Leonard officially reported that he had started to join the joint practice that afternoon, because it was now during the game, so Leonard's joining ceremony was relatively simple, but the magic officially held a simple press conference in the morning to announce his joining and the selection of jersey numbers, and officially returned to the team for training in the afternoon.

As for other ceremonies, the tight schedule is one reason, of course, the main reason is that Leonard doesn't have many fans, and his reputation is not big, if it's a player like James, no matter how busy he is, he has to hold a grand joining ceremony!

Leonard is not a rookie who has just joined the NBA, and of course he is familiar with basic training or something, and his priority now is to integrate into the Magic's tactical system as quickly as possible.

Vaughn didn't let Leonard join in that day's training, but after a simple physical workout, he asked Leonard to stand on the sidelines and watch the Magic players play intra-team games.

Vaughn's meaning is very clear, that is, let Leonard observe the technical characteristics of the Magic player 813, and if you want to have a tacit understanding with your teammates, you must at least have a certain understanding of your teammates.

"What the hell is that kid going on, looking dumbfounded!" Ibaka obviously looked a little unpleasant to Leonard, and complained during the break.

"What a dumb head! Everyone will be teammates in the future, don't talk nonsense!" Han Zhe glared at Ibaka, wouldn't this kind of thing affect unity if it was heard by others!

Vucevic also spoke, "Han, what did you say the team bought him for, Harris seems to be better than him, how did I hear that we also paid for it!"

After Vucevic finished speaking, everyone looked at Han Zhe, because they all knew that Han Zhe was more well-informed and must know more than them.

Han Zhe glanced at Leonard, who was practicing shooting alone in the distance, and said with a smile: "The high-level is not stupid, they think that Leonard is worth more than Harris naturally has their reasons, and you have time to watch Leonard's previous game videos, you will know that he is not so simple." "

Leonard was a magic target before he joined the team, and Han Zhe knew it, so he took the time to watch some of his videos and knew a little about him.

Everyone wanted to say more, but Han Zhe raised his hand to stop it, because Leonard came over with a bottle of water.

I have to say that Leonard is still more sensible, he took the water and handed out a bottle one by one, and when he saw that it was not enough, he immediately went to get it, although the water was placed not far away, but this is a matter of attitude, it seems that this guy is still more good at being a person.

In the subsequent training, everyone found out that this kid was working hard, and those who didn't know thought he was playing in the playoffs.

In fact, everyone also understands in their hearts, it is estimated that Harkless has a sense of crisis, and now although Leonard is a substitute, Leonard's specific strength is not to mention, just the defensive ability they showed when they played the Spurs that day was extremely strong, and it is not good who will play who will play as a substitute for whom after a while!

It's hard for everyone to say anything about this, maybe Hackles (AIAE) himself understands that if the team wants good results, survival of the fittest is inevitable, and if you want to get attention, you have to show your own strength, whether it is the Magic or other teams, basically who does it.

Take Han Zhe as an example, if you have qualifications or no qualifications, if you want experience or no experience, he can be the core of the Magic, and now he is still the youngest captain in the NBA, this is the strength that determines the treatment!

The next day, the Magic faced the Grizzlies at home, winning 93-92, and Vucevic was the biggest contributor to this game, getting a free throw opportunity with the last two seconds of the game, and only to hit both shots to make the Magic comeback.

After two days, the Magic went to the away game to challenge Han Zhe and Walker's old club Bobcats, and many people joked about whether Han Zhe and Walker's backcourt double guns would be released, but it turned out that they thought too much, Han Zhe cut 34 in the whole game, and Walker also scored 19 points, and the two of them took half of the Magic's scores, so they couldn't talk about releasing water.

After the game, Han Zhe and Walker chatted with their old teammates for a long time, and finally were dragged by Gordon to the bar for a hiatus, saying that it was "revenge", Gordon said that although he had not done it on the court, he would definitely be able to kill the two on the wine table!

Although they all said that the battle was 300 rounds, the three of them were all professional players, and they still had a score in their hearts, and they didn't drink much, especially Han Zhe and the two came out on leave, and they went back to the hotel on time at ten o'clock in the evening to report, otherwise they would like to ask for leave next time!

After this battle, the Magic won five consecutive victories and chased the record to the second echelon, which made Magic fans very excited, because now the Magic is on the right track, this is the level they should perform, and many people have begun to shout for six consecutive wins.

However, there is a roadblock in front of them, and the next game Magic will face the Knicks at home, and now the Knicks are among the best in the NBA in terms of record and lineup, and the Magic vs. Knicks last season were also on the disadvantage.

Neither the Grizzlies nor the Bobcats were strong before, but it was not easy to deal with the Knicks next. _

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