The engine of the Wizards is Wall, but Wall has no advantage over Han Zhe, and he plays very poorly under Han Zhe's marking, and Wall, the organizer, can't play, and the team naturally can't play very smoothly.

At the end of halftime, the Magic has left the Wizards by 9 points, which is still the reason why Magic players often serve Harris, you must know that although Harris's shooting rate is good, it is not very good, and the number of shots is still a lot, otherwise it is estimated that the Wizards will be destroyed in two quarters.

"What the hell are those guys doing today, the core of the Magic's offense is Harris right now?"

The Wizards are indeed depressed, you must know that their defensive focus is on Han Zhe and Vucevic on two points, one outside and one inside, but the most frequent shots today are Harris, who they don't care too much about.

The Wizards coach also smiled wryly, although they all know that the offensive focus is on Harris, but Han Zhe can't relax, putting Han Zhe is equivalent to sending points, and Vucevic is also very strong in scoring under the basket, and the defensive strength cannot be small, relatively speaking, the Magic style of play is good for them now, that is, Harris's scoring ability is not stable.

It's just that what makes the Wizards more embarrassed is that the Magic rely on Harris, who is not very stable in scoring ability, has an obvious advantage in the main offense, and this is the gap...

Vaughn in the Demon King's Lounge is asking Harris if he wants to take a break, after all, Harris has a lot of exercise in these two quarters, and he should rotate under normal circumstances.

"Coach, I have no problem with my fitness, if I can, I hope to be able to play the whole game in this game~!" Harris pleaded.

Vaughn glanced at the other players, and found that Han Zhe nodded slightly, Ibaka also smiled and nodded, and the other players basically said that they had no opinion, and Vaughn readily agreed when he saw this!

In the third quarter, the Wizards kicked off, Wall didn't do much in the face of Han Zhe's defense, and passed to Ariza, who ran out of space inside, to score the ball.

Gong defense conversion, Han Zhe and Walker played dual control, passing each other to advance extremely fast, and when Walker reached the top of the arc, Walker helped Han Zhe make a block, and Han Zhe cut successfully.

Han Zhe came to the basket with two consecutive line changes, and after faking to attract Hilario's defense, he switched to a pass and gave the ball behind him, and Harris, who cut in the air, received the ball and dunked easily!

"With Han's technique, this ball faced Hilario and broke through or threw it himself, but chose to pass it to Harris, who responded, and I can also score this kind of nanny-style assist!" ESPN doesn't understand the magic tactics!

Of course, it can be seen that today's protagonist is Harris, but none of them can figure it out, why is Harris, who rarely plays as a starter, so high today, even Han Zhe is serving him, could it be that Harris's real identity is the illegitimate son of the team owner?

Buford, who was also watching the game, saw that Harris was still alive and hit it very hard, half-jokingly and half-seriously: "If Harris is broken today, I will return it!"

Hannigan also joked: That's not good, the contract has already been signed..."

After saying that, both of them laughed, after all, the chance of Harris being injured in the last game is still extremely low, what he said just now was mostly a joke, and although he knows that the Magic is making the ball for Harris, at least you have to fight to throw the ball in, so Buford is very satisfied with Harris's performance today, at least on the offensive end, Harris performed remarkably!

The Magic had been overwhelmingly dominant in this game, and the Wizards did not see a chance to turn the tables throughout the game, and finally won 96-83 at home.

All the Magic players hugged Harris after the game, and Harris was also very excited because he scored 33 points today, breaking his own career-previous personal record of 30 points in a single game.

Harris also thanked Han Zhe and the others again and again, because he knew that if it wasn't for Han Zhe and them giving him a chance, he would not have this kind of data, you must know that Han Zhe only scored 21 points today, and this score is already extremely low for Han Zhe.

Walker and Vucevic also didn't score much, both around 10 points, and it can be said that Harris shared the top scoring of these players.

However, this is all voluntary, since the separation is inevitable, then let's go in the scenery!

Hannigan then came to the locker room and praised and encouraged Harris as a farewell.

Today's Magic performance is more abnormal, of course, after the game, reporters chased and intercepted to know some inside information, but Magic did not have any players to be interviewed, changed clothes and hurriedly slipped away.

They didn't go home, but all slipped away to the bar under the leadership of Han Zhe, because this was what everyone said, and it was for Harris to practice!

The next day, the uproar about the Magic transfer finally came to light, fans can open the official website of the Magic early in the morning and see that the official website has been updated, there are two in total, one is to welcome Renner (good money) De to join the Magic, and the other is to thank Harris for his contribution to the Magic, wishing him all the best in the Spurs!

This is the announcement of the content of this transaction, and everyone finally realized that it was no wonder that Harris would be the protagonist in yesterday's game, it turned out that this was someone leaving, and it was the player's last gift to him.

Although there are many fans who leave messages wishing Harris all the best, they are relatively calm, or relieved, they are most afraid of leaving players like Ibaka, Vucevic and Walker, and now it is naturally a lot easier to hear that Harris is naturally a lot more relaxed.

The main reason is that Harris has not been in the team for a long time, and his usual performance is average, so the fans don't have much feeling about his departure, and it can't be said that the fans are ruthless, but it can only be said that this is the reality!_

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