After the training, everyone did not go home as soon as possible, but gathered together in twos and threes, and Han Zhe was also surrounded by a bunch of players.

"Let's go to my house and have a party later, it's Christmas Eve, after all, let's have fun. Walker began to propose.

Ibaka leaned into Walker's ear and asked, "Is there a girl?"

Walker glared at Ibaka, and when Han Zhe thought that he had changed his ways, Walker despised Ibaka and said, "You look down on me too much, how can there be no girls in the party, they are all good people in the circle, and they have already been contacted!"

Avralo and Vucevic's eyes lit up after hearing this, and they were a little moved, and finally everyone turned their eyes to Han Zhe.

Han Zhe actually knows that this is the norm for NBA players, and he is not idle to take care of everything, usually he does not participate in this kind of activity at most, and rarely interferes.

But today Han Zhe spoke out against it, "Not today, tomorrow is the Christmas war, I don't want everyone to become soft-footed shrimp, it's okay to say if you win, if you lose and are exposed again, it will be miserable, and the above can't spare us!"

"Han, no, I've made an appointment with everyone!" Walker suddenly looked bitter.

"Do it yourself!" Han Zhe shrugged.

Walker's face suddenly became bitter, but he still didn't disagree with Han Zhe, and it seemed that he could only notify another appointment.

Han Zhe didn't disappoint the fun too much, and then did the east treat, eating, drinking and having fun, which made everyone's bitter face finally smile.

After eating and drinking, when Ibaka and the others learned that Han Zhe's family had not yet purchased Christmas trees and other necessary items, they all clamored to help him decorate, but Han Zhe refused, saying that he would take time to get them, and everyone went home separately.

After Han Zhe got home, he chatted with a few friends here on the phone, and fell asleep, as for Christmas decorations or something, they don't exist at all, he has no concept of Christmas at all, and of course he won't spend effort to fix these things.

The next morning, all the players gathered and left for Los Angeles, where their game will be held in the Lakers' backyard, much to the delight of Magic fans, and it would be great if they could play at Amway Arena.

Of course, die-hard fans of such a major event as the Christmas game should not be missed, and there are countless fans who have rushed to Los Angeles with the team from Orlando, and ticket prices are also rising, with official ticket prices rising from the usual $20-2,200 to $90-10,000, and that's just the official ticket price.

It's almost noon when we arrived in Los Angeles, and everyone had a hasty meal, so they gathered in the hotel to watch the TV, because the first game of the Christmas game is about to start, and the opening game is the highlight.

It is conceivable that the audience group that guards TV like Han Zhe and them must be very large, at least hundreds of millions.

It's the middle of the night in China, and there are still many fans watching the live broadcast, and the Internet is also very lively.

"The heat is going to start immediately, and the brothers are dry

"Do you think that the rice guy is sick, the Christmas war has to be fought in the middle of the night, and Lao Tzu stays up late!"

"Upstairs... It's noon..."

"I can't bear it, go to bed after watching it, and then get up in the morning to watch my Zhe's game!"

"Sleep, get up, don't you be embarrassed to say you're a fan all night?"

"Absenteeism tomorrow, the Christmas war must be watched!"

"Do you think the Magic can beat the Lakers?"

"Nonsense! With my philosophy, I must be able to do it!"

"That is, the Lakers are already sunset, and the Magic are the stars of tomorrow, and it is appropriate to win!"

"As the saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and the Lakers are not good..."

"Where are you upstairs..."

Not to mention the tearing of others, the Heat and Nets players have already jumped on the court, and the Christmas war has officially begun.

The coaching staff was watching the game in the other room, so the players were all at ease and chatting while watching the game.

"Who do you think will win this one?" Ibaka asked.

Walker didn't think about it and said: "It must be the Heat who won, and now the Heat are so strong." "

Vucevic shook his head and said: "The Nets are not weak, it's hard to say!"

"Han, which team do you think has a better chance?" someone turned to ask Han Zhe.

Han Zhe shrugged his shoulders and said: "Where to play accurately, not to mention that this is a Christmas war, both teams will work hard, four or six open, the strength of the Heat is a little stronger, but it still depends on the play!"

Everyone agrees with Han Zhe's words, it seems that the Heat's winning rate is high, but playing is not just a comparison of cards, but also depends on how to play, so the outcome is not easy to say, the key is that the difference between the two teams is not too big, Delong and John Xun and others are also proper big names!

After the jump ball, the Heat took the lead in getting the ball, but the Nets defense was very active, under the interference of Joe John, Wade hit the iron in the middle, the rebound was picked up by Garnett to organize a counterattack, and Deron scored on the basketball and got the first goal of the game.

This made the Nets fans on the scene happy, this is not only the first goal of this game, but also the first goal of this year's Christmas game, the Nets are off to a good start!

Then the Heat Bosh scored a single basket to tie the score, and after the Nets kicked off, John missed a three-point shot, and James, who got the rebound, hit the opponent's basket like a bulldozer and dunked.

Then the two teams played a stalemate, probably both of them took this game very seriously, so they paid great attention to defense, it was not easy for both teams to score, and fouls were frequent.

After the first quarter, Han Zhe couldn't help but complain, "What the hell is fighting!"

The score of the two teams is now 15-17, and the Heat are leading by two points, but they didn't even go to 20 in a single quarter!

"James and Wade seem to be holding on and rarely playing in the first quarter, but the rest of the game should be more exciting!" Afflalo began.

Everyone nodded, it is indeed the case, it can be said that it is reserved, it can also be said that it is cautious, and when they exert their strength, the scene may be different.

However, after watching the whole game, the Magic players were all looking at each other, this ball was too ugly, the whole game was bumpy, intermittent, and the score was also very low, 81-78, the Heat won thrillingly.

It wouldn't be surprising if the Spurs played such a score, but the Heat and Nets played such a low score, and everyone really never expected it!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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