Vaughn's announcement is that there are new players in their team soon, and after getting this news, the players are happy and worried, they don't know who is coming, what their position is, what their strength is, and whether it will affect their own status in the team.

The key is that the secrecy of the previous magic work was done very well, and even the media did not receive the transaction information, otherwise it might have been a storm in the city.

"Harris isn't here today, shouldn't he have been traded?" After Ibaka spoke, everyone also noticed the problem, and there were no special circumstances during training, and he definitely couldn't be absent casually.

"Okay, let's stop guessing, Harris has indeed been traded, but he hasn't officially left the team yet, let's get together tomorrow and have a simple farewell ceremony with Harris!" Han Zhe finally spoke.

As soon as Han Zhe's voice fell, everyone gathered around and said:

"Han, so you already knew, and you didn't tell us, it's too boring!"

"How can you send Harris away, who will Harkless rotate with when he leaves?"

"Since you know who's leaving, you must know who's coming, right?"

The change of team personnel is related to everyone's vital interests, ~ naturally very concerned.

Han Zhe glanced at Vaughn and found that he had no intention of objecting, and he didn't sell it anymore, so he said: "We are making a deal with the Spurs, and Harris's departure is also your willing, the Spurs may need him more, and Harris is also more willing to go to the Spurs to develop!-"

Han Zhe knew so well that he had naturally been notified by the top management before, but at that time, things were not done well, and no one knew what the result would be, so Han Zhe did not publicize it everywhere.

There is also the fact that every transaction is a round of dark warfare, and the magic executives also pay attention to secrecy before the matter is completed, otherwise someone may come in and disrupt the situation!

After Han Zhe finished speaking, the most nervous was naturally Hackles, and immediately asked, "Who is here?"

"It's not Duncan, is it?" said Walker, with a grim joke.

Everyone knows that the Spurs will not trade the meritorious player Duncan no matter what, Duncan will not leave the Spurs, and Spurs fans will definitely not tolerate the team trading Duncan!

When Han Zhe was about to answer, there was a sound of footsteps at the player's door, and everyone turned their heads to look and found that Hannigan walked in with a few people talking and laughing.


After seeing a big black man next to Hannigan, everyone became lively:

"Why is this guy!"

"Is this deal really worth it, I admit this guy defensively, we have Harkless, what else do you want him to do?"

"I thought it was who, but it turned out to be him!"

"Poof... No wonder this kid was polite yesterday, he was afraid of being beaten up in our team!"

Vaughn interrupted the discussion and called everyone together to gather, when Hannigan had already walked over with the big black man and said, "I think everyone already knows, this is our new team member Leonard, you guys get to know each other!"

"Hello everyone, I'm Kawhi Leonard, I usually play small forward, but I can also play big forward, please take care of me in the future!"

Seeing Hannigan's signal, Han Zhe smiled and stood up and said: "Hello Leonard, welcome to our team, I am the captain of the team Han Zhe, this is Walker, you must be no stranger, this is our center Vucevich, this is Ibaka... Coach Vaughn doesn't need an introduction!"

Han Zhe introduced everyone on the team in turn, and everyone's attitude towards Leonard is also different, some are more enthusiastic, some are cold, some are indifferent, and some are not very happy, such as Harkless, who is unhappy, because Leonard's arrival will definitely form a lot of competition for his position!

When Hannigan left with Vaughan and Leonard, everyone didn't have the heart to train anymore, and they all sat down in a bunch of discussions, and Han Zhe walked over to talk to him when he saw Harkley sitting sullenly to the side.

"What, you're not happy?" Han Zhe walked over and smiled.

Harkless said with a calm face: "Can I be happy, this guy and I are both defensive small forwards, and he has an advantage over me in terms of physicality and arm span!"

0······· Asking for flowers0···

"He has his advantages, you also have your advantages, and your biggest advantage is to cooperate with everyone, it is impossible for Leonard to integrate into the team for a short time!"

"And no matter which team, which position, there will be competition, you look at our defenders, the level of competition is much stronger than your position!"

Harkless thought about it, no matter which team has competition, in fact, it was the same before, he and Harris were also competing, just now the mentality was a little unbalanced mainly because I felt that Leonard and him were the same type of player, and defensively, Harkless did not have much confidence that he would do better than him, after all, they had learned Leonard's defensive level yesterday.


Han Zhe finally said meaningfully: "Don't worry, you won't have fewer opportunities to play, because you and Leonard are not the same type of players at all!"

Then Han Zhe went to the crowd to listen to everyone's chat, and when he heard some people say that it was not worth exchanging Harris for Leonard, his heart suddenly became happy, is it really not worth it?

Harris is an offensive forward, his scoring ability is really good, he was able to average 17 points per game in the Magic last season, ranking first in the entire league, and now his value is also soaring!

In fact, this is also the reason why Harris is willing to change clubs, because the Magic itself has too strong offensive ability, and it is difficult for him to have room to play, but his ability is worse than him, but Harkless, who has strong physical and defensive ability, has more opportunities to play than him!

Now the Spurs need a young scorer like Harris more than the Magic, so on the surface, it seems that the Magic is a win-win situation for an offensive forward for a Spurs and a defensive forward.

Among the players, only Han Zhe knows that Leonard looks like he can only defend on the surface, but this guy has much more potential than Harris, and the Spurs are not stupid, just Leonard's current defensive role is more valuable, so this deal is discounted by the Magic, and it is a lot.

Leonard will also get a good signing fee if he wants to come over, but he will give him four in the form of salary benefits in the future!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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