Of course, Leonard didn't participate in training today, he just came over for a medical examination and then discussed the contract, and it is estimated that he will have to wait a day or two to officially join the team.

During the free time, Ibaka took the initiative to communicate with Walker, and in his words, he now feels that he is still lacking in his skills under the basket and wants to improve his skills.

Walker was amused when he heard it, knowing that Ibaka must have been stimulated by the last game against Duncan.

In fact, as a power forward, Ibaka's skills and flexibility are already very good, but they are definitely incomparable to a flexible guard like Han Zhe Walker!

The reason why Ibaka didn't communicate with Han Zhe is very simple, Walker's skills are enough, and he doesn't need a knife to kill chickens!

Seeing that Ibaka was humble and studious, the coaching staff did not bother him, and the next training did not involve the two "813", giving them enough free space, if Ibaka can really make a breakthrough in technology, it will naturally be beneficial to the whole team.

Han Zhe's training is also more targeted now, he basically doesn't need to practice deliberately for three points, just occasionally find a feel, and in terms of technology, Han Zhe has little room for improvement for the time being, so he doesn't need to spend too much time on it.

Han Zhe is generally exercising his physical fitness and strength now, as long as this aspect can be improved a little more, then his overall strength will increase!

After the training, as soon as they came out of the arena, the Magic players were blocked by a bunch of reporters, and as soon as they heard their enthusiastic questions, everyone knew what was going on, Leonard came to the Magic Arena today, and he did not deliberately disguise, and the sharp-eyed reporters naturally found out.

Spurs players don't come to the magic gym for no reason, as long as they're not stupid, they can think of it!

Magic made frequent moves in the transfer market last year, especially Han Zhe's deal is still talked about today, and the subsequent Ibaka and Walker are also extraordinary, it can be said that Magic was a representative of the discerning hero last season.

Everyone was waiting to see what the magic would do this year, but there was no movement for a long time, and they thought that the magic was no longer planning to continue to replenish the lineup, but they didn't expect this stubble to come suddenly!

"Han, will Leonard be traded to the Magic?"

"What's your trading chip, and who's going to leave the Magic?"

"Walker, can you reveal that..."

"Ibaka, will Leonard's presence affect your position?"

"Han, what do you think of this deal?"

They haven't officially announced this yet, and the players don't know whether Leonard's contract signing will go smoothly after that, of course, they won't just shoot it, and they slipped away after Han Zhe ran out of the way, leaving only a group of indignant reporters.


The Magic transfer turmoil naturally appeared on the big side, but they basically believed that Leonard would go to the Magic, but they didn't know who the player who swapped with the Spurs was.

The most guessed is that Hackley is about the same cost performance for the two on the surface, and those with better eyes guess whether it will be to send away Ibaka, and of course there are also alarmists who use Leonard + price for Han Zhe.

However, we all know that this statement is not very credible, Han Zhe is magical, and the magic executives will sell Han Zhe if they have a hole in their brains.

Although they all know that the possibility of Han Zhe being traded is extremely low, but these newspapers and media make a fuss, Magic fans are in a hurry, whether it is a post bar or the official website of Magic, they all hope that the magic official can quickly announce the content of this transaction or stand up to refute the rumors, but the magic official did not express his position.

Not to mention Han Zhe, even trading Ibaka is not very acceptable, after all, Ibaka has performed remarkably since joining the Magic, and he also has a strong dunk technique, Magic fans still like this big man.

The Magic were preparing for a home game against the Wizards that afternoon, but the reporter's eyes were completely drawn to another thing, which was that Spurs general manager Buford was photographed coming to Orlando and already meeting with Hannigan.

This is a bombshell news, many reporters who were originally waiting for the start of the game have changed their positions and rushed to the hotel where Buford is staying, but they were all blocked by the wine security guards, so they could only wait!

Several people in the hotel are talking happily in a room, there are a lot of people here, not only Hannigan and Buford, the two protagonists of the transaction are naturally here, Leonard and Harris are accompanied by agents and lawyers to discuss contract matters, and are now making the final review to prepare for the signing of 0........

"Cheers, happy cooperation!" Hannigan toasted to Buford, who had gone well with the contract negotiations today, and there were no objections between the teams, as long as the players signed for confirmation, the formalities were completed.

While Leonard and the two were checking the contract, Hannigan and Buford sat in the distance and chatted without a word, and Buford suddenly said half-jokingly and half-seriously: "How about making another deal, let Han come to our Spurs, we are willing to pay as much as it takes!"

Hannigan immediately laughed and replied, "How about letting Duncan come to our team?

How do you know that Buford not only did not get angry, but smiled and said: "Okay, Duncan will go to magic, Han will come to our spurs!"

Hannigan, who was tasting wine, almost sprayed him in the face, this is something he never expected, you must know that Duncan is the soul of the Spurs, how can he say that he can sell it, even if it is a joke, if it spreads, it will cause an uproar, and Spurs fans will probably have to rebel!

"Haha... You're kidding!" Hannigan chuckled to hide his shock.

Hannigan's laughter made several people in the distance look at each other suspiciously, and they all muttered that they didn't know what the two were talking about so happily.

Buford laughed as well, and asked as if he were joking, "If Duncan were ten years younger, would you change?"

This time, Hannigan didn't laugh, and said seriously: "No! Duncan is the irreplaceable spiritual leader of the Spurs, and Han is also the absolute cornerstone of our magic team, both of which are not for sale!"

A hint of regret flashed in Buford's eyes, and then he casually began to chat with Hannigan.

After a while, the lawyer closed all the contracts, which meant that the deal between Leonard and Harris was completed, and everyone toasted again, and Hannigan warmly invited Buford to watch the Magic game tonight, and the latter gladly accepted!


PS: Thank you to the boss of [Valentine] for tipping 100 points. _

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