any confidence in playing the Heat tomorrow?" Walker, who had been lazy on the sidelines, ran over and asked with a smile.

"Nonsense! Tomorrow will definitely make James pee his pants, okay, everyone trains in groups! "

Han Zhe really held his breath in his heart, they can be said to have been suppressed by the Heat last season, and they almost couldn't get cheap when they met the Heat, so of course they want to get it back this season!

And Han Zhe and James are a bit of rivals, and the two will be energetic as soon as they meet! _

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